IFI governance


Response from Prime Minister Tony Blair to letter on Wolfowitz appointment

11 May 2005 | Letters

10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA

15 April 2005

From the Private Secretary

Paul Wolfowitz is a distinguished individual

Dear Mr Powell,

The Prime Minister has asked me to thank you for your letter of 16 March about the nomination of Paul Wolfowitz as the next President of the World Bank. You will have seen that the Board of Directors of the World Bank appointed Mr Wolfowitz on 31 March.

Paul Wolfowitz was nominated by the US on 16 March. The World Bank Board of Directors met on 17 March and resolved to vote on all nominated candidates on 31 March. This allowed time for other countries to make nominations, but in the event none did so. After extensive discussion, all Board members endoresed Mr Wolfowitz as the new President. You may be interested to see the enclosed statement issued by the UK and other European Executive Directors of the World Bank.

Paul Wolfowitz is a distinguished individual with a great deal of international experience. In his discussions with World Bank Governors, he has set out clearly his personal commitment to the fight against world poverty and the urgent need to make much faster progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in Africa. He recognises that the World Bank, as the leading multilateral development agency, has a vital role to play in achieving these objectives, and he also referred to the urgent need for debt relief.

The UK looks forward to working with Mr Wolfowitz in the fight against world poverty and to secure more and better aid, multilateral debt relief and a fairer world trade system.

Yours truly,

Laurie Lee