IFI governance


Meeting with NGOs over DFID strategy on World Bank

28 August 2003

According to DFID, the institutional strategy (IS) will “cover all aspects of DFID‘s work and relationships with the World Bank, and be based wherever possible on the Bank’s own reform efforts.” The strategy will focus on short to medium term objectives and have a lifespan of 3-5 years. UK NGOs highlighted three key sets of issues for the strategy to examine: PRSPs and adjustment, including conditionality; safeguard policies and human rights standards; and IFI governance and transparency.

DFID will be seeking views on the coverage of the strategy until the middle of September. Consultation on an initial draft of the strategy’s objectives will take place late October/early November, following which there will be further consultation on the objectives and performance framework. The overall aim is to finalise the document early in 2004.