IFI governance


CSO roundtable with World Bank Group executive directors

8 April 2014

Sponsor: World Bank Group

Panelists:  Merza Hassan (Executive Director for Kuwait, and Dean of the Executive Board of Directors), Victoria Tauli Corpuz (Director, Tebtebba: Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education), Sara Aviel (Executive Director for the United States), Collins Magalasi (Executive Director, African Forum and Network on Debt and Development / AFRODAD)

*partial notes*

Sara Aviel, US alt ED

  • citizen engagement, achievement to make it a key pillar, believe could be one of the most transformational parts of the strategy
  • useful to hear what has worked and what hasn’t, now scaling up in a significant way

Collins Magalasi, Afrodad

  •  have been consulting with colleagues, clear lines coming through
  • a couple of years ago, trying to push in as much as we could, but times have moved on, the Bank is fast changing
  • just to reiterate that a lot is happening, interesting that the Bank is responding to some of the very clear asks, but would still want to see if there is proof of learning
  • my intervention would be more on whether lessons will be learned from the Bank’s own activities
  • lots of institutional build up, surprised to learn what the IFC has been able to do, MIGA what Inspection Panel has been able to do, in a positive manner
  • the function of the institutional integrity department, positively surprised
  • however, there is a sign of failure to respect the Bank’s own standards
  • IFC management could do slightly more, based on practice seen on the ground
  • Tendency to miss what has not been going well, fresh in my mind the findings of CAO office on a few selected cases
  • The Tata Mundra case in India, that were several weakness identified, coming from the WB’s own standards
  • Audit of FI lending shortfalls
  • Honduras Dinant case, is still not getting the attention it deserves
  • Would like to call on learning and standing by standards that the WB has set up, new opportunities, impressed by new policies, trying as much as you can to end poverty as the mission of the WB, but to what extent is the Bank going to act
  • Recent cases, eg Guatemala case, I didn’t expect these after what we have learned
  • Honduras, the message been what did the WB learn from its own standards and implementation, doesn’t seem to change on expected scenarios
  • Unless there is change and learning, the changes coming up may not be as promising
  • Special attention should be at the incentive system within the Bank, need to incentivise in bringing outcomes and results, incentives are more on bringing out as much money, how much are you incentivising outcomes, results – not how much money, end of poverty is not about this, but about what has that money done
  • Might want to reconsider the incentives
  • FI, we see more than half of the portfolio a bit outside the direct control of the Bank – important to see how the Bank would want to be fully in control of FIs
  • The landgrab case, in Cambodia, would be interested to see if there are instruments that can be applied

Gwen Hines, UK ED

  • we share a lot, agree not about money dispersed, about results – need to shift the culture of incentives
  • its about the last mile in the change process
  • its difficult as a lot of great staff at the bank thinking about results
  • UK pushes Bank to do tough things in the toughest places, manage risks as best you can, learn as you go
  • A project in DRC will have problems, need to deal with it as it happens
  • Learning from mistakes, Dinant is getting a lot of attention – briefing on lessons learned this week, also on FIs – we are taking this seriously, still work in progress


Q: water and IFC practices, direct funding to water corporations, undermining HR to water and democratic practices. Often fails and conflict of interest. WB being both owners and adviser to government, eg Manila water – when will actions be taken to address these concerns.

Q: Gay activist Philippines, first LGBT delegation to spring meetings. How can these issues engage the Bank.

Q: Womens environment and development organisation, gender equality and gender rights, is it time to have a gender safeguard, how do we make it happen

Q: Tata Mundra, fishing grounds have been destroyed, have questions to ask – will you commit that IFC develops action plan with clear targets, timeline, IFC formally recognised it has violated its policies, should withdraw funding – how many more petitions do you need to develop a remedial action plan?

Jorg Frieden, Swiss ED

  • water can deliver private enterprises, doesn’t have to be – we are agnostic on who is providing a service as long as it is done in a fair way
  • last time we spoke about Manilla we had different assessments, if this is not true we will reevaluate situation
  • our presence is there to address problems, as long as partners are ready to work with us we should remain engaged.
  • Tata Mundra, you must be clear on what you ask us – to leave or an action plan, can’t ask for both
  • Should we stay away from the situation, we may have made mistakes but we are in and want to assume the responsibility – we should try to solve the problem, not go away
  • Can’t be both at the private investor and regulatory side, want WB and IFC to work more together to address these issues
  • Conflict of interest, this has been recognised, we are working on it
  • IFC and WB working together, not just public and private, generating the synergy

Merza Hasan, Kuwait ED – chair

  • we need to bring in our money to get others on board, showing that we bring our money to the table

Ingrid Hoven, Germany ED

  • LGBT, we can’t engage without social inclusion, part and parcel of development process
  • we may have overlooked things in the past, see how we can address it better in the future
  • try to get in close contact with the groups
  • statements made by president, we are in the beginning of a learning process
  • we have to invest to get the right expertise in place, design programmes, be prepared, knowledgeable on the situation on the ground
  • in the past some have said this is a no go area, if I look back we were a bit foolish, we are embarking on this process, how to invest
  • put into perspective, have to speak to our client countries about social inclusion
  • at the annual meetings probably ready to give more specific answers


  • not an easy discussion, bear with us

Satu Santala, Nordics ED

  • gender, my view is that this institution has come quite far in promoting gender equality and women’s rights
  • on the other hand most of my colleagues feel that we have to do more, we have to push constantly to achieve more difference
  • gender safeguard – safeguards are there to ensure we do no harm, not sure if I would be content that we should do no harm, we should do much ore than that
  • safeguards just one tool in the toolbox
  • should be better at analyse
  • have to understand the gender differentiation
  • we have to monitor and learn better, overall have to do much more, but safeguards is an insufficient tool
  • now that we review our safeguards, we should include aspects, but not to overload the safeguards
  • have to find a practical way to look at the issue in the projects


  • want to mainstream across the institution, not as a safeguard

Pierre, ED

  • we are seeing many of these cases, what do we do?
  • Can we sit here and wait, asking IFC to take a more proactive approach to scan projects
  • Especially since we believe the private sector plays a big role, 90% of jobs in the private sector, want it to be robust
  • Asking for portfolio upfront
  • IFC moving away from deal driven approach to select partners for long term development that believe in sustainable development
  • Won’t solve all the problems, but can’t prevent us from some difficult situation

Q: CSOs in Albania: power plant in Albania, contested and reached Inspection Pane, defective construction hasn’t worked one single day, now international arbitration

Q: Indonesia NGO, appreciative of Kim’s commitment to no dilution, important as we have a law enforcement – proposal to base much of safeguards review on EBRD safeguards, much weaker than WB and other institutions, not mandatory, insufficient disclosure, relies on client self reporting, etc, also use of offsets – what is your opinion about this and link to no dilution?

Q: IFC promotion of PPP model of water provision, cases in India – IFC holding up as success, but joint venture with repeated problems, including corruption, delays. PPP has not even received gov approval.

Amar ED

  • we are learning every day, trying to put things right when they are not doing what we expect them to do
  • we have safeguards and try to refine them, it’s a revolving process
  • management probably knows more than we do, but we do what we can
  • aspects of inclusiveness is in every part of our work, eg in CPF
  • we are taking the pre occupation into account
  • there are mistakes, but our responsibility to correct them, your responsibility to highlight them
  • we have instruments to deal with these complaints

Rogerio Studart, Brazil ED

  • I was here for the discussion on Albania, I had thought the measures taken made the institution accountable
  • Maybe measures weren’t sufficient
  • You can help make us accountable, sometimes we loose track, not because it wasn’t fundamental
  • Safeguards to protect us from do no harm
  • A lack of diversity, we have to many economists here, think about development as a process and the social context of development as an appendix of development
  • Have to look at social issues that are fundamental as a moral issue
  • Gender, we have been discussing this for a long time, we haven’t been able to address it properly
  • At the time we had a  gender report I was extremely positive
  • Heated discussion on discrimination based on sexual orientation at that time
  • The report made the point that gender inequality was wrong and bad policy for development
  • Surprised to see IMF follow our work on inequality, lower growth and lower spans of growth
  • We need civil society’s help, but uses the fact that we are flawed
  • A lot of emphasis put on the safeguards, not just a new safeguards – investment in people, need support to make the change

Jean-Paul Julia, France ED

  • PPPs, risks we are dealing with, going into difficult countries and situations
  • This is where we need the Bank, we will make mistakes
  • WB not good at admitting when we make mistakes, we have to change that
  • Good for us to understand when we are failing and why

Piero Cipollone, Italy ED (rep Albania)

  • Albania is fully dependent on hydro, idea to supplement, technical issue that the water intake not deep enough – doesn’t take water, but air, so the plant stopped
  • Whose fault was this, the project was approved by WB – technical assessment said the plant was ok
  • Fight over whose fault
  • Can be fixed, and plant recommissioned quickly – WB is moving to try to solve the problem

Q: Lessons learning, from Chad, mega project 7bn, was supposed to be transformational, but has done exactly the opposite, WB has walked away. What has WB learned from this?

Q: From Albania, poverty and safeguards, respect for human rights – what would be the right policy for the WB to promote gender, equality, sexual rights, and how we can help?

Q: Community based organisations, human rights, environmental impact assessments crucial to mitigate negative impacts, but also direct relationship with human rights. Every time impact on environment, impact on communities. There is environmental impact assessment, why not also human rights impact assessment.


  • social inclusion and rights are key to development, a lot of work we need to do
  • need to be much better at looking at situation in each context, we need to do it upfront and over the course of the project, that we address risks – eg affected communities
  • more transformational projects, but we need to get the social and environmental piece first
  • poverty is about exclusion to a large extent, so need to address wherever we can

Swiss ED

  • env and social assessment led to conditionality
  • Chad government committed to transparency
  • Government doesn’t respect rules, this kind of conditionality doesn’t work
  • We are a partner in development, the risk for us is to trust the partner
  • This is just the beginning of the journey, if the government changes its mind, the partner makes mistakes – the linear conditionality is not an option


  • we discussed lessons learned as a board, would like to get your feedback on the learning process
  • have been making the point repeatedly, have to approach risk in a holistic way
  • development impact matters also on your financial profitability
  • on a conditionality side, very difficult situation, need to build up the institutions
  • if you go into the risky areas, we need different type of engagement, more dialogue, it has costs
  • we have to have nore frank debate about the costs involved
  • want to see more open frank discussions on the real risks involved – to make sure we enter with open eyes
  • if we fail, we have to deal with failure
  • frank discussions of risks to make more informed decisions


  • we are pushing transformational impacts, you want consultation, we can’t tackle all the issues
  • the more you come with a joint agenda, the better








More background on this issue



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What are Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)?

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IFI governance


2 February 2017 | Resource

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IFI governance


13 July 2021

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency – the Bank’s foreign direct investment insurance arm

MIGA principally provides political risk insurance for private investors undertaking foreign direct investment.

IFI governance


17 April 2016 | Minutes

World Bank EDs and CSOs roundtable

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IFI governance


4 October 2016 | Minutes

CSO roundtable with World Bank Group Executive Directors

Notes from a CSO roundtable with World Bank Group Executive Directors at the IMF/World Bank 2016 annual meetings.

IFI governance


10 February 2016 | Resource

Recommended resources on the World Bank and IMF 2015

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IFI governance


7 February 2016 | Inside the institutions

World Bank’s country engagement approach

This Inside the Institutions looks at the World Bank's new country engagement model, including the systematic country diagnostic and country partnership framework.

IFI governance


25 September 2015 | Inside the institutions

World Bank global practices and cross-cutting solution areas

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IFI governance


16 April 2015 | Minutes

Gender and development: What is happening now?

Notes from a meeting on gender and development during the World Bank spring meetings.

IFI governance


11 October 2014

The impact of the BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB)

Notes of a meeting on BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB) at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


10 October 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

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IFI governance


1 July 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

IFI governance


5 June 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

IFI governance


12 April 2014

An overview of the World Bank Group's new country engagement model

IFI governance


8 April 2014

CSO roundtable with World Bank Group executive directors

IFI governance


3 February 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

World Bank Group strategy and reform process

Minutes from a World Bank sponsored event on the new World Bank Group strategy during the 2013 WB/IMF annual meetings.

IFI governance


8 October 2013 | Minutes

World Bank executive directors roundtable with CSOs

IFI governance


4 October 2013 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

The Bretton Woods Project convenes meetings with World Bank and IMF executive directors (EDs) several times a year. On 17 September the Project and civil society representatives met with Gwen Hines, the UK World Bank ED. Here are the notes from the meeting.

IFI governance


26 June 2013 | Resource

Leaked documents: World Bank strategy draft recommendations

Web links for the leaked documents about the World Bank's strategy.



30 May 2013 | Minutes

Notes of a meeting with World Bank Managing Director Caroline Anstey

Notes of a meeting with World Bank Managing Director Caroline Anstey

IFI governance


30 May 2013 | Minutes

Civil society meeting with Steve Field, UK IMF Executive Director

Minutes of CSO meeting with Steve Field UK IMF Executive Director, 9 April 2013



23 April 2013 | Minutes

Colombia case study: results measurement and poverty eradication

This session examined Colombia's private sector partnerships and poverty eradication programme.

IFI governance


23 April 2013 | Minutes

The private sector and poverty eradication

This session gave an overview on the links between private sector and healthcare provision in tackling poverty.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

Bending the arc of poverty

The session focused on the World Bank's development strategy, poverty eradication goals, global inequality, and the threat of climate change.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

Financial and housing crises, the Bank's safeguards and the right to adequate housing

This session featured a presentation from UN special rapporteur on the links between financial and housing crises, safeguards and the right to adequate housing.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

The challenges of advancing sustainability at the World Bank

This panel discussion reflected on the major sustainability challenges facing the World Bank through exploring two World Resources Institute areas - a portfolio analysis on 2012 projects, and the interaction between country systems and World Bank safeguard approaches.

IFI governance


22 April 2013 | Minutes

From the Arab revolutions to global austerity trends

This session examined issues thrown up by the Arab revolutions, including the fiscal, monetary, tax and investment policies being considered by governments facilitating, or hindering countries in the Arab and other regions in building an inclusive economy and supporting socioeconomic recovery, the impact on public expenditure for the strengthening of education, health, and other social sectors as well as the management of chronic and high unemployment and high food and fuel prices.



19 April 2013 | Minutes

An update and briefing on the global agriculture and food security program (GAFSP)

World Bank briefing on the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) with a particular focus on recent private sector window projects.



19 April 2013 | Minutes

IDA results and replenishment

Minutes of an event at the 2013 spring meetings

Social services


19 April 2013 | Minutes

Leveraging private finance with public money: Positive Innovation? Corporate Welfare?

This event explored how modalities to "leverage" the private sector are beginning to appear in different ways in the World Bank and donors' agenda, and the challenges they pose.



18 April 2013 | Minutes

CSO meeting with Ms. Ksenia Yudaeva, G20 sherpa, Russian Federation

This event featured a discussion between CSOs and the Russian Federation G20 sherpa covering topics including food & nutrition security, jobs and the post-2015 development agenda.

IFI governance


18 April 2013 | Minutes

After recent court decisions: how can sovereign debt workouts become fair, comprehensive and account

This session examines the challenges which recent court decisions pose to sovereign debt workouts that allow for burden-sharing and take into account the social development needs of debtor countries.

Private Sector


18 April 2013 | Minutes

Discussion on IMF jobs and growth policies

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Private Sector


18 April 2013 | Minutes

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18 April 2013 | Minutes

Frameworks to support IMF policy advice to low-income countries

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IFI governance


8 April 2013 | Inside the institutions

World Bank staff incentives

The World Bank Group's staff incentives and compensation schemes are considered important drivers of the Bank institution's successes and failures.



18 February 2013 | Minutes

UK Civil Society Meeting with Minister of State Rt Hon Alan Duncan MP

This was a meeting on 1 October 2012, between the Minister of State of the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and civil society representatives, focusing on the World Bank.

IFI governance


13 February 2013 | Inside the institutions

World Bank Group's sub-national lending

The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC, the Bank's private sector arm) are jointly encouraging sub-national lending to states or provinces, aimed at boosting direct engagement at the state or municipal level.

IFI governance


13 October 2012 | Minutes

World Bank Inspection Panel at 19: Some Lessons for Safeguard Policy

This panel discussion centered on the possible policy lessons for the Safeguard Review of learning from the emblematic or most frequently registered cases of non-compliance with Bank safeguard policies, particularly project supervision, environmental assessment, and involuntary resettlement.

IFI governance


13 October 2012 | Minutes

Think tanks: promoting local solutions, influencing global thinking

This session brought together representatives of three leading policy research organizations from Bangladesh, Tanzania and Ecuador, to share their experiences and analysis of the potential of think tanks to promote local solutions and influence global thinking.

IFI governance


12 October 2012 | Minutes

Citizen-Led Accountability at the World Bank Group: experiences of independent recourse mechanisms

This session aimed to gather CSO views, suggestions, and concerns on how to improve the current guidelines, including IMF consultation processes on policies, strategies, and Art. IV consultations.

IFI governance


12 October 2012 | Minutes

Facilitating international adjustment through timely debt resolution

This session highlighted the perspectives of finance ministers, policy makers, and academics on the need to ensure timely, effective international adjustment in a manner consistent with sustained global growth and continued adherence to the system of open, dynamic international trade and payments constructed over the past 65 years.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

The Role of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)

This session provided CSOs with the opportunity to have an exchange with IEG's Director-General and Senior Vice President on the role of the IEG.



11 October 2012 | Minutes

Halting the global land rush: protecting land rights and promoting food security

This event discussed how to invest in agriculture in a responsible way, including research on the scale of the global rush for land, and explored potential solutions to the problem, including the role that the World Bank can and must play.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

CSO Townhall with Jim Yong Kim and Christine Lagarde

This townhall was for CSO representatives accredited to the Annual Meetings. The CSO Discussants made initial remarks on Fund and Bank policies and were followed by comments from Mr. Kim and Ms. Lagarde. This was then followed by a general discussion on issues of concern to CSO representatives.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

From country systems to DPLs: understanding the World Bank's approach to social and environmental ri

This session will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Bank’s approaches with respect to different financial instruments and evaluate the challenges of ensuring coherence in environmental and social sustainability outcomes across instruments.

IFI governance


3 October 2012 | Inside the institutions

World Bank lending facilities

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3 August 2012 | Minutes

IFI re-engagement in Burma

Minutes of Burma and IFIs meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012

IFI governance


3 July 2012 | Inside the institutions

Revolving doors: staff turnover between IFIs and African governments

The term 'revolving doors' refers to frequent staff turnover between institutions, usually relevant when these represent different interests working on the same policy issues. This serves to foster cross-institutional networks, practices and alliances. The staff turnover between international financial institutions (IFIs) and borrowing governments works as a mechanism through which specific ideas and practices learnt and promoted in IFIs are translated into policies in borrowing countries



23 April 2012 | Minutes

EIR + 10

Minutes of afternoon sessions of extractives conference, Washington DC, 23 April 2012

IFI governance


23 April 2012 | Minutes

2012 Tokyo Annual Meeting Planning Session

2012 Tokyo Annual Meeting Planning Session held on Saturday, 21 April.



21 April 2012 | Minutes

Lessons from IEG's Cluster Review of IFC-supported Extractive Industries Projects

Minutes of IFC and extractives meeting, Washington DC, 21 April 2012



21 April 2012 | Minutes

Safeguards in a Changing Landscape

Minutes of safeguards meeting, Washington DC, 21 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

How can the IMF enhance its focus on growth and poverty reduction in LICS?

A civil society meeting held at the World Bank and the IMF hold their 2012 spring meetings in Washington DC on Friday 20th April.

IFI governance


20 April 2012 | Minutes

Seminar - Time for a New Consensus: Regulating Financial Flows for Stability and Development

As the World Bank and the IMF hold their 2012 spring meetings in Washington DC this week, Latindadd and the Bretton Woods Project organised a seminar about regulating financial flows on Thursday 19 April.

IFI governance


20 April 2012 | Minutes

Austerity in the Eurozone

Seminar at the Spring meetings 2012, 19 April 12



20 April 2012 | Minutes

Kosovo's options for a sustainable energy future

Minutes of presentation and discussion on Kosovo's options to develop a sustainable energy future, Washington DC, 20 April 2012.



20 April 2012 | Minutes

World Bank's Climate Investment Funds 4 years later

Minutes of meeting on the World Bank-housed Climate Investment Funds and the Green Climate Fund, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

Agriculture and Food Security

Minutes of agriculture and food security meeting, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

Climate change, energy access and sustainable development

Minutes of climate change and energy access meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012



19 April 2012 | Minutes

Supporting Social Accountability for Better Results

Minutes of World Bank Social accountability plenary, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



5 April 2012 | Inside the institutions

The World Bank and agriculture

Agriculture re-emerged in the last decade as a focus of World Bank Group lending, with the Bank claiming that "improving agricultural performance is the most powerful tool we have available to reduce global poverty and hunger."



23 September 2011 | Minutes

CSO Townhall with Robert Zoellick and Christine Lagarde

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 22, 2011

IFI governance


14 September 2011 | Inside the institutions

China and the World Bank

China joined the World Bank in April 1980, and since then has been one of its largest borrowers and recipients of technical assistance. In recent years, China has gone beyond the only role of recipient country and has increased its influence on the Bank.



13 June 2011 | Inside the institutions

The IFC's approach to international trade finance

Trade finance refers to financing arrangements that support international trade transactions. It is one of the central parts of a new ten-year strategy paper on international trade currently being developed by the World Bank for the period between 2011 and 2021.



17 February 2011 | Inside the institutions

The IFI's approach to tax avoidance and evasion

The World Bank and the IMF formally recognise tax avoidance and evasion as a critical problem for developing countries' domestic resource mobilisation. The Bank's public position on tax evasion and tax havens does not however identify concrete measures to stop investing in companies practicing tax avoidance. The IMF addresses tax policy under its surveillance mandate and in its technical assistance, but does not have an explicit framework to deal with tax evasion.



29 November 2010 | Inside the institutions

The role of the World Bank in carbon markets: The Carbon Finance Unit

The World Bank's engagement in carbon finance has expanded from its "pioneering" Prototype Carbon Fund in 1999, which provided the groundwork for the continuously popular market-based approach to emission reductions.

IFI governance


25 June 2010 | Inside the institutions

The IMF's policy advisory role to the G20

The G20 has turned to the IMF to operate as a research and advisory body on their behalf since those governments’ leaders first met in November 2008. The IMF’s work in this area has mainly fallen in three areas: technical advice, surveillance, and research.



20 November 2009 | Inside the institutions

The role of the World Bank in climate finance

The World Bank currently plays four different roles in arrangements to distribute finance for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in developing countries. In addition, its overall lending portfolio can have significant environmental impacts.

IFI governance


10 July 2009 | Inside the institutions

The International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

The International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), part of the World Bank Group, is an arbitration forum between governments and foreign investors to settle investment disputes. Two thirds of international investment disputes go through ICSID.

IFI governance


1 April 2009 | Inside the institutions

The IMF's special drawing rights (SDRs)

The special drawing right (SDR) is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries.



27 November 2008 | Inside the institutions

International financial architecture

National and international financial bodies frequently overlap both in function and membership. Below are some of the main regulatory or influential bodies within the financial system. In most, the IMF is a participant, and in some, a central player.



26 September 2008 | Inside the institutions

IFC advisory services

The advisory services (AS) department of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, has grown rapidly since its establishment in 1986 and is seen by the IFC as one factor that distinguishes them from other financiers.



25 July 2008 | Minutes

Highlights: Meeting of UK NGOs with UK Alternate Executive Director to the World Bank

Meeting between UK NGOs and UK Alternate Execituve Director to the World Bank -Caroline Sergeant- on July 22, 2008.



17 June 2008 | Inside the institutions

The World Bank and transport

Given that the World Bank's primary activity in its first decades of operation was financing infrastructure projects, the fact that the transport sector is the single largest sector for Bank lending should come as no surprise. However with the prevalence of concerns about underinvestment in social sectors, transport lending was on the decline in the late 90s and early part of this century. Now the pendulum is swinging back and transport sector lending is on the rise in both the public and privat

Social services


1 April 2008 | Inside the institutions

The World Bank and health

In the last five years the global system for channelling development finance to the health sector has changed radically, causing the Bank to seriously re-examine its role in health finance. This article covers the who, what, where and how much of the World Bank's work with in the health sector.



18 February 2008 | Minutes

Highlights of BWI-UK network meeting with Caroline Sergeant, 7 February 2008

Highlights of NGO meeting with alternative executive director to the World Bank, Caroline Sergeant

IFI governance


1 February 2008 | Inside the institutions

The IFIs and Islamic finance

The World Bank Group and the IMF have become more involved in assistance to and oversight of Islamic financial institutions.

IFI governance


31 January 2007 | Inside the institutions

The IMF programme cycle

The IMF has regular, systematic engagement with government representatives at many levels. Implementation of the IMF’s programme cycle varies from one country to the next, depending on the situation and need of the country in question. The nature of the programme cycle is highlighted by looking at the cases of Uruguay and Mozambique.



5 October 2005 | Minutes

Highlights of meeting with UK Secretary of State for International Development, Hilary Benn

Highlights of meeting with UK Secretary of State for International Development, Hilary Benn

IFI governance


12 September 2005 | Guest comment

Giant taming: 10 years of the Bretton Woods Project

Director, European Network on Debt and Development; Coordinator, Bretton Woods Project, 1995-2004

IFI governance


13 June 2005 | Inside the institutions

The executive boards of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (archive)

contribution from Tom Scholar, UK executive director to the World Bank and IMF



26 January 2005 | Inside the institutions

IMF and World Bank emergency response

The role of the IMF and World Bank in responding to emergencies and coordinating with relief efforts.

IFI governance


26 July 2004 | Inside the institutions

The World Bank’s project cycle explained

The World Bank's public-lending institutions (IDA and IBRD) lend about US$ 15-20 billion annually to 100 countries to Projects ranging from infrastructure, education, health and government financial management.

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IFI governance


IDA21: Moving beyond a focus on ‘historic’ replenishment

Calls for a ‘historic’ IDA21 replenishment risk diverting attention from the policy framework necessary for IDA to support countries to break their dependence on development finance and undertake the ecologically sustainable and just economic transformation long sought by their populations.

9 April 2024 | Guest analysis



Opportunity lost: World Bank's Roadmap fails to chart path to better development outcomes

Civil society renews calls for an independent external evaluation of Bank policies ahead of Spring Meetings’ focus on the operationalisation of the Roadmap and a ‘historic’ IDA21 replenishment.

9 April 2024



UN Secretary General's New Agenda for Peace calls for urgent financial architecture and policy reform

UN Secretary General’s New Agenda for Peace report identifies growing threats to global peace and stability, and proposes urgent reforms to the unjust economic system. World Bank and IMF resist policy and governance reform.

13 December 2023
Cartoon representing the World Bank choosing the path towards an unsustainable future

IFI governance


Civil society calls for World Bank to reroute ‘Evolution Roadmap’ away from Cascade

Civil society questions the proposed expansion of the Cascade approach, which has failed to deliver the ‘trillions’ promised.

19 July 2023
Private sector

IFI governance


Banga's arrival raises concerns about deepening of World Bank's private sector bias

Banga takes office as civil society urges him to invert the Cascade and ensure the Bank’s development model is fit for purpose.

19 July 2023

IFI governance


The IMF at the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The need for governance reform

As the world celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is time the IMF’s shareholders use the opportunities provided by the anniversary and growing calls for reforms to the international financial architecture to redesign the IMF’s governance structures and programmes to ensure they are consistent with the commitments outlined in 1948 and with international human rights law.

5 April 2023 | At Issue

IFI governance


World Bank appoints Indermit Gill as new chief economist

Gill replaces Carmen Reinhart as she returns to Harvard after a two-year public service leave from the institution.

3 October 2022



Death of Doing Business Report greatly exaggerated as World Bank announces rebranding plans

World Bank announces relaunch of Doing Business Report in approximately two years.

9 December 2021