A video of this event is available here
Jo Marie Griesgraber
FSB rights rules for the planet and makes the IMF look open, transparent and accountable
Matthew Martin, DFI
- LICs demanding more representation on FSB, because it will decide on food speculation, tax havens etc
- What is the FSB
- – established post-crisis by G20 to coordinate on financial regulation
- sets standards
- G20+ important financial centres – some countries have 3 seats. No LIC members
- Structure
- Plenary of all members twice a year
- many committees and working groups
- Reports to G20, most work from G20 mandates, but some comes from elsewhere
- No sign of engagement with UN despite supposed UN mandate to bring in developing country groups
- Does not report or engage with G20 Development Working Group
- How does it operate
- Essentially run by the chair and key people in secretariat. Working groups very important. Determined by G20, but often FSb asks the G20 to ask FSB to do things.
- Lack of formal procedures means chair has a lot of power
- Overlap and lack of clarity with other institutions – IMF, BIS
- IMF and WB have strong role in helping countries implement regulations
- Key FSB subsidiaries / related organisations
- Common features – high presence of private sector; no openness to civil society or the media; little or no presence of poorer countries
- Why should we care?
- Issue of principle – it’s in the stone age when it comes to accountability and transparency
- Huge conflicts of interest
- virtually no access for LICs
- Key issues: IASB accounting standards are key for tax evasion, capital flight etc
- IOSCO – derivatives and commodity trades etc
- BCBS – banking regulation
- Conclusion
- Donelly – FSB is ‘mostly harmless- G8 doesn’t feel constrained by it.
- Private sector doesn’t feel constrained
- But crucial to development issues
- need for a network to open up the FSB
Amar Bhattacharya
- – Basic structure set up in 1999 in aftermath of Asian crisis
- – It’s a network of networks – most of the bodies are official regulatory bodies (BIS, IOSCO, IAIS, CTSS) The only one that is private sector dominated in IASB
- Various governance arrangements – some more democratic than others
- – Must therefore look at the underlying governance structures of the bodies that make it up
- Move from FSF to FSB was positive – FSF was accountable to noone; FSB is accountable to G20 – better but not good enough. Tasked by G20 – more political structure.
- There is an active discussion on governance right now
- What does the FSB do?
- before crisis focus was on underlying weaknesses in emerging market financial systems.
- Has been fundamental change since crisis – good change. Seriousness in G20 to tackle underlying weaknesses in financial system.
- Active discussion at FSB has been an important part of shaping both global and national reform in US, EU and UK
- Focus today
- – last year: reaching agreement on Basle 3 – banking regulation
- – Systemically important financial institutions – work ongoing. Debate: should SIFIs have to have additional capital? A tax on them? Resolution mechanisms well spelled out? Special arrangements for supervision?
- – Shadow banking – how to define it, who takes the risk, supervision etc
- – Derivatives market – pushing to over the counter and having better central party mechanisms
- – Macroprudential regulation – falls between FSB and IMF
- – Convergence on strengthened financial standards – governance arrangements; ensuring it leads to better financial management. Mark to market – tends to be procyclical
- – Peer reviews of FSB countries
- – Compensation – Europeans have been much more forceful than the US on tackling this.
- 2 Fundamental problems for FSB
- – Openness
- – Inclusion – to become what it aspires to become, it has to be a universal organisation
- Missed the final presentations