Paul Wolfowitz is utterly inappropriate to head the World Bank. His unilateral instincts do not suit a multilateral institution which must balance the diverse interests of its member countries. His key role in the war in Iraq means that his legitimacy – and therefore that of the institution – in the eyes of many governments and citizens in developing countries is at question. His knowledge and experience are in security issues and not development – there are widespread concerns that he would push the Bank in the direction of becoming an instrument in the US war on terror. British government policy is to insist on an open and merit-based process for selecting the head of the World Bank. The report of the Commission for Africa demanded the same. Now is the time for the British government to put action behind its many fine words. Oppose the nomination of Paul Wolfowitz.
IFI governance
Bretton Woods Project statement on the Wolfowitz nomination to head the World Bank
17 March 2005