

Growth Commission case studies unveiled

24 May 2007

As a key part of its remit, the Commission on Growth and Development has identified twenty areas it deems crucial ‘to furthering our understanding of long-term sustainable economic growth and development’. The Commission has produced a case-study approach which not only examines growth and poverty reduction goals from twenty five developing countries but, crucially, considers why these goals were or were not met in order to ‘illustrate, validate, and/or challenge the conclusions reached in the Commission’s thematic papers’. Experts are to be paired with Bank economists to study each country in order ‘to give concreteness to the discussion and the final report’.

More background on this issue

IFI governance


1 July 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

IFI governance


5 June 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

IFI governance


3 February 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

IFI governance


4 October 2013 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

The Bretton Woods Project convenes meetings with World Bank and IMF executive directors (EDs) several times a year. On 17 September the Project and civil society representatives met with Gwen Hines, the UK World Bank ED. Here are the notes from the meeting.



26 June 2013 | Inside the institutions

IFC blended finance

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's private sector arm, has recently formalised its 'blended finance' approach, undertaking investment in the private sector at lower than market rates using subsidies provided by donors. Donors' concessional funds are combined with the IFC's own non-concessional funding.



30 May 2013 | Minutes

Notes of a meeting with World Bank Managing Director Caroline Anstey

Notes of a meeting with World Bank Managing Director Caroline Anstey



22 April 2013 | Minutes

Bending the arc of poverty

The session focused on the World Bank's development strategy, poverty eradication goals, global inequality, and the threat of climate change.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

The challenges of advancing sustainability at the World Bank

This panel discussion reflected on the major sustainability challenges facing the World Bank through exploring two World Resources Institute areas - a portfolio analysis on 2012 projects, and the interaction between country systems and World Bank safeguard approaches.



19 April 2013 | Minutes

World Bank executive directors roundtable with CSOs

Minutes of an open roundtable with EDs that occurred during the 2013 spring meetings.



19 April 2013 | Minutes

IDA results and replenishment

Minutes of an event at the 2013 spring meetings

IFI governance


3 October 2012 | Inside the institutions

World Bank lending facilities

The World Bank's investment lending (ILs) have been joined in recent years by new lending instruments, whilst IL itself faces an overhaul, as the Bank's operational policies come under review and pilots for the use of 'country systems' mature. The Bank is presently using four lending instruments: investment lending, development policy lending (DPL), Program-for-Results, and the World Bank guarantee program.



3 August 2012 | Minutes

IFI re-engagement in Burma

Minutes of Burma and IFIs meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

How can the IMF enhance its focus on growth and poverty reduction in LICS?

A civil society meeting held at the World Bank and the IMF hold their 2012 spring meetings in Washington DC on Friday 20th April.



19 April 2012 | Minutes

Supporting Social Accountability for Better Results

Minutes of World Bank Social accountability plenary, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



13 March 2012 | Minutes

Notes of meeting between Stewart James, Alternate UK Executive Director to the World Bank, and NGOs

Civil society organisations met UK Executive Director to the World Bank and staff from the Department for International Development to discuss agriculture, land grabs, food security, the safeguards review process, the selection of the next World Bank president, the doing business indicators, and the debt sustainability framework.



23 September 2011 | Minutes

Real Aid

Notes of a panel discussion, Washington DC, 21 September 2011



14 April 2011 | Minutes

IFC's international development goals

IFC staff member discusses plans for goals to guide future work in private sector development.



7 October 2010 | Minutes

Towards a new development paradigm

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010



16 April 2010 | Inside the institutions

World Bank country assistance strategies

The country assistance strategy (CAS) is the most important World Bank country-level document: it sets out the indicative level and type of assistance the World Bank Group will provide to a country, usually for a four-year period. The CAS should link a country's development priorities to selected World Bank Group support. It is also intended to promote coordination with other development partners.



15 February 2010 | Inside the institutions

IDA replenishment

This year, donor countries will decide on their financial contributions to the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) for 2011-2014.



8 October 2009 | Minutes

CSO Townhall meeting

Notes from the CSO townhall meeting with Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Robert Zoellick



11 April 2008 | Minutes

IMF consultation in advance of the PSI review

Notes of a consultation between IMF staff and NGOs in advance of the PSI review



26 October 2007 | Minutes

Macroeconomic aspects of aid scaling up and the role of the Fund

Highlights of a 21 October discussion on the macroeconomics of aid scaling up at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



26 October 2007 | Minutes

Wage bill ceilings, fiscal and monetary policies and absorbing aid inflows - updates and next steps

Highlights of a 20 October discussion on the the IMF's fiscal and monetary policy advice and conditionality for low-income countries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



23 October 2007 | Minutes

Seminar on the new aid architecture in health: the way forward

Highlights of a seminar on the new aid architecture in health as part of the Programme of Seminars on 19 October at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



24 May 2007

Growth Commission case studies unveiled

As a key part of its remit, the Commission on Growth and Development has identified twenty areas it deems crucial 'to furthering our understanding of long-term sustainable economic growth and development'.

IFI governance


9 May 2007 | Minutes

Highlights of BWI-UK / UKAN Workshop: The roles of the IFIs in low-income countries

Highlights/summary of outcomes for the 1 May 2007 BWI-UK / UKAN Workshop: The roles of the IFIs in low-income countries



27 April 2007 | Minutes

IEO Evaluation of the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

Civil society dialogue, spring meetings 2007 (12 April 2007) on the IEO Evaluation of the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa



25 April 2007

Workshop on aid and the roles of the World Bank and IMF in low-income countries

To date there have been gaps in the thinking and policy lines of UK NGOs on several key questions in relation to low-income countries, multilateral institutions and development. The 1 May 2007 workshop will bring the BWI-UK and UKAN networks together to address the following four questions, with a view to coordinating policy and advocacy positions: 1. What role do/should the IMF and World Bank be playing in the evolving international aid architecture? 2. Should the IMF be providing dev



18 April 2007 | Minutes

Highlights of meeting with Tom Scholar and UK NGOs

Highlights of meeting between Tom Scholar and UK NGOs, April 2007



16 April 2007 | Minutes

Civil society meeting with German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development and Liberian Min

Minutes from meeting: The agenda of the Development Committee and Africa as a focal point for growth and responsibility, with Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany and Antoinette M. Sayeh, Minister of Finance, Republic of Liberia.



2 April 2007 | Inside the institutions

The IDA replenishment

Every three years, a series of meetings is held to cajole rich countries into putting money into the coffers of the International Development Association.

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Joint statement on World Bank’s IDA20 replenishment

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IFI governance


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World Bank pandemic bond instrument fails in COVID-19 response

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Nepal denied IMF disaster debt relief

The IMF in June denied Nepal support under its Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, following the earthquake in April.

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Private Sector


Factsheet: World Bank’s IFC and private finance for development

This factsheet explains how the International Finance Corporation (IFC) operates, how development impact is measured, and the latest trends in investments by sector, region and instrument.

14 July 2014 | Reports

IFI governance


UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

Wednesday 25 June 2014 22 Whitehall, London   Attendees: World Bank: Gwen Hines, UK Executive…

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IFI governance


UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

Wednesday 2 April 2014 22 Whitehall, London Attendees: World Bank: Gwen Hines, UK Executive Director…

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8 May 2014