

Conference: Recovery towards what? Finance, justice, sustainability

14 October 2009 | Events

Recovery towards what?
Finance, justice, sustainability

6 November 2009 in London, UK


A summary report of the conference and audios of some of the sessions can be found here.


Recovery towards what? Finance, justice, sustainability was an exciting and timely one-day conference on 6 November in London on global finance and its role in both developed and developing countries. It brought together experts, researchers, practitioners and civil society to discuss how to reshape finance so that it contributes to a just and sustainable economy. To stimulate a genuine debate, it had not only plenary sessions but also two breakout sessions to facilitate small group discussions. Please see the agenda for an overview of topics and speakers.

The conference was part of a series of events happening in London that week in reaction to the G20 finance ministers’ summit which took place from 6-7 November in the United Kingdom. Immediately following our conference was a public conference exploring alternative paradigms to promote jobs, justice and a sustainable environment on 7 November. On the same day was an academic conference on financialisation and economic policy, organised by the Research on Money and Finance group at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London.


The event has been co-organised by ActionAid, the Bretton Woods Project, Friends of the Earth, new economics foundation, the Research on Money and Finance group of the University of London, and the Trades Union Congress.

This event has been organised with the financial assistance of the Ford Foundation and the European Union. The event was the sole responsibility of the organisers and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.

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