IFI governance


The impact of the BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB)

11 October 2014

Sponsor: Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)

Panelists: Mark Weisbrot (Co-Director, Center for Economic and Policy Research), Nancy Alexander (Director, Economic Governance Program of Heinrich Boell Foundation), Aldo Caliar (Director, Centre for Concern)

This panel will look at the potential impact of the new BRICS’ (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) driven institutions.  Can the CRA help prevent balance of payments crises in the coming years?  How can it manage to provide sufficient and timely balance of payments support and still have a low default rate, without imposing harmful conditions?  And how will the NDB choose investment projects that are socially beneficial?  What are the implications of these new institutions for the IMF and World Bank?

Nancy Alexander

  • Changing paradigm of investment, and civil society needs to catch up with that process
  • Many new initiatives, from within the Bank, role of BNDES, Latin American Development Bank (CAF), Asian Infrastructure Bank, and west feeling threatened
  • Interestingly two big new facilities are being launched, the World Bank’s Global Infrastructure Facility announced yesterday with a host of corporations – its intention is to serve the new development bank and thee AIIB and to get their noses into as much business as possible
  • If you read the new newsletter you can read much of these new initiatives
  • NDB (BRICS Bank) will have a one nation one vote system for the BRICS for up to 55% of the shareholding, developed countries 20% and other emerging and developing countries is 25%.
  • What kind of bank will this be? Any single country can have up to 7% leaving perhaps very little for developing countries
  • China will be the location, =India president, Russia as chair
  • South Africa will be the first regional hub
  • Initially the focus will be on regional pipelines of ‘bankable’ projects in Africa
  • This pipeline is representative of energy projects, the so-called PIDA
  • This represents a sweeping global consensus on number of sectors, but much of the clarity needed on what will be ultimate investments is absent
  • Governance rules remain unclear, and risk of little transparency, consultation/participation, and environmental and social safeguards. Best practice approaches on country and regional level remain nevertheless inadequate
  • Final note – the mechanisms by which much of the anticipated funds will be pooled has uncomfortable echoes with the lessons of the financial crisis
  • Notably the Evaluation of the PPPs done by the Bank and IFC – found no additionality from private sector involvement. No results were provided as the evaluations are done at project construction, not of subsequent impacts
    There is also no systemic discussion of contingent liabilities associated with PPPs. Everyone should understand that this is equivalent to external debt. Before the long-term investors and pension funds enter, the term de-risking is cited, e.g. guaranteeing pensioners’ and taxpayers money to the profits of the investors. An article from the Korea Development Institute shows how hundreds of PPPs left a legacy to our children to pay through the nose

Aldo Caliari

  • What are the implications of this nascent stage of significant
  • The statements at the launch of these institutions represent counter-narrative to the Western domination of the last 4 decades
  • What we see emerging is a challenge to that, and though on their own they may not reflect sizable institutions, their statements for example on tax contrast to many exercises still led by developed countries
  • The role of UNCTAD is interesting, having historically provided a counter-balance to the leading global institutions, having noted that a crisis was due to happen and has challenged paradigms on conditionality, on FDI, role for developing country policies, and yet it has been under pressure as its four yearly planning process whereby developed countries sought to reduce its budget, narrow its mandate (including to exclude it from examining sources of the global financial crisis).
  • BRICS cast its lot with UNCTAD
  • Human rights: another narrative monopolized by western countries who present themselves as custodians and champions of human rights, but if you examine what has occurred in the last few years, in terms of human rights negotiations in different for a – last June a proposal to create a treaty establishing human rights obligations on transnational corporations followed a report by Amnesty International it revealed that corporations can violate and continue to violate rights despite judicial processes
    In June a treaty was proposed to codify existing obligations on corporations – the number of western ‘champions’ of human rights voted for this treaty was zero.
  • The impacts of foreign debt on human rights in countries with excessive debt – these western champions voting to reform this system is typically zero.
    Hence these examples show the double standards in an existing hegemonic narrative
  • Regarding the post-2015 agenda – another area where developed countries have been promoting two big things.
    Firstly there is a common but differentiated obligation which they are trying to remove
    Secondly they have promoted that ODA is essentially dead though not in so many terms, arguing for changes to the manner in which ODA occurs and that it should be ‘modernised’ as part of an argument against public funding, and arguing that development objectives be fulfilled by investors, and insisting that developing countries embed frameworks for investment.
    Nancy just described what that means, removing frameworks of protection and so on.
  • The statements from Fortaleza set out the need to defend public assistance in the form of ODA and common but differentiated responsibilities.
  • Hence the BRICS are saying ‘we are here’ and represent a challenge to the norms of how to address questions, which is a very important statement geopolitically.
    The statements have a remarkable number of comments relating to individual countries, countless examples. The G7 communiques have also presumed to discuss concerns of other countries’ situations, and these statements by BRICS indicate their view that they are an alternative pole of power.
  • Though essentially diplomatic about the existing Bretton Woods institutions, the inference of what they have launched such as the CRA reflect a direct rebuke to the BWIs, including the unreformed governance of the IMF that has stalled in US Congress.
    They are ready to consider alternatives if the US does not move forward, though they are not explicit, and have fostered here this week very serious discussions about what that plan b represents. People are thinking very seriously about the current bilateral credit arrangements within the IMF but without requiring US approval, and necessitating a vote in each case of a different system, or perhaps de-linking the quota from the governance structures, which have historically always been together.
  • When discussing the World Bank it is even clearer, that they indicate the Bank’s strategy depends on more “democratic structures” and a host of other longstanding developing country positions
  • These institutions are going to be more open to leaving policy space intact, and move away from conditionalities, and this space will be nevertheless potential to create the necessary frameworks of human rights

Mark Weisbrot

  • Here in Washington there is not this sense that democracy should extend to the world, rather than states, and the acceptance is that in the foreign policy establishment (including the media) and elsewhere that the global governance system should remain a form of dictatorship
  • What has changed since the rules were written to favour rich countries (and their corporations) in 1944, at a time when the US was the only standing industrial power in the world
  • China is already in some measures larger than the US economy and this gap will only widen and in our lifetimes at that.
  • Changes will occur far more rapidly and irrespective of whether Lagarde tells Germany to spend more to end recession – the Germans certainly don’t care
  • IMF notably where it has influence directly still recommends austerity – it is post-modern, and the IMF says one thing and does the other and most of the media does not notice. IT is significant that their rhetoric has changed, but it won’t change the reality of what they do as the governance remains unchanged
  • The latest proposed changes move the vote of developing countries by 4% – the changes are cosmetic. China’s changes – with the largest economy and one sixth of the world’s population – with 3.6 % of the votes, while the UK has 4.3%.
  • The changes will not make a difference – it’s not the voting that matters, it hardly votes
  • Developing countries do not use the voice that they have in the IMF – hence the voting structure changes reflect a future project, but not in the foreseeable future.
    Why does this happen?
  • Look at Latin America – they have achieved independence in the last 15 years, having left IMF agreements and subject to a US-led influence over their economic policy via their institutions and the creditors’ cartel. This is a massive geopolitical change.
  • They fought losing battles within the OAS until they created their own organisation, without the US and Canada (CELAC). Similar press coverage was dismissive, but nevertheless CELAC states coordinate their position within OAS.
  • They’ve changed the structure of international relations so much that even US-sympathetic states taking collective positions antagonistic to the United States, such as Colombia has done
  • Change will probably not happen gradually and in a structured way
  • As Aldo said, it’s a germinal project and a possible moment of changes
  • In my opinion the CRA is the most important aspect of this set of institutions, as crises are often forgotten about until they re-occur. Will states in future be like Ukraine going to the IMF or have the freedom to suffer only a 1.5 year recession as the US was able to do by enjoying ownership of its own policy.
  • The BRICS are indicating that the US will no longer be in charge of crises states, if it is staffed by capable people and enjoys political
  • Note that CRA currently has a 30% provision limit requiring an IMF programme, which is disturbing – and reveals the problem of politics within those five states and whether to adopt a neoliberal or alternative path.

More background on this issue

IFI governance


24 October 2024 | Minutes

Arab voices for sustainable development financing: rights-based approaches to addressing the debt tax-climate crises

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 24th October 2024 titled "Arab Voices for Sustainable Development Financing: Rights-Based Approaches to Addressing the Debt Tax-Climate Crises".

IFI governance


22 October 2024 | Minutes

Evidence based analysis of the implementation of anti IFFs policies in Africa- Lessons from the policy tracker project

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum on 23 October titled "Evidence based analysis of the implementation of Anti IFFs policies in Africa- Lessons from the policy tracker project".

IFI governance


22 October 2024 | Minutes

Taxing the super-rich, a step closer

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum SPF on 22 October 22 titled "Taxing the super-rich, a step closer".

IFI governance


22 October 2024 | Minutes

Problematising the Bank’s reliance on financial inclusion, from the gender strategy to the corporate scorecard

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 22 October titled "Problematising the Bank’s Reliance on Financial Inclusion, from the Gender Strategy to the Corporate Scorecard".

IFI governance


19 April 2024 | Minutes

Adequate disclosure, public review, and consultation for environmental and social impacts before World Bank Group financing decisions

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 19 April 2024 titled, "Adequate disclosure, public review, and consultation for environmental and social impacts before World Bank Group financing decisions".

IFI governance


19 April 2024 | Minutes

Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum panel 19 April titled, "Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?"

IFI governance


18 April 2024 | Minutes

Making the new Loss and Damage Fund a success – Recommendations by climate vulnerable civil society

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 18 April 2024 titled, "Making the new Loss and Damage Fund a success – Recommendations by climate vulnerable civil society"

IFI governance


18 April 2024 | Minutes

The polycrisis: How unchecked public debt fuels corruption and bad governance

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 18 April titled "The polycrisis: How unchecked public debt fuels corruption and bad governance."

IFI governance


18 April 2024 | Minutes

When exits and accountability collide: What happens when IFC exits projects mid-accountability process?

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum on Thursday, 18 April titled, "When exits & accountability collide: What happens when IFC exits projects mid-accountability process?"

IFI governance


18 April 2024 | Minutes

Fit for purpose: Reviewing green conditionalities in the IMF RST and World Bank RST

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 18 April 2024 titled, "Fit for purpose: Reviewing green conditionalities in the IMF RST and World Bank RST."

IFI governance


17 April 2024 | Minutes

Is a feminist vision on public debt possible?

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 18 April 2024 titled "Is a feminist vision on public debt possible?"

IFI governance


17 April 2024 | Minutes

Agriculture, financialization, and gender: Exploring the World Bank’s response to interlinked phenomena

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 17 April 2024 titled "Agriculture, financialization, and gender: Exploring the World Bank’s response to interlinked phenomena"

IFI governance


17 April 2024 | Minutes

The future of Special Drawing Rights as a development finance tool: What's next?

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 17 April 2024, titled "The Future of Special Drawing Rights as a Development Finance Tool: What's Next?"

IFI governance


17 April 2024 | Minutes

Examining the progress of the World Bank’s commitment to universal social protection

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 17 April titled, “Examining the Progress of the World Bank’s Commitment to Universal Social Protection.”

IFI governance


11 November 2023 | Minutes

An Evolution Roadmap responsive to development crises? Towards an external evaluation of the World Bank’s cascade

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 11 October 2023 titled, "An Evolution Roadmap responsive to development crises? Towards an external evaluation of the World Bank’s cascade."

IFI governance


12 October 2023 | Minutes

The B-Ready Project: A significant departure from the Doing Business Report?

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 12 October 2023 titled, "The B-Ready Project: A significant departure from the Doing Business Report?"

IFI governance


11 October 2023 | Minutes

African perspectives on the reforms of the international financial architecture

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum Session 'African perspectives on the reforms of the international financial architecture' on 11 October 2023.

IFI governance


10 October 2023 | Minutes

Transformative policy pathways: Lessons from feminist economics programming for the IMF

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 10 October 2023 titled "Transformative policy pathways: Lessons from feminist economics programming for the IMF."

IFI governance


12 May 2023 | Minutes

IFI reform, Bridgetown & climate finance: Critical civil society perspectives

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 12 April titled "IFI reform, Bridgetown & climate finance: Critical civil society perspectives."

IFI governance


14 April 2023 | Minutes

Voices of the Global South: Taxation and polycrisis

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on April 14 2023 titled "Voices of the Global South: Taxation and polycrisis"

IFI governance


14 April 2023 | Minutes

Time to get Macro? Gendered effects of World Bank macroeconomic policy amidst IFI reform

Notes from the CSPF panel "Time to get Macro? Gendered effects of World Bank macroeconomic policy amidst IFI reform" on Friday the 14th of April 2023. 

IFI governance


13 April 2023 | Minutes

Navigating Africa’s debt conundrum amid multiple crisis: Looking beyond the G20 Common Framework

Notes from the Civil Society Policy From on 13 April titled "Navigating Africa’s debt conundrum amid multiple crisis: Looking beyond the G20 Common Framework."

IFI governance


12 April 2023 | Minutes

IMF strategy on social spending: New direction or band-aid?

Notes from Civil Society Policy From event from April 12 2023, titled "IMF strategy on social spending: New direction or Band-Aid?"

IFI governance


12 April 2023 | Minutes

Protecting biodiversity in a biodiversity crisis

Notes from the CSPF on 12 April titled "Protecting biodiversity in a biodiversity crisis."

IFI governance


12 April 2023 | Minutes

Why Paris Alignment must be part of the Evolution Roadmap and what this should look like

Notes from the CSPF on 12 April titled "Why Paris Alignment must be part of the Evolution Roadmap and what this should look like."

IFI governance


12 April 2023 | Minutes

Political economic reforms in the extractive sector as a catalyst to sustainable development in Africa

Notes from the CSPF on 12 April titled "Political economic reforms in the extractive sector as a catalyst to sustainable development in Africa."

IFI governance


11 April 2023 | Minutes

Financial flows, capital controls, and development impacts in the Global South

Notes from the CSPF on 11 April titled "Financial flows, capital controls, and development impacts in the Global South."

IFI governance


14 October 2022 | Minutes

Implications of financial deepening for inequality and its impact on gender, poverty, and marginalization

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 14 October 2022 titled "Implications of financial deepening for inequality and its impact on gender, poverty, and marginalization."

IFI governance


14 October 2022 | Minutes

Greening whole economies? Unpacking World Bank plans for Paris alignment by July 2023

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum event on 14 October titled "Greening whole economies? Unpacking World Bank plans for Paris alignment by July 2023."

IFI governance


13 October 2022 | Minutes

Winds of change: the future of tax reforms in Latin America

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 13 October 2022 titled "Winds of change: the future of tax reforms in Latin America."

IFI governance


13 October 2022 | Minutes

Accelerating equality through a gender-just green transition: unlocking women and girls’ economic opportunities

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum event on 13 October titled "Accelerating equality through a gender-just green transition: unlocking women and girls’ economic opportunities."

IFI governance


13 October 2022 | Minutes

IFC, Uber and the gig economy: deregulation and labour flexibilisation as a “women’s empowerment” strategy

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 13 October titled "IFC, Uber and the gig economy: deregulation and labour flexibilisation as a 'women’s empowerment' strategy,"

IFI governance


12 October 2022 | Minutes

Debt transparency and public accountability - designing the way forward

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum event on 12 October 2022 titled "Debt transparency and public accountability - designing the way forward."

IFI governance


12 October 2022 | Minutes

Global health financing architecture for pandemic preparedness and response: Tackling future challenges and building on strong foundations

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 12 October titled "Global health financing architecture for pandemic preparedness and response: Tackling future challenges and building on strong foundations."

IFI governance


12 October 2022 | Minutes

Fit for purpose? IMF Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and taxation approaches during multiple intersecting crises

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum event on 12 October titled "Fit for purpose? IMF Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and taxation approaches during multiple intersecting crises."

IFI governance


12 October 2022 | Minutes

Global South feminist perspectives and proposals on accelerating climate finance for countries facing debt crises

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum event on 12 October titled, "Global South feminist perspectives and proposals on accelerating climate finance for countries facing debt crises."

IFI governance


12 October 2022 | Minutes

Coup d'états and political instability: The roles of national, regional, and international actors

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum on 12 October titled: "Coup d'états and political instability: The roles of national, regional, and international actors."

IFI governance


11 October 2022 | Minutes

Green and just? Climate in IMF surveillance & lending – evidence from Pakistan, Argentina, South Africa, Indonesia

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum on 11 October titled, "Green and just? Climate in IMF surveillance & lending – evidence from Pakistan, Argentina, South Africa, Indonesia."

IFI governance


4 October 2022 | Inside the institutions

What are the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings?

This Inside the Institutions looks at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings, one of two official yearly events bringing together BWI governors, officials, civil society, academics and journalists to discuss major economic developments and global governance.

IFI governance


13 April 2022 | Minutes

Towards a World Bank Private Sector Development Strategy that Puts People and Planet before Profit

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on 13 April 2022 titled 'Towards a World Bank Private Sector Development Strategy that Puts People and Planet before Profit'

IFI governance


14 April 2022 | Minutes

The IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust: Can an IMF-managed SDRs trust deliver inclusive & sustainable recoveries?

Notes from the 11 April Civil Society Policy Forum - The IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust: Can an IMF-managed SDRs trust deliver inclusive & sustainable recoveries?

IFI governance


13 April 2022 | Minutes

Are we heading towards an austerity-based recovery?

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on April 13, 2022 on "Are We Heading Towards and Austerity-Based Recovery?"

IFI governance


13 April 2022 | Minutes

The IMF Gender Strategy - Making the Economy Work for Women?

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on 13 April 2022 titled 'The IMF Gender Strategy - Making the Economy Work for Women?'

IFI governance


12 April 2022

The WBG's investments in private healthcare provision: What implications for the right to health?

Notes from civil society policy forum on 12 April on the WBG's investments in private healthcare provision: What implications for the right to health?

IFI governance


11 April 2022 | Minutes

MISSING RECEIPTS: How did DFIs’ covid-19 response affect human and environmental rights during the pandemic?

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on April 11, 2022, on: "MISSING RECEIPTS: How did DFIs’ COVID-19 Response Affect Human and Environmental Rights during the Pandemic?"

IFI governance


8 April 2022 | Minutes

Did pandemic spending go towards a Feminist People’s Recovery in Africa and Latin America?

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum event on 8 April 2022 titled 'Did Pandemic Spending Go towards a Feminist People’s Recovery in Africa and Latin America?'

IFI governance


7 April 2022 | Minutes

The future is public: Prioritizing public services in the light of Covid and climate change

Notes from the 7 April Civil Society Policy Forum - The future is public: Prioritizing public services in the light of Covid and climate change.

IFI governance


19 October 2021

Development Committee communiqué analysis - Annual Meetings 2021

The Development Committee communiqué was published on 15 October. It acknowledged an uneven and uncertain path to recovery, while it kept silent on the need for a TRIPS waiver of the Covid-19 vaccines and said little about the IMF’s new $650 billion allocation of SDRs.

IFI governance


19 October 2021 | Minutes

The World Bank’s Development Policy Financing: implications for a just, green and feminist recovery

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 29 September on the implications and shortcomings of how Development Policy Financing nudges countries towards policy reforms.

IFI governance


19 October 2021

IMFC communiqué analysis – Annual Meetings 2021

The communiqué of the IMFC was issued on 14 October. It emphasised an uneven recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and highlighted debt concerns. It also called for progress on IMF quota reform.

IFI governance


19 October 2021 | Minutes

Building back better through IDA20: Public investment as a tool for socio-economic transformation in Africa

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 7 October on IDA20's replenishment implications with a focus on Africa.

IFI governance


8 October 2021 | Minutes

The role of the World Bank in combatting economic gender inequality in conflict-affected countries

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 8 October on the need for the World Bank to better address economic gender inequality in conflict-affected countries.

IFI governance


6 October 2021 | Minutes

Building back better health systems: lessons from the WBG's Covid-19 response and recovery plans

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 6 October on the World Bank's need to highlight the centrality of public healthcare systems, central to a just and equitable recovery.

IFI governance


6 October 2021 | Minutes

IMF surcharges: A necessary tool or counter-productive obstacle to a just and green recovery?

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 6 October on the governance and resourcing implications of IMF's surcharges.

IFI governance


4 October 2021 | Minutes

Making the Most of Special Drawing Rights: Approaches to maximise impact and create a sustainable and just recovery

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 4 October on the ways to maximise the impacts of the recent allocation of $650 billion Special Drawing Rights.

IFI governance


29 September 2021 | Minutes

Covid-19 recovery: from government response to private sector-led sustainable growth

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 29 September on fiscal measures to promote sustainable growth during the longer-term recovery phase.

IFI governance


25 March 2021 | Minutes

An economic future for whom? The Cascade/MFD and recovery

Notes from the virtual Spring 2021 Civil Society Policy Forum on 25 March 2021.

IFI governance


20 April 2018 | Minutes

A lost decade for human rights? Assessing austerity and its alternatives 10 years on from the financial crisis

Notes from the 20 April Civil Society Policy Forum session on assessing austerity and its alternatives 10 years after the global financial crisis at the World Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings.

IFI governance


19 April 2018 | Minutes

Financing development through financial intermediaries: Exploring best practices in transparency

Notes from the 19 April Civil Society Policy Forum session on financing development through financial intermediaries at the World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings.

IFI governance


19 April 2018 | Minutes

Financial crisis 10 years on. Has the response to 2008 laid the foundations for the next?

Notes from the 19 April Civil Society Policy Forum session on the response to the 2008 financial crisis at the World Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings.

IFI governance


19 April 2018 | Minutes

The promotion of Public-Private Partnerships – exporting a failed model?

Notes from the 19 April Civil Society Policy Forum session on the World Bank's promotion of public-private partnerships at the World Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings.

IFI governance


18 April 2018 | Minutes

Big Shift: How can the Development Banks align with the Paris Agreement?

Notes from the 18 April Civil Society Policy Forum session on aligning multilateral development banks with the Paris Agreement at the World Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings.

IFI governance


18 April 2018 | Minutes

Can the World Bank improve energy access for the poor? The importance of transparency in achieving the SDGs

Notes from the 18 April Civil Society Policy Forum session on the World Bank's approach to financing energy access at the Work Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings.

IFI governance


13 October 2017 | Minutes

Great expectations: Is the IMF turning words into action on inequality?

Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on the IMF's approach to inequality, 13 October.

IFI governance


12 October 2017 | Minutes

Diagnosing governance challenges in the extractive sector: The Resource Governance Index and beyond

Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings Civil Society Policy Forum session on the challenges of effective governance of the oil, gas and mining sectors in resource-rich countries.

IFI governance


11 October 2017 | Minutes

Civil Society Townhall 2017

Notes and video from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session of the Civil Society Town Hall, 11 October.

IFI governance


11 October 2017 | Minutes

The challenges of financing infrastructure in developing countries through PPPs: A focus on contracts and laws

Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on financing infrastruure in Latin America through PPPs. This session aims to discuss the main challenges pose by the widespread promotion of PPPs and its impacts in particular Latin American cases.

IFI governance


11 October 2017 | Minutes

Funding energy access for the poor: Can the Bank meet the Challenge?

Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meeting Civil Society Policy Forum session on energy access, 11 October.

IFI governance


10 October 2017 | Minutes

Measuring impact – an overview of IFC’s new approach to measuring development impact

Notes on the IFC's new approach to measuring development impact at the Civil Society Policy Forum 2017, 10 October.

IFI governance


7 October 2016 | Minutes

The new World Bank environmental and social framework: Opportunities and challenges for implementation

Notes from a side event on implementation of the new World Bank environmental and social framework, which took place during the World Bank-IMF 2016 annual meetings.

IFI governance


10 November 2016 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with DFID: Annual meetings and IDA

Notes of a UK CSO meeting with DFID on the annual meetings and the IDA process 23 September 2016.

IFI governance


7 October 2016 | Minutes

Recurring debt crises in sub-Saharan Africa and the rise of bond issuance

Notes from a side event at the IMF/World Bank 2016 annual meetings launching a new report on bonds issuance in Nigeria, Zambia and Ghana, followed by a panel discussion on government bonds as a debt issue.

IFI governance


6 October 2016 | Minutes

The role of IFIs in assessing the impact of tax incentives and tax competition on inequality

Notes from a side event at the IMF/World Bank 2016 annual meetings exploring the link between tax incentives, reduced revenue mobilization and inequality, as well as addressing tax capacity building efforts.

IFI governance


6 October 2016 | Minutes

Stopping vulture funds through national anti-vulture laws

Notes from a side event at the IMF/World Bank 2016 annual meetings exploring the issue of vulture funds from various angles, as well as possible solutions.

IFI governance


6 October 2016 | Minutes

Evaluating citizen engagement in World Bank operations

Notes from a side event on citizen engagement in World Bank operations, which took place during the World Bank-IMF 2016 annual meetings.

IFI governance


6 October 2016 | Minutes

Equity, inclusion and education: Examining evidence on low-fee private schools

Notes from a side event on privatisation of education and low-fee private schools, which took place during the World Bank-IMF 2016 annual meetings.

IFI governance


4 October 2016 | Minutes

Emerging Lessons from Indigenous Peoples’ Cases

Notes from a side event on emerging lessions from indigenous peoples cases of the Inspection Panel, which took place during the World Bank-IMF 2016 annual meetings.

IFI governance


4 October 2016 | Minutes

CSO roundtable with World Bank Group Executive Directors

Notes from a CSO roundtable with World Bank Group Executive Directors at the IMF/World Bank 2016 annual meetings.

IFI governance


17 April 2016 | Minutes

IMF Fiscal Forum - International Taxation: Opportunities & Risks

IFI governance


17 April 2015 | Minutes

Safeguard policies review

Notes from a meeting on the World Bank safeguards review during the World Bank spring meetings.

IFI governance


17 April 2015 | Minutes

What are the trends in the energy sector?

Notes from a meeting on energy during the World Bank spring meetings.

IFI governance


17 April 2015 | Minutes

Ebola debt relief – Implications and next steps

Notes from a meeting on Ebola during the World Bank spring meetings.

IFI governance


16 April 2015 | Minutes

Development policy financing retrospective: Emerging findings and lessons

Notes from a meeting on the World Bank's Development Policy Finance retrospective during the Word Bank spring meetings.

IFI governance


16 April 2015 | Minutes

Aligning the financial system with sustainable development

Notes from a meeting on the financial system and sustainable development during the World Bank/IMF spring meetings.

IFI governance


11 October 2014

Sovereign debt restructuring: options, obstacles and opportunities

Notes of a meeting on sovereign debt restructuring at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


11 October 2014

The impact of the BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB)

Notes of a meeting on BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the New Development Bank (NDB) at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


10 October 2014 | Minutes

UK civil society meeting with UK World Bank Executive Director Gwen Hines

Notes of a meeting with World Bank executive director Gwen Hines in October 2014.

IFI governance


10 October 2014

IFC Update on Dinant financing

Notes of an IFC update on Dinant financing at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


10 October 2014

Discussion with the IFC/MIGA Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO)

Notes of a discussion with the IFC/MIGA Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


10 October 2014

From interim strategy to full country partnership: lessons from Myanmar

Notes of a meeting on Myanmar's transition to full country partnership at the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


9 October 2014

Financing for development: What actions are needed on debt and illicit capital flows?

Notes of a meeting on financing for development at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


9 October 2014

Matching money and expertise: ensuring conflict sensitivity is top of the agenda for the bank's fragile state financing

Notes of a meeting on matching money and expertise at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


9 October 2014

After SCOTUS: Next steps in sovereign debt restructuring

Notes of a meeting on sovereign debt restructuring after SCOTUS at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


9 October 2014

IFC lending through financial intermediaries - a year on from the action plan, what have we learned?

Notes of a meeting on IFC lending through financial intermediaries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


8 October 2014

Governance and impact report 2014

Notes of a meeting on governance and impact report 2014 at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


8 October 2014

Comparative analysis of social and environmental safeguards in IFIs

Notes of a meeting on comparative analysis of social and environmental safeguards in IFIs at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


8 October 2014

Emerging markets in transition: growth prospects and challenges

Notes of a meeting on emerging markets in transition at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


8 October 2014

Making PPPs work

Notes of a meeting on how to make PPPs work at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


7 October 2014

CSO roundtable with Executive Directors

Notes of CSO roundtable with Executive Directors at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

IFI governance


7 October 2014

CSO land rights and resettlement

Notes of a meeting with CSOs on land rights and resettlement at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014



22 April 2014 | Minutes

Reforming IMF conditionality. Where do we stand?

IFI governance


12 April 2014

An overview of the World Bank Group's new country engagement model



12 April 2014

IMF recommendations to Arab countries in transition: Challenges & prospects



11 April 2014

Financial tremors in developing countries: is another earthquake on the way?

IFI governance


11 April 2014

What does real accountability mean in practice?

IFI governance


9 April 2014

Mega-project mania?

IFI governance


23 January 2014 | Resource

Recommended resources on the World Bank and IMF 2013

The best papers, books and electronic resources on the World Bank and IMF from 2013.



14 October 2013 | Minutes

Review and update of the World Bank’s safeguard policies

Minutes from a side event with the World Bank safeguards team presenting an update on the review process during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2013.

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

Meeting president Kim’s pledge of “no dilution” for safeguards

Minutes of a civil society meeting on upward harmonisation of World Bank safeguards during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2013.

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

Continuing conversations with CAO

Minutes from a CAO sponsored event during the 2013 World Bank/IMF annual meetings.

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

World Bank Group strategy and reform process

Minutes from a World Bank sponsored event on the new World Bank Group strategy during the 2013 WB/IMF annual meetings.

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

Why the Bank and Fund provide too little debt relief too late – and what can be done about it

Expert panelists discuss the need for comprehensive and automatic debt restructuring mechanisms, at the Annual Meetings 2013 civil society forum

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

Is the European recovery finally under way?

CEPR event at the 2013 civil society forum on whether a recovery is under way in Europe; held as a debate between Prakash Loungani of the IMF's research department and Mark Weisbrot, CEPR co-director.

IFI governance


13 October 2013 | Minutes

Subsidy reform in Arab countries: Reflection on IMF recommendations

New America Foundation civil society event on subsidy reform in Arab countries, held in the civil society forum of the 2013 IMF/World Bank annual meetings

IFI governance


12 October 2013 | Minutes

Austerity and Inequality in Europe

Minutes from Oxfam-hosted civil society seminar at 2013 Annual meetings on European austerity and inequality

IFI governance


10 October 2013 | Minutes

IMF consultation: CSO views on fiscal transparency policy

Minutes of an IMF consultation on fiscal transparency policy

IFI governance


25 April 2013 | Minutes

Doing Business at the crossroads: ten years

Spring meetings side event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies on 19 April 2013



23 April 2013 | Minutes

Colombia case study: results measurement and poverty eradication

This session examined Colombia's private sector partnerships and poverty eradication programme.

IFI governance


23 April 2013 | Minutes

The private sector and poverty eradication

This session gave an overview on the links between private sector and healthcare provision in tackling poverty.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

Bending the arc of poverty

The session focused on the World Bank's development strategy, poverty eradication goals, global inequality, and the threat of climate change.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

Financial and housing crises, the Bank's safeguards and the right to adequate housing

This session featured a presentation from UN special rapporteur on the links between financial and housing crises, safeguards and the right to adequate housing.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

The challenges of advancing sustainability at the World Bank

This panel discussion reflected on the major sustainability challenges facing the World Bank through exploring two World Resources Institute areas - a portfolio analysis on 2012 projects, and the interaction between country systems and World Bank safeguard approaches.

IFI governance


22 April 2013 | Minutes

From the Arab revolutions to global austerity trends

This session examined issues thrown up by the Arab revolutions, including the fiscal, monetary, tax and investment policies being considered by governments facilitating, or hindering countries in the Arab and other regions in building an inclusive economy and supporting socioeconomic recovery, the impact on public expenditure for the strengthening of education, health, and other social sectors as well as the management of chronic and high unemployment and high food and fuel prices.

IFI governance


18 April 2013 | Minutes

After recent court decisions: how can sovereign debt workouts become fair, comprehensive and account

This session examines the challenges which recent court decisions pose to sovereign debt workouts that allow for burden-sharing and take into account the social development needs of debtor countries.



18 April 2013 | Minutes

Frameworks to support IMF policy advice to low-income countries

This event examined financial Sector Surveillance in Low Income Countries - Financial Deepening and Macro-stability Financial Deepening and Macro-Stability



18 February 2013 | Minutes

UK Civil Society Meeting with Minister of State Rt Hon Alan Duncan MP

This was a meeting on 1 October 2012, between the Minister of State of the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and civil society representatives, focusing on the World Bank.

IFI governance


13 October 2012 | Minutes

World Bank Inspection Panel at 19: Some Lessons for Safeguard Policy

This panel discussion centered on the possible policy lessons for the Safeguard Review of learning from the emblematic or most frequently registered cases of non-compliance with Bank safeguard policies, particularly project supervision, environmental assessment, and involuntary resettlement.

IFI governance


13 October 2012 | Minutes

Think tanks: promoting local solutions, influencing global thinking

This session brought together representatives of three leading policy research organizations from Bangladesh, Tanzania and Ecuador, to share their experiences and analysis of the potential of think tanks to promote local solutions and influence global thinking.



13 October 2012 | Minutes

Post Fukushima: The Role of the Financial Sector in Energy Future

This session introduced the audience to an overview of global energy issues and specific analyses of the environment and economic impacts of Fukushima nuclear power accident, and discussed the roles of the financial sector in viable global energy future.



12 October 2012 | Minutes

Doing business report rankings

This session will bring together experts from labour, development and business organizations to highlight issues and perspectives that need to be part of the review of these influential rankings.



12 October 2012 | Minutes

IMF consultation meeting on engagement with civil society: review and way forward

This session sought to gather CSO views, suggestions, and concerns on how to improve the current guidelines, including IMF consultation processes on policies, strategies, and Article. IV consultations

IFI governance


12 October 2012 | Minutes

Citizen-Led Accountability at the World Bank Group: experiences of independent recourse mechanisms

This session aimed to gather CSO views, suggestions, and concerns on how to improve the current guidelines, including IMF consultation processes on policies, strategies, and Art. IV consultations.

IFI governance


12 October 2012 | Minutes

Facilitating international adjustment through timely debt resolution

This session highlighted the perspectives of finance ministers, policy makers, and academics on the need to ensure timely, effective international adjustment in a manner consistent with sustained global growth and continued adherence to the system of open, dynamic international trade and payments constructed over the past 65 years.



12 October 2012 | Minutes

World Bank safeguard review and CSOs approaches in their engagement

Interaction between the Bank and CSOs on the approach paper through this panel provided an opportunity for the Bank and CSOs to highlight areas of importance and provide input about the direction of the safeguard review.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

The Role of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)

This session provided CSOs with the opportunity to have an exchange with IEG's Director-General and Senior Vice President on the role of the IEG.



11 October 2012 | Minutes

Global financial regulations and their Impact on major campaigns

This event was a collegial information-sharing and strategy session to explore the linkages between financial regulations and grass roots campaigns.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

CSO Townhall with Jim Yong Kim and Christine Lagarde

This townhall was for CSO representatives accredited to the Annual Meetings. The CSO Discussants made initial remarks on Fund and Bank policies and were followed by comments from Mr. Kim and Ms. Lagarde. This was then followed by a general discussion on issues of concern to CSO representatives.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

From country systems to DPLs: understanding the World Bank's approach to social and environmental ri

This session will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Bank’s approaches with respect to different financial instruments and evaluate the challenges of ensuring coherence in environmental and social sustainability outcomes across instruments.

IFI governance


10 October 2012 | Minutes

Making global governance accountable: civil society experiences with 13 Institutions

This session discussed the conclusions reached on the global governance role of civil society by the Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance project.



3 August 2012 | Minutes

IFI re-engagement in Burma

Minutes of Burma and IFIs meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012



23 April 2012 | Minutes

EIR + 10

Minutes of afternoon sessions of extractives conference, Washington DC, 23 April 2012

IFI governance


23 April 2012 | Minutes

2012 Tokyo Annual Meeting Planning Session

2012 Tokyo Annual Meeting Planning Session held on Saturday, 21 April.



21 April 2012 | Minutes

Lessons from IEG's Cluster Review of IFC-supported Extractive Industries Projects

Minutes of IFC and extractives meeting, Washington DC, 21 April 2012



21 April 2012 | Minutes

Safeguards in a Changing Landscape

Minutes of safeguards meeting, Washington DC, 21 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

How can the IMF enhance its focus on growth and poverty reduction in LICS?

A civil society meeting held at the World Bank and the IMF hold their 2012 spring meetings in Washington DC on Friday 20th April.

IFI governance


20 April 2012 | Minutes

Seminar - Time for a New Consensus: Regulating Financial Flows for Stability and Development

As the World Bank and the IMF hold their 2012 spring meetings in Washington DC this week, Latindadd and the Bretton Woods Project organised a seminar about regulating financial flows on Thursday 19 April.

IFI governance


20 April 2012 | Minutes

Austerity in the Eurozone

Seminar at the Spring meetings 2012, 19 April 12



20 April 2012 | Minutes

Kosovo's options for a sustainable energy future

Minutes of presentation and discussion on Kosovo's options to develop a sustainable energy future, Washington DC, 20 April 2012.



20 April 2012 | Minutes

World Bank's Climate Investment Funds 4 years later

Minutes of meeting on the World Bank-housed Climate Investment Funds and the Green Climate Fund, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

Agriculture and Food Security

Minutes of agriculture and food security meeting, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



20 April 2012 | Minutes

Climate change, energy access and sustainable development

Minutes of climate change and energy access meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012



19 April 2012 | Minutes

Supporting Social Accountability for Better Results

Minutes of World Bank Social accountability plenary, Washington DC, 19 April 2012



19 April 2012 | Minutes

Development Policy Lending (DPL) Retrospective consultation

Minutes meeting, Washington DC, 18 April 2012



19 April 2012 | Minutes

IMF Consultation on Natural Resources Management and Taxation

Notes of meeting, Spring meetings 2012, Washington DC



26 September 2011 | Minutes

India's energy future: Consequences of India's coal rush and alternative energy scenarios

Notes of a panel discussion, Washington DC, 20 September 2011



26 September 2011 | Minutes

India's energy future: What role for the Bank?

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 21, 2011



26 September 2011 | Minutes

Civil Society Strategy Meeting on the Doing Business rankings

Notes of a meeting, Washington DC, 21 September 2011



26 September 2011 | Minutes

CSO Roundtable with Lars Thunel

Notes of a meeting, Washington DC, 21 September 2011



26 September 2011 | Minutes

Safeguards and climate finance in Indonesia in the context of REDD+

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 23, 2011

Social services


23 September 2011 | Minutes

Seminar - Gender Equality Matters: The Way Forward

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 21, 2011



23 September 2011 | Minutes

CSO Townhall with Robert Zoellick and Christine Lagarde

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 22, 2011



23 September 2011 | Minutes

Scaling up Climate Finance

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, September 22, 2011

IFI governance


23 September 2011 | Minutes

Financial Transaction Tax implementation

Notes of a meeting, Washington DC, 22 September 2011



23 September 2011 | Minutes

Real Aid

Notes of a panel discussion, Washington DC, 21 September 2011



23 September 2011 | Minutes

Plundered nations?

Notes of a meeting, Washington DC, 21 September 2011



18 April 2011 | Minutes

Consultation on Program for Results (P4R)

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, April 16, 2011



18 April 2011 | Minutes

Safeguards consultation, World Bank, 16 April 2011

Summary of consultation held at the World Bank in Washington, 16 April 2011



18 April 2011 | Minutes

IFC and Financial Intermediary Lending

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, April 15, 2011

IFI governance


15 April 2011 | Minutes

How the Financial Stability Board Affects Development Prospects: Opening the Black Box

Notes of a meeting held in Washington DC, 15 April 2011



14 April 2011 | Minutes

IFC's international development goals

IFC staff member discusses plans for goals to guide future work in private sector development.



14 April 2011 | Minutes

The regulation of excessive speculation in commodity markets: what's at stake

Financial experts critically discuss commodity speculation.

IFI governance


13 April 2011 | Minutes

IMF triennial surveillance review

Notes of meeting, Washington DC, April 13, 2011



13 April 2011 | Minutes

Meeting between the UK IMF Executive Director Alex Gibbs, HM Treasury and UK civil society organisat

Notes of the seminar of spring meetings 2011



12 October 2010 | Minutes

Energy, Poverty, Sustainability and Climate Change

Minutes of a seminar at the 2010 annual meetings, 8 October 2010

IFI governance


12 October 2010 | Minutes

Held in reserve: can a new approach to monetary policy transform the global economic outlook?

Minutes of an experts seminar held on the sidelines of the 2010 Annual Meetings of the IMF, 7 October 2010

IFI governance


12 October 2010 | Minutes

Investment lending reform

A briefing by World Bank staff on the investment lending reform, 9 October 2010



11 October 2010 | Minutes

Post MDG Summit

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010

IFI governance


11 October 2010 | Minutes

Future of the global financial and monetary system

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010

IFI governance


11 October 2010 | Minutes

Global economic governance

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010



8 October 2010 | Minutes

Civil Society Townhall Meeting with Robert Zoellick and Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010



7 October 2010 | Minutes

Meeting between the UK IMF Executive Director Alex Gibbs , HM Treasury and UK civil society organisa

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010

IFI governance


29 April 2010 | Minutes

Future of the World Bank: major reforms or a series of minor adjustments?

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 24 April



26 April 2010 | Minutes

Launch of Bank Information Center's (BIC's) model energy strategy

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 24 April



26 April 2010 | Minutes

A sustainable World Bank energy strategy: perspectives from various stakeholders

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 23 April



26 April 2010 | Minutes

Evaluation as a critical tool for accountability

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 23 April

IFI governance


23 April 2010 | Minutes

An IMF for the 21st century - the low-income country perspective

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 22 April



23 April 2010 | Minutes

Financing the response to climate change: special drawing rights (SDRs) for climate finance

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 22 April



23 April 2010 | Minutes

Governance challenges in financing green and sustainable energy policies

Freidrich-Ebert-Stiftung event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 22 April



23 April 2010 | Minutes

Roundtable on post-crisis economic recovery

World Bank event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 22 April



23 April 2010 | Minutes

World Bank, climate change and climate finance

Civil society event at the World Bank spring meetings 2010, 22 April

IFI governance


9 October 2009 | Minutes

The IMF and protectionist trade policies: What does the record of the past 15 years tell us?

Seminar on the IEo evluation of IMF trade policy advice in Istanbul, 2 October 2009.

IFI governance


8 October 2009 | Minutes

Financial sector policies in the crisis

Programme of Seminars session in Istanbul on 3 October 2009 with Zeti Aziz, Andrew Crockett, Christine Cummings, Sayed Sadeeq, and John Laker.



8 October 2009 | Minutes

CSO Townhall meeting

Notes from the CSO townhall meeting with Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Robert Zoellick



8 October 2009 | Minutes

IMF governance - CSO meeting with the IMF managing director

Minutes of a meeting between civil society organisations, IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and IMF deputy managing director John Lipsky



6 October 2009 | Minutes

Consultation meeting on World Bank environmental strategy

Summary of the first consultation on their new environment strategy, which they will develop next year.

IFI governance


5 October 2009 | Minutes

The impact of financial regulation on developing countries

The impact of financial regulation on developing countries, World Bank Programme of Seminars, with Mingkang Liu, Joseph Stiglitz, and Alvir Hoffman.



5 October 2009 | Minutes

The IMF: Change we can believe in?

The IMF: Change we can believe in? Notes of a civil society meeting in Istanbul. Speakers include Joseph Stiglitz, Andrew Kumbatira, Caroline Atkinson, and Bhumika Muchhala.

IFI governance


5 October 2009 | Minutes

Future of the Global Financial System

Notes of part of a panel debate chaired by Martin Wolf of the Financial Times, Istanbul, 4 October 2009.



4 October 2009 | Minutes

Report launch: Post-crisis growth in developing countries

Growth commission event in Istanbul.

IFI governance


4 October 2009 | Minutes

The UN conference and the G20 summit

Minutes from The UN conference and the G20 summit, civil society policy forum discussion on 3 October 2009. Istanbul, Turkey

IFI governance


4 October 2009 | Minutes

Critical debate on the World Bank and IMF

Summary of a presentation made by Professor Anwar Shaikh, the New School for Social Research, on "Monetary Policy and the Global Crisis"

IFI governance


4 October 2009 | Minutes

Global economic governance roundtable

Summary of a discussion with German government representatives, Jomo KS of the UN and civil society organisations.



27 April 2009 | Minutes

The World Bank's programs on forests and climate change

A civil society event organised by World Resources Institute (WRI) at the World Bank spring meetings 2009

IFI governance


27 April 2009 | Minutes

Compliance Advisory Ombudsman review of standards for Bank’s private sector lending

Notes of a session with the CAO at the World Bank spring meetings, Washington, DC, April 22, 2009.

IFI governance


25 April 2009 | Minutes

IMF crisis response- discussion

Notes of a meeting between the IMF and civil society organisations



13 April 2008 | Minutes

Dialogue with NGOs and Lars Thunell, Executive Vice President and CEO, IFC

Dialogue with NGOs and Lars Thunell, Executive Vice President and CEO, IFC



11 April 2008 | Minutes

Macroeconomic and fiscal implications of climate change and the policies to address it

A briefing by IMF economists at the spring meetings 2008.

IFI governance


11 April 2008 | Minutes

Briefing on the World Bank's Six Strategic Themes

Minutes of a briefing by World Bank staff on the WBG's six strategic themese



11 April 2008 | Minutes

IMF consultation in advance of the PSI review

Notes of a consultation between IMF staff and NGOs in advance of the PSI review

Social services


10 April 2008 | Minutes

Structural conditionalities in the IMF: A discussion between the IMF, IEO, and CSOs

An upcoming civil society report demonstrates that IMF structural conditionality did not decline in the five years after the approval of the Fund's conditionality guidelines in September 2002, which were based on the principles of ownership and criticality in its application of structural conditionality, as well as to streamlining the number of conditions. Going on seven years, it seems that these guidelines have been more honoured in principle than in practice. A recent Independent Evaluation O



26 October 2007 | Minutes

Macroeconomic aspects of aid scaling up and the role of the Fund

Highlights of a 21 October discussion on the macroeconomics of aid scaling up at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



26 October 2007 | Minutes

Wage bill ceilings, fiscal and monetary policies and absorbing aid inflows - updates and next steps

Highlights of a 20 October discussion on the the IMF's fiscal and monetary policy advice and conditionality for low-income countries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



26 October 2007 | Minutes

Rethinking the governance of the IMF

Highlights of a 19 October discussion on the reform of IMF governance at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



26 October 2007 | Minutes

The role of low-income countries in IFI governance

Highlights of a 19 October discussion on the role of low-income countries in IMF governance at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



26 October 2007 | Minutes

The IMF's Policy Support Instrument: more flexibility or continued belt tightening

Highlights of a 21 October discussion on the IMF's Policy Support Instrument (PSI) at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



23 October 2007 | Minutes

Townhall meeting and reception with World Bank and IMF presidents and civil society representatives

Highlights of an 18 October 'town hall' meeting between WB-IMF heads and CSOs.



23 October 2007 | Minutes

The agenda of the Development Committee and the provision of Global Public Goods

Highlights of a 20 October meeting hosted by the FES Foundation on global public goods, at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



23 October 2007 | Minutes

Climate change and clean energy challenges and opportunities in addressing Africa's growing energy n

Highlights of a meeting at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



23 October 2007 | Minutes

Low carbon, high hopes: making climate action work for development

Highlights of a 19 October meeting at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.



5 October 2007 | Minutes

Highlights of BWI-UK network meeting with Douglas Alexander

Highlights of a 4 October meeting between NGOs in the BWI-UK network and secretary of state for international development, Douglas Alexander, addressing IFI strategic reviews, aid effectiveness, clean energy/climate change and a number of other issues.



27 April 2007 | Minutes

IMF macroeconomic policies and the impacts on education budgets and teacher wages

IMF civil society dialogue, spring meetings 2007 (14 April 2007)



27 April 2007 | Minutes

IEO Evaluation of the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

Civil society dialogue, spring meetings 2007 (12 April 2007) on the IEO Evaluation of the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

IFI governance


27 April 2007 | Minutes

European CSO meeting with European IMF EDs

Incomplete minutes of European CSO meeting with European IMF EDs, 13 April 2007



20 April 2007 | Minutes

Fiscal space and fiscal priorities: Infrastructure, trade and poverty

This panel discussion addressed the pros and cons of fiscal space for infrastructure when infrastructure is trade-related, what they mean for current proposals by the World Bank and IMF on fiscal space, and the importance of an assessment that looks jointly at the trade and financial aspects on the grounds of poverty reduction, development and environment goals.



19 April 2007 | Minutes

Sub-Saharan Africa: Outlook and Challenges

Sub-Saharan Africa: Outlook and Challenges; IMF-civil society dialogue, 13 April 2007

IFI governance


26 October 2006 | Minutes

Highlights of Hilary Benn meeting with UK NGOs

Highlights of semi-annual meeting between UK Secretary of State for International Development and UK NGOs. Topics covered include CSO access to annual meetings, conditionality, anti-corruption, odious debt, clean energy, education in LICUS, bank internal governance, IFC safeguards

IFI governance


26 September 2006 | Minutes

Highlights of Tom Scholar meeting with UK NGOs

Highlights of quarterly meeting between UK executive director to the World Bank and IMF and UK NGOs. Topics covered include CSO access to annual meetings, IMF strategic review, conditionality, anti-corruption and education.

IFI governance


28 June 2006 | Minutes

Highlights of Tom Scholar meeting with UK NGOs, Monday 26 June 2006

Highlights of Tom Scholar meeting with UK NGOs, Monday 26 June 2006

IFI governance


9 May 2006 | Minutes

Policy issues in scaling up of aid flows

Highlights of a spring meetings dialogue hosted by the IMF on scaling-up aid, where senior Fund staff Peter Heller walked out.

Social services


28 April 2006 | Minutes

Evaluating the impact of the PRGF: The cases of Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia

Highlights of a civil society dialogue on the IMF Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, at the World Bank spring meetings in Washington, 20 April 2006.



27 April 2006 | Minutes

World Bank dialogue on the clean energy investment framework

Highlights of a World Bank-organised dialogue on its new clean energy investment framework at the spring meetings in Washington, 24 April 2006.

IFI governance


25 April 2006 | Minutes

Briefing on the implementation of new IFC performance standards

Briefing on the implementation of new IFC performance standards at the World Bank-IMF spring meetings in Washington, 20 April 2006.



25 April 2006 | Minutes

Dialogue on national development strategies and the Millennium Development Goals

Dialogue on national development strategies and the Millennium Development Goals at the World Bank-IMF spring meetings in Washington, 20 April 2006.



25 April 2006 | Minutes

Dialogue on Fund role in middle-income countries

Dialogue on Fund role in middle-income countries at the World Bank-IMF spring meetings in Washington, Thursday 20 April.

IFI governance


6 October 2004 | Minutes

Grants or Loans? The Full Debate

The session considered the arguments surrounding the provision of grants or loans by IDA. It considered the recent call by President Bush for the World Bank and other development banks to provide more of their funds to the poorest countries as grants, in recognition of the pivotal role that grants play in providing prudent financing for pressing development needs.

IFI governance


4 October 2004 | Minutes

CSO meeting with European Executive Directors

Note from meeting in Washington between European IFI network and European EDs as part of the civil society programme of the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings 04.

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IFI governance


Annual Meetings 2024 Wrap-up - Don’t look back: BWIs plough down path of reforms lacking evidence and willingness to engage with broader UN-led reform processes

The 2024 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings, taking place in the context of the institutions’ 80th anniversary, offered little substantive reform despite multiple ongoing organisational processes and reviews.

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IFI governance


Development Committee chair’s statement analysis Annual Meetings 2024: compounding crises expose the World Bank’s role in structural failures but limit scope for reform

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IFI governance


G20 communiqué analysis Annual Meetings 2024: progress on tax and inequality obscures Group's wider failures

At the 25th anniversary of the Group’s Finance Track, the G20 communiqué’s robust language on the taxation of billionaires, including encouraging “constructive discussions” about the UN Tax Conference was contrasted by much more cautious language on MDB reform, climate finance, debt and Special Drawing Rights.

29 October 2024

IFI governance


G24 communiqué analysis Annual Meetings 2024: calls for robust multilateral response to mounting risk and global crises

G24 calls for robust multilateral response to debt, development and climate crises, arguing the IMF and World Bank must continue reform in order to maintain legitimacy and fulfil their mandate.

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IFI governance


IMFC chair’s statement analysis Annual Meetings 2024: a fiscal consolidation “pivot” as IMF struggles to get its house in order

Chair’s statement calls for a ‘pivot’ to fiscal consolidation and announces possible approaches to guide further quota realignment by June 2025. In contrast, China’s statement calls for work to begin on alignment even without resolution of 16th quota review.

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IFI governance


V20 communiqué analysis Annual Meetings 2024: climate vulnerable countries once again demand key changes to IMF’s approach, as world risks breaching climate tipping points

V20 members offered a searing indictment of rich countries’ failure to act on BWIs governance, debt relief, climate finance and SDRs.

29 October 2024

IFI governance


Arab voices for sustainable development financing: rights-based approaches to addressing the debt tax-climate crises

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 24th October 2024 titled "Arab Voices for Sustainable Development Financing: Rights-Based Approaches to Addressing the Debt Tax-Climate Crises".

24 October 2024 | Minutes

IFI governance


Evidence based analysis of the implementation of anti IFFs policies in Africa- Lessons from the policy tracker project

Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum on 23 October titled "Evidence based analysis of the implementation of Anti IFFs policies in Africa- Lessons from the policy tracker project".

22 October 2024 | Minutes

IFI governance


Taxing the super-rich, a step closer

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum SPF on 22 October 22 titled "Taxing the super-rich, a step closer".

22 October 2024 | Minutes

IFI governance


Problematising the Bank’s reliance on financial inclusion, from the gender strategy to the corporate scorecard

Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 22 October titled "Problematising the Bank’s Reliance on Financial Inclusion, from the Gender Strategy to the Corporate Scorecard".

22 October 2024 | Minutes