The IMF’s surcharges review presents a golden opportunity to eliminate these harmful and counterproductive fees.
The Bretton Woods Project is a civil society watchdog of the IMF and World Bank. We advocate for a multilateral system that is democratic, inclusive, transparent, accountable, and responsive to people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable.
Latest from the Bretton Woods Project
IMF board's reluctance leaves SDRs as underused tool in Fund's toolbox
Understanding the Bank’s chequered history with public, community and civil society participation is key for understanding what is at stake and what to do next.
Is the World Bank rolling back commitments to citizen engagement, again?
More debt without tackling the political sources of Egypt’s economic problems means a deepening of the crisis.
Economics is political: the IMF’s programme in Egypt can’t succeed without reforming both
IMF’s Interim Guidance Note on Mainstreaming Gender fails to address negative gendered impacts of IMF austerity
Gender Guidance note offers non-mandatory advice to staff on mainstreaming gender but integration of existing in-depth critiques from feminists and civil society needed to tackle gender inequality is missing.
Gender IFI Summer School 2024
Gender IFI Summer School, brings together regional and global organisations working to advance economic justice issues, particularly from a feminist perspective, to discuss the IFIs’ impact on women’s rights and wellbeing, as well as strategies and tactics to push back.
IFI governance
The Bretton Woods Institutions at 80: Where do we go from here?
As the World Bank and IMF celebrate their 80th anniversary in 2024, on 10th July the Bretton Woods Project, together with the SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance, were joined by a distinguished group of panellists to critically analyse the opportunities for, and challenges to, reforms of the BWIs and the international financial architecture more broadly.
'Worst ever’ debt crisis puts IDA’s financial model at risk, underscoring need for ambitious donor contributions to IDA21 replenishment
The unfolding debt crisis threatens IDA’s support for 75 low-income countries, without replenishment of grant resources.
Pakistan’s debt crisis fuelled by more IMF loans
Pakistan on track to receive its 24th loan from the IMF after the lender disbursed the last tranche of the country’s latest $3 billion programme.
Other news
Banga calls energy access a ‘human right’ as he announces World Bank will provide access for 250 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030
Explicit mention of human rights obligations has long been a taboo subject at the World Bank.
Ecuador ratifies 2008 ban on investor-state dispute settlement mechanism
Ecuador referendum reinforces the country’s decision against a mechanism criticised for being asymmetric, unjust and detrimental to citizens’ rights.
Tara Povey joins the Bretton Woods Project as new Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Project Lead
Tara will continue the work of the gender team in advocacy targeting the IMF and the World Bank.
IFI governance
Adequate disclosure, public review, and consultation for environmental and social impacts before World Bank Group financing decisions
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 19 April 2024 titled, "Adequate disclosure, public review, and consultation for environmental and social impacts before World Bank Group financing decisions".
IFI governance
Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum panel 19 April titled, "Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about soci0-economic transformation?"
IFI governance
Making the new Loss and Damage Fund a success – Recommendations by climate vulnerable civil society
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 18 April 2024 titled, "Making the new Loss and Damage Fund a success – Recommendations by climate vulnerable civil society"