Juan Zalguendo
Ruben Lamdany
Lucy Hayes
Peter Chowla
Jenny Bisping
Pol Vandervoot
Rick Rowden
Fraser Reilly-King
Derrick McCuish
Andrew – Malawi Economic Justice Network
Christoff – GCAP Africa
William Lockhart – Puerto Rica
Per Kurowski
Elena Gerebizza
Presentation by Ruben Lamdany of IEO
Main findings:
Still 17 conditions on average – same as before streamlining
Most conditions would have limited impact (with little follow-up)
Only half are met as agreed
1/3 of conditions in areas where the IMF has no expertise (down from half)
Need changes in the framework
Administrative rule to cap number of conditions
Need clear ownership of programmes
Need to keep conditions in areas of Fund expertise
Other points
Using same incentives since 2002 is not sufficient to achieve objectives, but the board seemed to think that it can work
IEO feels you need some new mechanism to force criticality and parsimony
In programmes going to the board since IEO – EDs still found many conditions in programmes, outside core areas
7,140 conditions studies in DB
1,567 looked at structural depth and effectiveness/durability
In depth case studies
Structural depth
We gave benefit of the doubt to depth of conditions – little, limited, high
For High SD conditions, less than half implemented, 10% reversed within one year
SD more intense in core sectors
Compliance – 54% of conditions complied; only 1/3 of High SD complied
Another 25% late or partially complied
60% compliance in core sectors, 37% outside core
Compliance lowest in privatisation
Reforms – weak link between conditionality and subsequent reform
Broader government ownership is key for sustainability of reform – not just econ policy making team
Ownership must include implementing bodies (line ministries, agencies)
Presentation: Lucy Hayes of Eurodad
Review of conditionality guidelines
Reviews and evaluations
Main findings:
Distribution of conditions – privatization and liberalisation conditions
Cross- conditionality is still a problem
Mali as an example
Sensitive economic policy conditions
Zambia as an example
Set targets and reduce number of conditions
Stop attaching sensitive economic policy reform
End practice of cross-conditionality
Revisit the definition of ownership
Explicitly assess all new PRGF along lines of new guidelines and staff incentives
Presentation: Juan Zalduendo of IMF
Purpose of conditionality
Safeguard Fund resources – make sure we get paid
Provide assurances to members – if they do this, they get money
What is a Fund programme about?
Member comes to Fund to get help to fix imbalances
What are the problems and what are the solutions – alternatives and give and take
It is more involved and open than it is depicted
Line ministers sit at the table as well
IMF programme does not cover everything the authorities have to do – should be focussed on a subset of things the authorities wish to do
Conditionality is a monitoring mechanism
Concerns on conditionality in 2000
Too many conditions was problematic
Main emphasis on parsimony and criticality
Including all programme goals – even if measure is outside Fund core expertise – maybe need to collaborate with authorities
Review – conditionality is here to stay!
We need to improve implementation and application
It is much more of a partnership
Response to IEO report
New data through 2006 – condy is not decreasing
Counting conditions is not a very relevant measure
Unbundling ideas proves that this is not a very relevant measure
Conditions are steps in a process – particular structural benchmarks
Sectoral shift to areas of IMF expertise – a great development
We agreed need to change on the idea of conditions that we do not stick to (as in they are dropped in later reviews)
Lapse rate – many conditions are met late – but that is better than not met at all
Follow-up needed
Parsimony and criticality need to strengthened
Programme documents need to be better on justification
Better monitoring and tracking of relation to conditions and goals and strategies
Board endorsed recommendations/management implementation plan (sent to board this week)
Board did not support: cap on number of conditions; elimination of SBs; subsidiary role to the WB in non-core areas
Greater emphasis on parsimony and criticality needed
Better documentation
Main elements of Management Implementation Plan
Contact group with PDR/functional/regional/area departments to make recommendations
Review and propose revisions to the Operational Guidance Note on SC
Enhance MONA database to enable monitoring
Make MONA database public on IMF website
Reactions and comments
SBs will by definition have low SD – may be part of critical reform – a step to monitor progress
Comparing to before CG – a dramatic change in privatisation and liberalisation
Fund must be very selective in noncore areas
We negotiate with different ministries
Response from Peter CHowla of the Bretton Woods Project
- Need to separate issues of low-income countries from MICs – they face fundamentally different problems. But the IEO report shows that they are treated the same
- Eurodad report shows focus on low-income countries – the problem is not short-term balance of payments need, it is a question of growth ande development. The IMF does not have expertise to deal with these topics
- The details of all this are important – counting conditions and categorising them – but the bigger picture is a question of why the Fund keeps getting involved in these places.
Per K what is “expertise”; is it real?
– Risk is oxygen of development, but IMF is completely anti-risk
Rick R – conditionality is not here to stay: countries are getting away from the IMF
imbalances of power in negotiations – so this isn’t really a partnership
Andrew – we are very worried that “conditionality” is here to stay
Fraser – absence of ownership in IMF talk, we can think everything is “critical”
it isn’t about better dialogue and communication to the IMF board – we need real ownership
Derrick – We wouldn’t criticise you for limiting conditionality
focussing of thought is very important
Look at Liberia completion point documents – 12 conditions of which 2 are PRSP and PRGF – that is huge
Different between ex-post assessment and ongoing evaluations
Juan on PRGF vs SBA
PRGF has a longer outlook, you have to go beyond “external viability”
Fund is not an institution that knows about development
We will need to rely on others like WB, but for fiduciary reasons conditionality must be there
On ownership – we know documentation is the solution; the point is that the country has invited us, we go with a preliminary assessment and have discussion of the challenges going forward. Things do get changed on missions and in the field – process of improvement and exchange of ideas
On unequal powers – it is an issue that each mission chief must decide how to handle, this is part of the business, something we have to handle
On crazy conditions – critical for our programme is key, these were probably for outside donors or others