Hans-Martin Boehmer – Strategic office
Obiageli K Ezckwesli – Vice President for Africa, Poorest countries
Markus Kostner –fragile states
Nadir Mohammed – Arab world
Jan Weetjens – Research/Knowledge acting head
John Garrison – web portal on six strategic themes –
Hans presentation
- Six strategic themes are aimed at helping foster sustainable integration and globalisation
- It is not a strategy – it is to try to structure work around the strategy
- Much of this is not new work, ie Africa Action Plan
- Way of working is important to Zoellick
- networking is important; esp South-South networks
- this applies to WB Group as a whole – not just IDA or IBRD – it is supposed to be synergistic
- This is not going to be a strategy in the traditional sense – it should be an ongoing dialogue
- We do not anticipate separate free-standing dialogues on the WB Strategy – further discussions on each issue are part of framework but not a single document
- Decisions and development policy must be decentralised – so strategy must be dynamic d adaptive
Obiageli presentation
- Africa is a piece of each of the themes – not a theme of its own – it permeates throughout
- Africa is both LICs and MICs, fragile states, GPG – regional solutions are important, knowledge is key to African development
- On LICs – how do we concentrate on certain approaches to focus ideas
- What can be done? What are the interim goals on MDGs – esp health and skills
- Focus on acceleration of progress
- On health – new players means more money; but need health systems as a key element
- On skills development – basic education does not prepare people; we must have technical and vocational skills to stop youth getting stranded between different levels of education
- In fragile states – we must build skills of ex-combatants
- Unemployment situation of youth is to be solved with skills development
- On trade agenda – Africa is an expensive business address for manufacturing
- On labour level – Africa competes with India and China
- But cost of doing business is high – need to focus on trade logistics and trade facilitation
- Tariff and non-tariff barriers must be addressed
- Need to connect African markets – economic integration in Africa
- Board approved African economic integration strategy recently after numerous consultations
- Regional solutions are efficient/economic – ie regional electricity/power pooling and sharing in Malawi reduced costs
- Need serious investment in infrastructure – need $22 billion investment annually plus $17-18 billion for annual maintenance
- Economies lose 1-2% of GDP because of poor infrastructure
- On Private Sector Development
- FDI and local investment (PSD side) needs infrastructure, stability, set rules of the games – institutional and regulatory capacity
- Build capacity of countries to regulate business – need regulation
- Access to finance is also a key problem – microfinance is good solution
- This can also economically empower women
- FDI and local investment (PSD side) needs infrastructure, stability, set rules of the games – institutional and regulatory capacity
- Agriculture and environment issues – ie high food prices
- High food prices good put us back 7 years on poverty goals, so we need a quick response
- Give fiscal space for countries to do programmes for food issues – ie finance seed distribution
- Africa is not a net-importer of food historically – we need to focus on agricultural productivity
- AU/NEPAD mechanism is being used – Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme
- Recognise mistakes on agriculture in Africa – but we are learning; ie Malawi is happy with WB over the subsidies to fertiliser issue
- Governance and social exclusion
- EITI++ – the pluses are for getting governance issues addressed across the whole supply chain, regulation, taxes, monitoring, standards of best practices, investment plans, gathering of royalties and transparency, measurement of impact
- This is a whole value chain approach – to ensure poor actually benefit
- Transparency must have a benefit – not just for its own sake, must help the poor
- Guinea and Mauritania signed on to EITI++
- On inclusion – social safety nets, conditional cash transfers
- Process for discussions going forward
- EITI++ – revenue sharing, problems of implementation, voluntary nature
- Prospects for replicating Malawian success on food security
Answers – Obiageli
- Plan for public debate: CSO strategic framework being developed now – to get systematic approach to CSO engagement
- Pres Zoellick sees connectedness of CSO with government, so there is consultation
- EITI++ will have country level discussions, Regional Infrastructure Process had lots of consultations
- We have to be strategic in defining system and nature – don’t want some people to feel left out
- CSO is huge on the agenda for Pres Zoellick
- Revenue sharing is important, but political economy issues
- Be careful of silver bullets, you have to be careful of local issues
- Don’t underrate success of current EITI, it gave some levers for CSO and NGOs to get access and press for info and access
- In Zambia – the pres of Z says that he wants to do EITI++; better to get voluntary ownership not to force things
- Malawi
- Need to replicate success of targeting of agriculture subsidies
- There should not ideological issues, only needs to be designed so that it can not be abused
- The WB helped Govt of Malawi to design the subsidy so that it could achieve the goal without being a drain on the Treasury
- Trade in fertiliser can take over all agriculture policy if you aren’t careful – it can be captured so that a design issue is careful
Nadir Mohammed – in the Arab World
- This region has been underserved, it is the Arab League members
- Includes many African countries, huge differences in economic development
- Arab world has been least integrated in world economy
- Unique problems: Severity of water problems, gender, large public sector, education quality, also conflict
- Goal to achieve: foster integration; more inclusive growth; address specific priorities of above
- All 6 themes are relevant to Arab World
- We have had consultations for a while, Arab governments, in countries, Arab Leagues, in Egypt World Economic conference soon, etc
Markus Kostner on fragile states
- We had a head start, 15 years ago WB started work on conflict issues
- Reflections -> group in 3 areas: research/leaning, partnerships, inst and financial support
- Achievements recently:
- Research: Breaking the Conflict Trap; Learning: trainings for governments coming out of conflict, training course for staff on working in conflict areas, research/seminar series on these areas
- Partnership: the WB can not do this on its own, mainly bilateral donors in the past, tool with UN on “needs assessment”, principles of good engagement in fragile states developed
- Example Common assistance framework (17 partners) to support DRC after elections early last year, WB did coordination
- Institutional and financial support: Starting with IDA12, up to IDA15 – extra support to post-conflict countries – covers period of 10 years; engaging countries with arrears – extended from 3 to 5 years for access
- Good practice principles
- Policy on rapid response to crisis and emergencies
- Framework for strengthened WB resources and capacity
- Goals: achieve results on the ground, ie Liberia; leverage our experience for our partners; expand range of partners exploit synergies in WB group; be more decentralised; have an even better impact.
- Research/learning: a series of guidance notes for WB and partner staff – to capture operational ideas; more systematic approach to staff training – invite partner staff
- Partnership: push to work better with UN system incl practical improvements; reach out to new international partners like MICs (BICS); additional funding through IFC for SMEs in fragile states – new investment fund;
- Inst and Finance: established new state and peace-building fund – amalgamate LICUS and some other fragile states funds at the Bank; involved in anti-corruption work as well to get it working together
- Hans’ comments – new president’s energy is key, learning is still low so we need to know more
Jan Weetjens on research agenda
- Entire development agenda can not be determined by one agency; development process is a learning process
- To achieve priorities in other 5 areas – we need to work differently – needs to be a learning process
- Where is the knowledge about development sitting? It is sitting in developing countries, with partners, donors, NGOs
- It won’t work well to tell people that we know the answers
- Shift now that Bank’s share in capital flows is very small, relevance is not based on financial resources; so knowledge/learning is our best relevance
- Three areas of focus: partnerships, transfers, interpretation
- Partnerships: needs South-South and South-North; it is not knowledge transfer as before it is exchanging experiences
- Communities of practice are important – specialists share experience; previously had thematic groups – but need to take to next level so that the thematic groups are larger than just the WB – bigger communities of practice
- Tap into best global knowledge available – best experts like Nobel prize experts, we can invite people and create forums; but harder to make links between this top notch knowledge to task teams, partners, CSO, clients etc
- Website – we need to improve our websites, we recognise difficulty and inconsistency, we will clean up our acts
- Making knowledge transfer to operations and vice versa
- Empowering task teams so that the goal is solving problems, not pushing projects at the board
- Demonstrate dialogue, looking at past experience
- Systematic impact evaluation – need precise knowledge about what works and what doesn’t
- Ie Community driven development – how to do women benefit or not from giving money to village councils – learn from the reality and measure what works
- Empowering task teams so that the goal is solving problems, not pushing projects at the board
- Making sure global knowledge is adapted to local conditions – people respect and appreciate databases that are available.
- We are weaker on interpreting knowledge and translating to local conditions
- Must make task teams have space; we will have global practice groups so that country/regional specialists can cross regions and share experiences – like what McKinsey does
- On Doing Business and reports – concern is there method to engage governments for reform after a report is done – to make sure women can compete on an equal level?
- Will something new be done for accountability at the country level? How can you ensure that actions will be local
- How do we incentivise synergies for outcomes? WB/IMF are servants for member states; we need to change the paradigm for a coordinated effort – group sharing the power together
Jan on taking a report forward
- Learning process is making sure what is written is used – final delivery is not the report; but the dialogue based on that report in country
- People must get rewarded not for writing a report but for knowledge flow after
- On accountability – need to expand to more countries
- Staff training is key – needs to adapt knowledge but also greater sensitivity
- Centre and regional offices help local offices on strategies and engagement
- Incentivise synergies
- This is a real objective and desire of Zoellick – great incentive to do it
- Zoellick will call for a “new multilaterism” – revisiting how institutions working
- He is resisting pressure for a WBG strategy – because he wants flexibility
- Understanding role is important, but also understanding needs and addressing them is important