FES Seminar
6 October 2010
Speakers: Sabine Alkire (Oxford University), Benjamin Leo (CGD), Butch Montes (UN DESA), Susan Reichle (US AID)
Chair : Sara Burke (FES)
Sabine Alkire
- Described the multi-dimensional poverty index
- Need to consider at the personal level and not aggregate so much
- Interregional variation, inter-dimensional variation, variation across different indicators
- Policy implications:
- Allocate resources to those with most intensive poverty
- Identify deprivations together, tackle interconnections
- Tailor policies to different groups
- Show impacts through use of indicators
Ben Leo
- Described the MDG progress index on poverty – to provide country data on MDGs without regional aggregation; to calculate rate of improvement needed to reach MDGs
- Some interesting trailblazing cases: Tunisia, Honduras, Ghana, Ethiopia
- LICs on average scored on par with MICs
Susan Reichle
- Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) – first ever US presidential development policy
- Puts development equal to diplomacy and defence as a central pillar of national security
- Three pillars:
- sustainable development outcomes – growth, governance, technology, institutions
- new operational model – selectivity and focus, ownership, division of labour
- modern architecture – partnerships, working across institutions
- Evidence based policy and decision making, it must be rigorous
- Not just about aid, but also trade, investment, diplomacy, etc
- Core tenant about mutual accountability