In September, the World Bank announced that it would discontinue the publication of the Doing Business Report and Ranking (DBR). This overdue decision came after a series of internal audits and an investigation that revealed serious ethical improprieties, conflicts of interest inherent in the Bank’s Advisory Services and data manipulation in the development of the Doing Business. But the current revelations are just the tip of the iceberg of much wider issues.
By ranking countries on the grounds of regressive indicators, for 18 years the DBR has caused much harm, driving countries to a race to the bottom of business deregulation, eroding tax and social security systems, and removing critical workers’ protections. It undermined their ability to pursue industrial development and economic diversification in order to attract private foreign capital. More than any of its other flagship publications, the DBR most strongly embodied the World Bank’s neoliberal ideology, imparting a view of economic development as a competition between countries that can only be won by reducing the role of the state and creating the conditions for runaway capital. It also embodied the contradiction of an institution that is set up and supported with public resources to fight poverty, but too often puts profit before people.
The harm caused by the DBR needs to be recognised, repaired, and prevented from happening again, including by DBR offshoots, such as its Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) rankings. Any new manifestation of the DBR is therefore unacceptable.
The most recent reports, which include an investigation by a law firm and a methodology review by an independent panel, revealed that data had been manipulated to change the rankings of five countries (China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Azerbaijan) to accommodate vested interests and under undue pressure from World Bank leadership. These findings come in addition to a long history of misconduct and manipulations.
These revelations call into question not only the credibility and legitimacy of the World Bank in its self-proclaimed role as policy advisor for the world, but also its ability to conduct objective and independent research. They reflect deep structural problems, long highlighted by civil society, including:
- An undemocratic governance system that makes decision-making within the Bank prone to capture and manipulation in the name of geopolitical interests. The Bank’s quota voting system structurally underrepresents the global south and overwhelmingly favours the global north, while its leadership selection process is governed by an informal colonial gentleman’s agreement in which the United States and Europe lead by default the WB and the IMF, respectively.
- An internal accountability deficit, reflected in the lack of independence and integrity of research, reluctance to engage with critique, and widespread conflict of interest in lending and policy advice that leaves huge loopholes for corruption.
- Ideological bias in policy advice and conditionality, in favour of austerity, deregulation, and privatisation that systematically reduces countries’ fiscal and policy space and hollows out the state in favour of private financial interests, to the detriment of people and the planet.
- The inability of the World Bank to engage meaningfully with the international human rights framework or to assist its member countries in complying with their human rights obligations, including adopting a proper human rights assessment of its policy advice and country operations.
Yet, instead of announcing comprehensive measures to address its lack of transparency, accountability and research integrity, the World Bank has engaged in a blame game that is placing all responsibility on one single individual, Kristalina Georgieva, while reinforcing its intention to go back to business as usual. It does not go unnoticed that Georgieva also happens to be a female leader in a world dominated by men, while current World Bank leadership, namely David Malpass, has remained unquestioned.
Blaming single individuals without addressing the faults in the system and its ideological bias is not a credible or adequate response for a leading global institution like the World Bank. The discontinuation of the DBR must be followed by a deep rethinking of the institution’s governance, processes and ideologies.
A credible response requires nothing less than a structural overhaul, including:
- End the gentleman’s agreement in the leadership selection process, reform the quota system to give more power to countries from the global south, as well as to economic ideas and policy tools from the global south in an effort to decolonise the World Bank Group’s knowledge systems and decision-making. The use of policy conditionality and other forms of undue influence on the policy space of developing countries must also come to a termination.
- Overcome the ideological bias in favour of neoliberal policies starting with abandoning a ‘private-first’ agenda and adopting a definition of ‘enabling business environment‘ that aims at economic diversification and resilience and properly values people and the planet. Operations must also be fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and international standards on human rights, labour and the environment.
- Review the integrity and independence of the World Bank’s research and technical assistance, and implement reforms that increase its internal and external scrutiny, avoid conflict of interest, ensure exposure to critical analysis, and enable greater transparency and citizen oversight.
- Adopt a ‘do no harm approach’ to its policy advice and lending operations, through systematic Human Rights Impact Assessments. The Bank must also engage in a more proactive way with the human rights framework.
As we enter the World Bank’s Annual Meetings and critical discussions on how the Bretton Woods Institutions are to support countries in the Covid-19 recovery, it is imperative that the World Bank focuses on grappling with the harms caused by its undemocratic governance structure and biased publications like the Doing Business Report, and that it takes measures to decolonise the institution.
1 | A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights, Serbia |
2 | ActionAid International |
4 | Aid Organization |
5 | Alliance Sud |
6 | Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) |
7 | Anadolu University |
8 | APMDD – Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development |
9 | Arab Watch Coalition |
10 | Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) |
11 | Association For Promotion Sustainable Development |
12 | ATTAC-Ireland |
13 | Bahrain Human Rights Society |
14 | Big Shift Global |
15 | The Bretton Woods Project |
16 | CAFOD (United Kingdom) |
17 | Campaign of Campaigns |
18 | Casa Generalizia della Societa del Sacro Cuore |
19 | CCFD-Terre Solidaire |
21 | Center for Demovracy and Development (CDD) |
22 | Centre for Financial Accountability (CFA) |
24 | Christian Aid |
25 | CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network) |
26 | Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ) |
27 | Congregation of the Mission |
28 | Cooperation for Peace and Development (CPD) |
29 | Corporate Europe Observatory |
30 | DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era) |
31 | DemNet Hungary |
32 | Democratic Socialists of America, International Committee, Economics + Trade |
33 | Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales DAR |
34 | Dhulikhel |
35 | Earth Activist Training |
36 | Economy and Society Trust |
37 | Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy) |
38 | Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia |
39 | Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation |
40 | Eurodad |
41 | Fight Inequality Alliance |
42 | Financial Transparency Coalition |
43 | FOKUS – Forum for Women and Development |
44 | Fondazione Proclade Internazionale-onlus |
45 | Forum de Monitoria do Orcamento (FMO) |
46 | Friends of the Earth US |
47 | Gatef organizations |
48 | Gender Action |
49 | Gestos |
50 | Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity |
51 | Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights |
52 | Global Justice Now |
53 | Global Policy Forum |
54 | Global Social Justice |
55 | Good Health Community Programmes |
56 | Green Advocates International |
57 | Indian Social Action Forum |
58 | Indigenous Peoples Global Forum for Sustainable Development, IPGFforSD (International Indigenous Platform) |
59 | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) |
60 | International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) |
62 | Jamaa REsource Initiatives, Kenya |
63 | Jubilee Debt Campaign |
64 | Jubileo Sur /Américas |
65 | Lumiere Synergie oour le Developpement |
66 | Madhyam |
67 | Membre in the Truth and Dignity commission, Tunisia |
68 | Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate |
69 | Mongolian Women’s Employment Supporting Federation |
70 | MY World Mexico |
71 | National Society of Conservationists – Friends of the Earth Hungary |
72 | NGO Forum on ADB |
73 | NYC-DSA — New York City Democratic Socialists |
74 | Oikos – Cooperação e Desenvolvimento |
75 | Oil Workers’ Rights Protection Organization Public Union |
76 | ONG Sustentarse |
77 | Oyu Tolgoi Watch |
78 | Passionists International |
79 | Phenix Center |
80 | PHM Kenya |
81 | Public Services International – PSI |
82 | Reacción Climática |
83 | Reality of Aid |
84 | Rede Mocambicana dos Defensores de Direitos Humanos |
85 | Reseau des Organisations de developpement et Associations de Defense de Droits de l’Homme et de la Democratie(RODADDHD) |
86 | Rivers without Boundaries Coalition |
87 | Rural Area Development Programme. RADP |
88 | Rural Infrastructure and Human Resource Development Organization (RIHRDO) |
89 | SEATINI Uganda |
90 | Servicios Ecumenicos para Reconciliacion y ReconstuccionLancaster |
91 | Sisters of Charity Federation |
92 | Social Watch |
93 | Social Watch Bénin |
94 | Social Watch Czech Republic |
95 | Social Watch Initiative Nigeria |
96 | Society for International Development |
97 | Third World Network (TWN) |
99 | Tripla Difesa Onlus Guardie e Sicurezza Sociale ed Eco Zoofila |
100 | Turkish Social Science Organisation |
101 | Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development |
102 | UndebtedWorld Collective, Greece |
103 | Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights |
104 | urgewald |
105 | VIVAT International |
106 | Za zemiata |
107 | Dr Francine Mestrum |
108 | Andrea Saltelli, researcher |
109 | Anis Chowdhury, Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University |
110 | Dr Annina Kaltenbrunner, Leeds University Business School |
111 | Byju V, researcher |
112 | Diane Elson, Emeritus Professor University of Essex, UK |
113 | Enrique Prieto-Rios |
114 | Eugénia Pires, CoLabor |
115 | Gabriele Koehler, independent development economist |
116 | Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Professor of Economics and International Development Studies, Trent University |
117 | Jeff Powell, Univeristy of Greenwich |
118 | João Guimarães, researcher |
119 | Josep Xercavins, academic |
120 | KK Kailash |
121 | Kyla Sankey |
122 | LAGOARDE-SEGOT Thomas |
123 | Dr Lorena Lombardozzi, OPEN University |
124 | M. Chu |
125 | Maia Seeger |
126 | Dr Nimi Hoffmann, University of Sussex |
127 | Oliver Ujah |
128 | Oscar Ugarteche, Senior Researcher, coordinator of OBELA, observatorio económico latinoamericano |
129 | Dr Paul Robert Gilbert, University of Sussex |
130 | Prof. Daniela Gabor, UWE Bristol |
131 | Shambhu Ghatak, researcher |
132 | Sara Gert, Sweden |
133 | SONON Blanche |
134 | Souley Alarou, researcher |
135 | Spyros Marchetos, Historian, School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
136 | Sudhir Chella Rajan |
137 | Susan Engel, Associate Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia |
138 | Tarron Khemraj |
139 | Dr Thomas Marois, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London |
140 | Thomas Pallithanam, United States |
141 | Tomaso Ferrando, Research Professor, University of Antwerp Institute of Development Policy |
142 | Viktor Chistyakov, Attorney, Russia |
143 | Zuzana Uhde, social scientist |