

Iraq and Afghanistan update

10 September 2003

The World Bank relocated Iraq-based staff to Amman after one member died in the bomb attack against the UN headquarters late August, and the IMF also temporarily halted work. However the Bank hopes to complete its needs assessment in time for a donor meeting on reconstruction in late October (see Update 35). The Bank has started looking at options for privatisation of state-owned enterprises, cost-recovery in the water sector and trade liberalisation. In practice aid from donors could be coordinated via a joint trust fund, as in other countries in transition from open conflict. For example the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), which channels donor support and is administered by the World Bank, provides wide support, from government salaries and other recurrent expenses to targeted projects to rebuild infrastructure. Prominent commentators are concerned that this gives the Bank “a source of substantial leverage over a resource-starved state”.

In September an IMF mission conducted an Article IV consultation aimed at assessing Afghanistan’s economy. A report should be presented at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the Bank. The IMF says it has provided “extensive policy advice” and technical assistance to Afghanistan authorities since January 2002: “the technical assistance has focused on fiscal, monetary, and statistical areas with an emphasis on capacity building in the Ministry of Finance, Da Afghanistan Bank, and the Central Statistical Office.”

More background on this issue



16 April 2016 | Minutes

The Syrian migration crisis

Notes from a meeting at the IMF/World Bank CSO Forum at the 2016 Spring meetings discussion the socio-economic impacts of the Syrian crisis, the outgoing flow of migration and the World Bank’s model on how to tackle these issues following its new report.

IFI governance


10 October 2014

From interim strategy to full country partnership: lessons from Myanmar

Notes of a meeting on Myanmar's transition to full country partnership at the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


9 October 2014

Matching money and expertise: ensuring conflict sensitivity is top of the agenda for the bank's fragile state financing

Notes of a meeting on matching money and expertise at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014



11 April 2014

Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) and dispute resolution process



15 August 2012 | Minutes

Notes of meeting between UK Executive Director to World Bank Susanna Moorehead and UK civil society

Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank Susanna Moorehead and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss IDA, education finance, infrastructure finance, fragile states, agriculture and land, Doing Business rankings, Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia.



23 April 2012 | Minutes

EIR + 10

Minutes of afternoon sessions of extractives conference, Washington DC, 23 April 2012



15 September 2011 | Minutes

Notes of meeting between UK Executive Director to World Bank and Civil Society Groups

Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss water, the Bank's private sector approach, health and nutrition, safeguards review and energy strategy.



14 April 2011 | Minutes

Notes of meeting between UK Executive Director to World Bank and Civil Society Groups

Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss the World Development Report on conflict, security and development; the spring meetings and food security; the World Bank's energy strategy and performance in the health sector.



13 April 2008 | Minutes

Dialogue with NGOs and Lars Thunell, Executive Vice President and CEO, IFC

Dialogue with NGOs and Lars Thunell, Executive Vice President and CEO, IFC

IFI governance


11 April 2008 | Minutes

Briefing on the World Bank's Six Strategic Themes

Minutes of a briefing by World Bank staff on the WBG's six strategic themese



22 February 2008 | Minutes

BWI-UK / UKAN workshop on World Bank strategic review

Highlights of a 13 February 2008 UK NGO workshop discussing elements of the World Bank's long-term strategic review.



23 October 2007 | Minutes

IFIs in post-conflict countries: role, activities and impacts

Highlights of a 22 October discussion on IFIs in post-conflict countries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



17 April 2007 | Minutes

Chad-Cameroon pipeline: implementation, challenges and lessons learned

Minutes of meeting on the Chad-Cameroon pipeline



16 April 2007 | Minutes

The World Bank and climate change

Minutes of meeting on climate contradictions at the World Bank spring meetings April 2007.



2 April 2007 | Resource

Iraq: staffer shot, oil deal continues

In February Iraq's cabinet approved the IMF supported draft oil law



18 December 2006 | Minutes

Highlights of meeting with Tom Scholar and UK NGOs

Highlights of meeting between Tom Scholar and UK NGOs, December 2006



21 April 2006 | Minutes

Highlights of UK NGO meeting with Secretary of State for International Development, Hilary Benn

Highlights of meeting between UK NGOs and Secretary of State for International Development, 18 April 2006



5 October 2005 | Minutes

Highlights of meeting with UK Secretary of State for International Development, Hilary Benn

Highlights of meeting with UK Secretary of State for International Development, Hilary Benn



5 October 2005 | Minutes

Highlights of meeting with UK ED to WB/IMF, Tom Scholar

Highlights of meeting with UK NGOs and UK executive director to the World Bank and IMF, Tom Scholar



30 September 2005 | Minutes

EIR implementation meeting

brief summary of issues discussed at the meeting between IFC representatives and CSOs on the World Bank's implementation of the management response to the EIR



27 September 2005 | Resource

CSO meeting with acting IFC director, Assad Jabre

Brief summary of meeting between CSOs and the IFC acting president and other staff



26 September 2005 | Minutes

Town hall meeting with civil society organisations

highlights of the meeting



25 September 2005 | Minutes

Reform agenda in the post-war reconstruction of Iraq

Highlights of seminar: the reform agenda in the post-war reconstruction of Iraq



12 September 2005 | Resource

Dam review 5 years on: lessons not learned

Brief update of some of the key concerns and projects in relation to Bank-funded hydropower five years on from the WCD and the Bank's failure to adopt many of the WCD recommendations



12 September 2005 | Resource

Pick and choose:Bank on extractive recommendations

Summary and highlights of IFC's response to civil society regarding the implementation of the World Bank Group's own recommendations of the Extractive Industry Review (EIR)



4 October 2004 | Discussion

Gender in post-conflict reconstruction: The World Bank track record

A panel discussion on the World Bank's gender work on conflict prevention and reconstruction



12 September 2003 | Inside the institutions

The World Bank and conflict

Given the recent discussion on the potential roles for multilateral agencies in Iraq, how does the World Bank operate in post-conflict situations?



10 September 2003

Iraq and Afghanistan update

Latest articles on this issue



A new SDR allocation: Combatting deepening fragility concerns

The links between high debt burdens, lack of climate finance, austerity and the rise in political instability and fragility, conflict and violence remain largely neglected as IMF shareholders consider calls for a new SDR allocation, as proposed by the Bridgetown Agenda.

8 December 2022

IFI governance


Spring Meetings 2022 Preamble: War in Ukraine risks deepening divergent recovery as World Bank and IMF prepare for Spring Meetings

War in Ukraine will have significant spillover effects as Global South continues to carry the burden of vaccine inequity. Debt, austerity and evolving food crisis key talking points of Meetings while unequal recovery, gender, RST and surcharges key issues at CSPF.

14 April 2022



Will IMF Strategy for Fragile and Conflict-Affected States escape traditional focus on austerity?

The IMF’s new Fragile and Conflict-Affected States strategy has incorporated many civil society concerns, but civil society and international actors like the UN must also have input into its implementation.

4 October 2022



The Syrian migration crisis

Notes from a meeting at the IMF/World Bank CSO Forum at the 2016 Spring meetings discussion the socio-economic impacts of the Syrian crisis, the outgoing flow of migration and the World Bank’s model on how to tackle these issues following its new report.

16 April 2016 | Minutes

IFI governance


Development Committee communiqué analysis - Spring 2021

Analysis of the IMF and World Bank Development Commitee communiqué published on 9 April from the 2021 World Bank and IMF virtual Spring Meetings.

13 April 2021



The World Bank’s investments in the Great Green Wall: A desert mirage?

World Bank commits to invest additional $5 billion in the Great Green Wall over the next five years, despite shortcomings in its existing investments in the initiative highlighted by IEG.

23 March 2021



Critical reflections on World Bank’s draft Fragility, Conflict and Violence Strategy

World Bank’s new draft FCV strategy fails to detail how Bank will address negative impacts of its orthodox policies on drivers of conflict.

3 October 2019 | Guest analysis
Members of the Afghan National Army search a road for improvised explosive devices.



Fragile, handle with care: The World Bank’s approach to FCS questioned

IEG critiques of Bank operations in FCS gain relevance as stakeholders push Bank to increase lending.

27 September 2018
Peacekeepers patrol Haiti during elections.



IEO fragility report: IMF less concerned with “making a real difference on the ground”

IEO produces fragility evaluation on IMF and finds major staff incentive issues and other concerns, questioning Fund's credibility of its commitments in this area.

23 July 2018



The IMF in insecure fragile states: why being absent should no longer be an option

While there is scope to improve IMF operations in all fragile states, ahead of the forthcoming publication of the IMF IEO review of IMF work in fragile states, there is one fundamental change it must make to transform its effectiveness in fragile states: wherever it is possible, it must be present. No country should be left out.

20 March 2018 | At Issue