Note: Though this letter has already been sent to finance ministers and IMF EDs, we will continue to update the signtures throughout 2008 and use it in advocacy efforts related to the lending review. Please communicate sign-ons to Organisational (preferred) and individual sign-ons will be accepted. Please indicate if you are signing as an organisation or individual. Questions can be directed at
6 October 2008
Ministers of Finance
IMF Executive Directors
Re: IMF Review of Lending Instruments, Facilities, and Policies
It is time to seriously re-think the role that the IMF should be playing in low-income countries. The Executive Boards plan to review all the Funds lending instruments and facilities over the next few months presents an opportunity to do so.
The IMF has come under serious criticism both internally and externally about its focus and role in low income countries. The Malan Committee highlighted the inappropriate role the Fund is playing in low-income countries, overstepping its traditional role of addressing short term balance of payment crises to act as a development financier, even though it is not a development institution. The report concluded that the Funds financing in low-income countries is an area where it has moved beyond its core responsibilities.
The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the IMF has highlighted problems with both the structural and macroeconomic conditions in Poverty Reducation and Growth Facility (PRGF) countries. The IEO report released in January 2008 highlighted the lack of progress on reducing conditionality. Despite this, the first annual report on structural conditionality shows that it has increased rather than decreased. The 2007 IEO report demonstrated that PRGF programs largely replicate the conditions attached to the “structural adjustment” lending which has been so heavily criticized.
While the Fund may have a role to play in addressing short-term balance of payments problems, it is clearly not equipped to act as a long-term development lender in low-income countries. Conditionality included in PRGF programs constrains the domestic policy space needed by countries to develop innovative economic policies best suited to create growth and reduce poverty in their specific country contexts. It also undermines the accountability of borrowing governments, who blame IMF conditions for the lack of investment in their social sectors.
The IMF Board should take the necessary steps to ensure that the planned review of the PRGF is rigorous and broad. We believe that any comprehensive examination is likely to echo past recommendations for a sharp curtailment or closure of the PRGF, given the IMF’s lack of development expertise and apparent inability or disinclination to limit the use of conditionality. We call on you to close the PRGF to new requests. The funds remaining in the PRGF Trust should be shifted to other institutions and other forms of development assistance, implying no net decrease in resources available to low-income countries.
With new resources available to low-income countries from debt relief and scaled-up aid, now is the time to make sure that the international financial architecture meets the serious challenges faced by low-income countries. That calls for new thinking about the IMFs role. The undersigned organisations (and individuals) urge you to use the IMFs facility review to do just that.
Signed (as of 7 October 2008):
- African Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), Africa Regional
- Jubilee South-Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development, Asia Regional
- Jubilee Australia, Australia
- Angikar Bangladesh Foundation, Bangladesh
- Equity and Justice Working Group, Bangladesh
- 11.11.11 – Coalition of the Flemish North-South Movement, Belgium
- European AIDS Treatment Group, Belgium
- Network for Social Justice and Human Rights, Brazil
- Rede Brasil sobre Instituições Financeiras Multilaterais, Brazil
- Centre for the Promotion of Economic and Social Alternatives (CPAES), Cameroon
- Halifax Initiative, Canada
- RESULTS Canada
- Social Justice Committee, Canada
- Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales, Colombia
- Basic Education Association in Ethiopia (BEAE), Ethiopia
- Friends of the Earth, France
- Plate-forme Dette & Développement, France
-, Germany
- All-Africa Students Union, Ghana
- EMPOWER, India
- People’s Alliance for Debt Cancellation (GARPU), Indonesia
- ActionAid International, International
- Catholic development agencies working together for poverty eradication and social justice (CIDSE), International
- CRBM, Italy
- Kenya Debt Relief Network, Kenya
- Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF), Kenya
- Pamoja Reflect Network, Kenya
- Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center, Kenya
- Malawi Economic Justice Network, Malawi
- IRPAD/Afrique, Mali
- National Federation of Women living with HIV and AIDS , Nepal
- A SEED Europe, Netherlands
- SLUG – Norwegian Coaltion for Debt Cancellation, Norway
- Society for Women and AIDS in Africa, Sierra Leone
- Berne Declaration, Switzerland
- Economic and Social Research Foundation, Tanzania
- Tanzania Human Rights Fountain (TAHURIFO), Tanzania
- Institution of the Uganda National NGO Forum, Uganda
- Bretton Woods Project, UK
- Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), UK
- Jubilee Debt Campaign, UK
- Jubilee Scotland, UK
- Christian Aid, UK
- Plan B, UK
- The New Economics Foundation, UK
- Medsin UK, UK
- Treatment Action Group, USA
- Jubilee USA, USA
- Center of Concern, USA
- Global Exchange, USA
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, USA
- Sisters of Charity Federation, USA
- GrassRoots Africa, USA
- AfricaFiles, USA
- Gender Action, USA
- Just Foreign Policy, USA
- The Development Group for Alternative Policies, USA
- Foreign Policy In Focus, USA
- Africa Action, USA
- Seattle RESULTS, USA
- World Hunger Education Service, USA
- The Ihangane Project, USA
- Global Action for Children, USA
- Jubilee Zambia, Zambia
- Ecumenical Support Services, Zimbabwe
- Africa 2000 Network Foundation, Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), Zimbabwe
- MWENGO, Zimbabwe
- Treatment Action Group, USA
- CNCD, Belgium
- Norwegian Church Aid, Southern Africa Regional Office
- The Ihangane Project
- Oscar Ugarteche
- Dennis Brutus
- Meyer Bownstone
- Ingrid Steinitz