- Private sector watch: Global synthesis report 2023
CSO Partnership in Development Effectiveness, 1 December 2023
This report interrogates the role of the private sector in development, and the risks posed to marginalised communities due to the increasing involvement of such actors in this arena.
- Thread lightly: Why IFIs should put people and the environment at the centre of the transition mineral supply chain
Recourse and Trend Asia, 27 November 2023
This report explores the reality for mining and supply chains of transition minerals needed for renewable energy expansion in coming decades. It questions how International Finance Institutions (IFIs) can play a role in ensuring human rights and environmental justice are at the heart of the transition mineral supply chain, so that mineral rich communities and countries can benefit from their natural resources, and not be harmed.
- The colonial roots of Global South deb
Debt Justice, 27 November 2023
This report exposes how current global south debt is both a colonial legacy, and a neo-colonial tool used by global north governments, institutions and corporations to plunder the wealth of, and extend their control over, global south countries and communities.
- Counting on the International Monetary Fund: Aligning the IMF Quota System with Global Need
Global Development Policy Center, 5 October 2023
The report outlines concrete steps for IMF shareholders to ensure that the IMF remains a legitimate, quota-based anchor of the Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN), the collection of global, regional and bilateral institutions designed to help provide short-term crisis finance.
- Blowing Smoke: How coal finance is flowing through the IFC’s Paris Alignment loopholes
Inclusive Development International, 4 October 2023
This investigation reveals that despite promises to halt financing for coal development and align with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the World Bank continues to indirectly support a sector that experts say is one of the most significant contributors to carbon emissions and the devastation of the planet through climate change.
- How are the IMF and the World Bank shaping climate policy? Lessons from Pakistan
Recourse, 3 October 2023
The report examines the limitations of WBG’s Climate Change Action Plan and the IMF’s Climate Change Strategy and assesses the negative impacts of climate-related interventions in Pakistan in the last decades.
- Bandage on a Bullet Wound: IMF Social Spending Floors and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Human Rights Watch, 23 September 2023
This report analyses IMF loans approved from March 2020 until March 2023 to 38 countries, and finds that the vast majority are conditioned on austerity policies, which reduce government spending or increase regressive taxes in ways likely to harm rights. It also finds that recent IMF initiatives, announced at the beginning of the pandemic, to mitigate these impacts such as social spending floors are flawed and ineffective in addressing the harms caused by the policies.
- Use of Special Drawing Rights: The cases of Argentina, Ecuador and Paraguay
Latindadd, 5 September 2023
This report identifies the use of Special Drawing Rights in three Latin American countries: Argentina, Ecuador and Uruguay; with different mechanisms, benefits and lessons learned.
- Radical Pathways Beyond GDP: Why and how we need to pursue feminist and decolonial alternatives urgently
Oxfam, 3 August 2023
There is growing consensus among policymakers, institutions and movements that GDP is not fit for purpose as the pre-eminent economic metric. Alternatives are urgently needed to facilitate the transition to a new economic model that supports a radically more equal, kinder, greener and feminist world in the present, while offering redress for historical damage and inequalities.
- IMF Lending and the Road to Green Transition: One Step Forward, One Step Back
Change Initiative, Environmental Governance Institute, Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC), the Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) and the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), 20 June 2023
This report highlights the impact of recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) lending programs on the phase-out of fossil fuels and the likelihood of achieving green and just transitions in Bangladesh and Uganda.
- Southern Debt Report: Characteristics and challenges
Latindadd and Afrodad, 23 May 2023
The report highlights the concerning levels of debt faced by countries in the Global South and warns of the adverse consequences for the most vulnerable individuals. The study, conducted in three regions of the South—Latin America, Africa, and Asia—analyses the debt composition, associated risks, and proposes global policies aimed at transforming the international financial architecture with fairness.
- Sowing the seeds of poverty: How the World Bank harms poor farmers
CAFOD, 26 April 2023
This report shows how the World Bank is failing in its duty to tackle poverty by promoting a model of agricultural development that benefits large-scale agribusiness at the expense of some of the world’s poorest smallholder farmers. - War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land
Oakland Institute, 21 February 2023
This report exposes the financial interests and the dynamics at play leading to further concentration of land and finance.
Briefings & Policy Papers
- Miracle or mirage: are debt swaps really a silver bullet?
Eurodad, 4 December 2023
This briefing aims to inform the discussions on debt swaps among civil society, academics and policy makers.
- The technical assistance paradox: How the World Bank and ADB advisory services are ‘assisting’ dependency on fossil fuels
Recourse, 30 November 2023
This paper analyses MDBs’ alignment with the Paris Agreement, focusing on WBG and ADB technical assistance for fossil gas-related sectors.
- Gender just transition: A path to system change
WEDO, 28 November 2023
This briefing aims to enhance understanding of what a “gender just transition”. It offers a guidance to policymakers and government officials at the national level responsible for designing and implementing just transition policies and programs, and support
- Gender-responsive climate finance: The key to just climate action and tackling inequalities
Eurodad, 13 November 2023
This paper looks at the gendered impacts of national and personal debt, and how this exacerbates inequalities, poverty and human rights.
- Debt Service Watch: the worst debt crisis ever
Afrodad, 11 October 2023
Based on a new global debt service database covering 139 countries which borrow from the World Bank, this policy briefing shows that the citizens of the Global South now face the worst debt crisis since global records began.
- The debt-fossil fuel trap: Why debt is a barrier to fossil fuel phase-out and what we can do about it
Debt Justice, 21 August 2023
This briefing explores the links between debt and fossil fuel production in global south countries, and presents a number of solutions for addressing high debt burdens as a contribution towards efforts for a fossil fuel phase-out.
- Closing the Global Crisis Finance Gap: Why and How the IMF Should Address Weaknesses in the Global Financial Safety Net
Global Development Policy Center, 31 July 2023
This policy brief explores the status of Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN) and demonstrate how structural inequalities in the GFSN could be reduced by reforming facilities and funding of the International Monetary Fund.
- Civil Society calls for rethink of World Bank’s ‘evolution roadmap’ as part of wider reforms to highly unequal global financial architecture
CSO briefing, 3 July 2023
Joint civil society briefing, endorsed by more than 70 organisations and individuals around the world, highlights concerns with the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap, and provides a series of recommendations for a Roadmap that prioritises people, participation and the planet over profit and economic growth.
- Sick Development: How rich-country government and World Bank funding to for-profit private hospitals causes harm, and why it should be stopped
Oxfam, 26 June 2023
In this paper, Oxfam calls on rich-country governments and the World Bank Group to immediately halt their spending on for-profit private healthcare, and for urgent independent investigation to be concluded into all active and historic investments.
- Civil society calls on both public and private financial institutions to align with the Global Biodiversity Framework
Bank Information Centre, BankTrack, Friends of the Earth US and Rainforest Action Network, 6 June 2023
This civil society briefing calls on financial institutions to take responsibility for their role in driving the biodiversity crisis and commit to five key principles to align their activities with the Global Biodiversity Framework.
- The Vicious Cycle: Connections Between the Debt Crisis and Climate Crisis
Action Aid International, 1 June 2023
This analysis finds that, where data is available, 93 per cent of the countries most vulnerable to the climate crisis are in debt distress, or at significant risk of debt distress.
- Stand up for inclusive public services
Action Aid Malawi, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and UK, 24 May 2023
This illustrated guide on Gender-Responsive Public Services (GRPS) sets out how women and girls’ rights are impacted when public services are poor quality, privatised or cut, particularly in situations such as the current intersecting crises – inequality, climate, health, education, conflict and debt – alongside the Covid-19 pandemic. It also highlights how the policies and approaches pushed by international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the IMF and World Bank are undermining access.
- Reparations as a pathway to decolonisation
Gender & Development Network, 18 May 2023
This briefing explores different ‘reparations approaches’ and their value in ensuring transformative responses where former colonisers acknowledge, remedy and redress the legacies of European colonialism and slavery.
- A gender lens must be at the heart of World Bank Group reform
CSO position paper, April 2023
This position paper, written by the CSO group convening on the World Bank’s new 2024-30 gender strategy, stresses the importance of applying a gender lens to Bank processes such at the Evolution Roadmap.
- The Growing Burden of IMF Surcharges: An Updated Estimate
CEPR, 13 April 2023
This brief seeks to provide an updated estimate of the costs of the IMF’s surcharge policy for impacted countries.
- IMF social spending floors: A fig leaf for austerity?
Oxfam, 13 April 2023
By analysing 17 IMF loans, this briefing found that while an improvement, social spending floors nevertheless are failing to do what they are intended to do.
- Oxfam warns of rich country financial wizardry that puts their own interests ahead of the world’s poorest people
Oxfam, 10 April 2023
This analysis describes a $27 trillion black hole – accumulating at around $3.9 trillion a year to 2030 – that low- and middle-income countries face to meet climate-related loss and damages, adaption, and mitigation measures, along with their health, education and social protection needs.
- World Bank Evolution as if Development and Climate Change Really Mattered: Four Foundations for Successful Reform
Global Development Policy Center, 24 March 2023
This paper advances four foundations of a development-centered evolution of the World Bank: A mission-driven approach; a better operational model; a stepwise increase in the scale of World Bank capital and lending capacity; and increased voice, representation and accountability to developing countries and their citizens.
- The International Monetary Fund, Climate Change and Development: A Preliminary Assessment
Task Force on Climate, Development and the International Monetary Fund, 24 March 2023
This briefing provides an independent, preliminary assessment of the IMF’s efforts to mainstream climate change. - From stunt to substance: An assessment of IMF engagement with civil society
Oxfam, 9 January 2023
This paper presents case study research from Pakistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Ecuador, Argentina, Zambia and Ghana to assess the extent and meaningfulness of IMF engagement with civil society. It makes the case for significantly improved engagement, and recommends how to do so systematically, meaningfully and safely.
Journal articles, books & blogs
- The World Bank Needs a Remedy Framework to Deliver on Loss and Damage
Aubrey Manahan, CIEL, 18 December 2023
The blog urges the World Bank to live up to its mandate and align itself with international human rights law and the global shift toward accountability and remedy.
- What’s not to like about the IDA Private Sector Window
Center for Global Development, 9 November 2023
This blog argues IDA21 negotiators should take a hard look at the PSW before considering more funding for it, because the window is distorted, opaque, and doesn’t let very much of anything through.
- Love or labour? The invisible wheel that turns the world
Joanita Najjuko and Crystal Simeoni, Interventions, lssue 3, 6 November 2023
The authors argue for greater inclusion of the perspectives of women and girls as well as better recognition of their needs in macro-level economic decision-making. They demand feminist economic justice, show how unpaid care work is central to our economies and encourage resistance against the co-option of gender-based initiatives by neoliberalism.
- The World Bank A Critical History
Eric Toussaint, Ed. Pluto, July 2023
Seven international case studies illustrate the impact of World Bank policy. The author also explores the political, economic and strategic motives of the US government with regard to the World Bank. The book concludes with a proposal for replacing the World Bank, IMF and WTO with new, multilateral and democratic institutions.
- An unbelievable truth: The World Bank approves US nominated Ajay Banga as President of World Bank
Recourse, 4 May 2023
The statement reacts to Ajay Banga’s election as World Bank President and notes that with Banga at the helm of the institution what is more likely is a “business as usual” roadmap that focuses heavily on de-risking private capital, while failing to put governance reforms, energy access and a just energy transition at its core.
- Financing the common good
Marianna Mazzucato, Project Syndicate, 1 May 2023
The United Nations has warned that “cascading and interlinked crises” are jeopardizing not just the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but “humanity’s very survival.” Mitigating the threat requires a radical reform of international finance, based on a market-shaping paradigm that advances the common good.
- The return of austerity imperils global health
Thomas Stubb, Alexandros Kentikelenis, Daniela Gabor, Jayati Ghosh and Martin McKee, BMJ Global Health, 20 February 2023
This article examines the prospects of national health budgets increasing in such a context, drawing on new International Monetary Fund projections on public spending around the world.
- The Urgent Need for IMF Reform: Illustrations from the Middle East and North Africa
Shereen Talaat and Leila Oulhaj, 1 February 2023
This blog questions the interventions of international financial institutions in the region over the past decades, particularly the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
- The World Bank needs to get serious about reform
Jake Smith and Joe Thwaites, NRDC, 9 January 2023
This blog argues that the World Bank needs to seriously up its game to help tackle the multiple crises the world is facing, with addressing climate change prime among them.
Open letters, statements and press releases
- Ahead of COP28, civil society groups call for end to IMF surcharges so that heavily indebted countries can better respond to climate crisis
CEPR, 28 November 2023
Ahead of COP28, various civil society groups urged the International Monetary Fund to end its policy of levying billions of dollars in unnecessary and counterproductive surcharges so that heavily indebted countries will have more funds available to respond to the climate crisis.
- Evidence submission for the World Bank’s draft Gender Strategy (2024-2030) consultation
Publish What You Found, 26 November 2023
The submission draw attention to some of the key ways the World Bank must address gaps in disclosure of project and financial information related to its gender investments.
- Civil society demands the World Bank Group to rethink the direction of its Evolution
Reality of Aid, 20 October 2023
CSOs sound the alarm on the continuing dominance of private sector-led development, lack of climate funding, lack of proper accountability and transparency mechanisms, and the downplaying of the need for a CSO enabling environment.
- An urgent call for debt, climate and economic justice
Global Action for Debt Cancellation, 8 October 2023
The letter calls on the IMF and World Bank, all governments North and South, and private financial actors to act now to ensure urgently needed and real reform of the international financial architecture alongside undertaking systemic solutions that include building post-carbon societies and economies where financial, food and energy sovereignty are a reality.
- Social Security for All: Key Pillar for New Eco-Social Contract
Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, 3 October 2023
This joint statement urges the IMF and the World Bank, pivotal actors in financing and shaping social security policies in low- and middle-income countries, to take measures that could improve the lives of hundreds of millions of people such as committing to realizing the right to social security, and cease austerity measures.
- A joint statement on the IMF’s Article IV report
Arab Reform Initiative, 28 July 2023
Regional civil society analyses IMF’s Article 4 on Lebanon and urges the IMF to: maintain vigilance to prevent the dilution of reforms and ensure the proper adoption and implementation of legislation; solidify the principles of equality and accountability as fundamental pillars in addressing the losses in the financial sector; and continue to broaden its consultations with civil society actors and other stakeholders, given the political resistance to reform within formal political institutions.
- Marrakech Working Group first statement
Marrakech Working Group, 25 June 2023
More than 70 organizations from the MENA region and the world launch a statement today calling the IMF and the World Bank to cancel the debt and End austerity policies. This statement is issued by the Marrakech Working Group, composed of individuals and organizations from the MENA region.
- Statement: Concerns on the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact and its governance and policy implications
Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism, 19 June 2023
The statement expresses the Mechanism deep concerns on the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact and its governance and policy implications, nothing that this is another initiative of powers in the Global North to strengthen their undemocratic governance and political hegemony by usurping roles and functions of legitimate intergovernmental institutions.
- Global North leaders must redirect trillions from fossils, debt, and the 1% to address global crises
Oil Change international, 19 June 2023
This letter from 150+ economists and policy experts calls on Global North leaders to put real global financial system transformation on the agenda at the June 22-23 Paris “Summit for a New Financing Pact” — starting by redirecting funds from three parts of our economies that are driving climate change and inequality: fossil fuels, unfair colonial debts, and the super rich.
- We reject the IMF & World Bank Meeting on our continent
Africa Liberation Day 2023 Statement, 24 May 2023
The statement demands that African leaders wake up at last to their responsibility of leadership, articulate our interests and promote and implement the myriad African counter proposals to IMF and World Bank policies.
- IMF/World Bank spring meetings: Bold action for sustainable recovery needed
ITUC, 6 April 2023
In a statement to the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, the ITUC and its Global Unions partners are calling for the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to overhaul the multilateral system and take bold action to ensure a new social contract for a sustainable recovery.
- World Bank still “fuelling the fire” of climate chaos, campaigners say
Recourse, 20 March 2023
Climate and human rights campaigners condemn the World Bank’s plan for aligning its investments with the Paris Agreement, as “fuelling the fire” of climate chaos and failing to shift finance away from fossil fuels. - Civil society demands the end of the ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ and calls for merit-based, open and transparent World Bank presidential selection process
CSO letter, 7 March 2023
CSOs and individuals write to demand that the World Bank use the opportunity of the resignation of President David Malpass to heed long-standing calls from global civil society and countries from the Global South and ensure the next World Bank president is selected in accordance with a merit-based, open and transparent process, underpinned by well-defined and publicly available selection criteria and civil society engagement with the candidates.