IMF board's lukewarm endorsement of SDR rechanneling through MDBs stands in stark contrast to continued calls from Global South governments for additional SDR allocations, amid growing debt crisis.
Is the World Bank rolling back commitments to citizen engagement, again?
Understanding the Bank’s chequered history with public, community and civil society participation is key for understanding what is at stake and what to do next.
No false solutions: IMF surcharges must go
The IMF’s surcharges review presents a golden opportunity to eliminate these harmful and counterproductive fees.
IMF’s Interim Guidance Note on Mainstreaming Gender fails to address negative gendered impacts of IMF austerity
Gender Guidance note offers non-mandatory advice to staff on mainstreaming gender but integration of existing in-depth critiques from feminists and civil society needed to tackle gender inequality is missing.
IFI governance
A way out for IMF reform
New paper analyses the IMF 16th Quota Review and identifies key governance reforms feasible in the current economic and geopolitical context.
IFI governance
G20 press conference analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Concrete actions fail to materialise despite strong Brazilian push
In the absence of a G20 Communiqué or Chair statement, Brazilian minister of finance, head of the central bank and other senior officials took questions at a short press conference, with discussion focused on the impact of continued restrictive US monetary policy on the global debt and development finance and the need for more responsive and better capitalised MDBs.
IFI governance
V20 communiqué analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Climate vulnerable countries issue call to action, as net-negative flows result in ‘millions in, billions out’ amid growing debt burdens
V20 members are expected to pay $904.7 billion in debt service between 2022-2030, as debt, lack of financing and low projected growth hampers prospects for green economic transformation.
IFI governance
IMFC chair’s statement analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Tinkering at the margins while global crises unfold
IMFC chair’s relatively sanguine view of the global economy does not reflect the IMF’s own projection that the five-year global economic growth forecast is “at its lowest in decades”.
Other news
Our world in 2020
As the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated and helped reveal pre-existing injustices and structural flaws in the global economy - and the IMF and World Bank proved unable to reverse course on broke policy prescriptions - calls for reforming the international financial and development architecture gained strength.
The IMF and Gender Equality: Operationalising Change
This briefing raises critical questions on the latest developments in the IMF’s approach to gender.
IFI governance
CSO roundtable with World Bank Group executive directors
Sponsor: World Bank Group Chairs: Merza Hasan (WB Executive Director, MENA Constituency), Lindsay Coates (Acting…
CIFs and the private sector
Information on the private sector and the CIFs taken from each section of CIF Monitor…
IFI governance
Annual meetings 2014: communiqués coverage
G24 communiqué (09 October): analysis, original document G20 finance ministers' communiqué (10 October): original document…
NGOs call for halt of World Bank’s climate initiatives
In July 2012 NGOs called on governments to pivot away from funding the Bank-housed Climate…
CIFs Monitor: past issues
Climate Investment Funds Monitor 7 25 April 2013 This briefing, including references, can also be…
Submission to the International Development Committee of the UK parliament: inquiry into the World B
The UK should not increase its contribution to IDA in the current replenishment. Instead, it should focus on achieving substantial reforms of the World Bank and IFC in key areas, including health, gender, climate and energy, and the private sector, and in radically improving the legitimacy, transparency and accountability of the institution.