

Peoples’ movement tackles IFI anniversary

28 May 2004

The National Alliance of People’s Movements, India, has produced a special issue of its publication to examine the international financial institutions on their sixtieth anniversary. Entitled the Noose Of Global Lenders it features contributions from well-known activists on a range of impacts and problems. Among the articles are:

  • 60 Years And No More Medha Patkar
  • Resisting Appropriation and Distortion of Knowledge Anil Sadgopal
  • Boomerang Hits World Bank Souparna Lahiri

The publication can be ordered for 70 Rupees by sending Payments by a cheque to The People’s Movement, c/o National Alliance of People’s Movements, Haji Habib Bld, A Wing, Dadar (E), Mumbai- 400 014, India

(022) 24150529
