IFI governance


Ahmed makes a surprise move to IMF

15 April 2000

In a surprise move, which has raised further questions about overlap between the Bank and the IMF, Masood Ahmed, World Bank Vice President responsible for poverty reduction has been appointed Deputy Director of the IMF‘s policy department. He will start in June.

Ahmed will advise the IMF on how the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility should be different from the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility; what the Fund’s role should be in the poverty reduction strategy process; and will strengthen the IMF‘s links with the development community.

The move has added to some NGO‘s fears that the IMF is trying to lever the poverty agenda away from the Bank and extend its own mandate. The move has also been questioned in the light of US proposals to limit the Fund’s mandate and its activities in the poorest countries. Ahmed will be replaced by Kemal Davis who is currently Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa Region.