At the request of donor governments, the Bank’s Operations Evaluation Department will review the performance of the Bank’s IDA programme from 1994 to the present. The review will examine compliance with policies laid down by governments when contributing to the Bank’s poorest country concessional lending fund every three years. The evaluation will focus on six priority programme areas – poverty reduction, social sector development, gender, environmental sustainability, private sector development, and governance. It will also examine four priority process reforms – Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) design and implementation, performance-based allocations, participation and aid coordination. It will include an in-depth assessment of IDA‘s performance in 8 selected countries.
The IDA Review team is being led by Catherine Gwin, formerly Senior Vice President of the Washington DC-based Overseas Development Council.
For further information contact the review’s Team Leader, Catherine Gwin, OED,
For an NGO report of the December 1999 review scoping meeting in Bonn, contact Miriam Walther, WEED, Germany,