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Bretton Woods Project annual report 2003
30 April 2004 | Annual report (BWP)
30 April 2004 | Annual report (BWP)
This report is available on-line as a PDF only. If you need it in another format, please contact us.
Request for critical IMF and World Bank resources of 2017.
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To prevent repression and retaliation at their Annual Meetings in Marrakesh, World Bank and IMF must work proactively with MENA civil society and Moroccan authorities on safeguarding civic space and upholding free speech.
EarthRights International examines how the Jam v. IFC case has helped to shift the landscape of accountability for international financial institutions by successfully challenging their claim to “absolute” immunity in US courts, potentially opening IFC up to further legal challenges in future.
Renewed calls for a substantial SDR allocation raise urgency of reforming the inequitable global reserve ‘non-system’.
Alternative progressive solutions reached by democratic and inclusive multi-sectoral dialogue.
Community demands reparations from World Bank for murder of South African environmental activist Fikile Ntshangase for opposing the Tendele coal mine initially financed by IFC.
Clampdown on civil society leaves stain on this year’s Annual Meetings, as global civic space is increasingly under threat
Environmental groups and activists claim victory after years of campaigning.
Request for critical IMF and World Bank resources of 2017.
NGO coalition Our Land Our Business denounced the World Bank’s March conference on land and poverty, condemning the Bank’s role in land grabs.
Concerns have been raised about the safety of critics of World Bank projects and the adequacy of the Inspection Panel, as a new Bank grievance mechanism has been launched.