When the social principles were proposed by Gordon Brown at the 1998 AGM of the Bank and IMF it was envisaged that they would apply to all countries and would be monitored as the other codes on Fiscal Transparency, Monetary Policy and Corporate Governance will be. The Development Committee charged the World Bank with the task of drawing up the principles (1999).
The IMF’s Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility: What Role for Development?
Although it has sought to adapt, the Fund still has particular difficulties in dealing effectively with low income countries. The introduction of ESAF was an important attempt at adaptation but its programmes are still too short term, the scale of support is often too small, and the policy conditions laid down are too blinkered.
What Role for the Multilateral Institutions, Donors, and NGOs in the New Framework for Poverty Eradi
This paper considers how the relationships and roles of intenational and national non-governmental organisations, donors and the multilateral institutions are likely to change as a result of new initiatives to put poverty reduction and country ownership at the centre of the development process (2000).
WB/IMF roles
Beyond Meltzer
This briefing is a response to the “Meltzer Report” produced by the US congressional Committee led by Allan Meltzer on the roles of the IMF and World Bank. It examines the Committee’s recommendations and outlines why they are inappropriate and how they would actually increase the power of the IMF, whilst turning it into an institution that would serve the needs of private sector investors rather than assisting governments (2000).
Private Sector
The IFC’s Beyond 2000 Strategy Paper: Missing the Point
Short note outlining concerns about the International Finance Corporation’s attempt to redefine its strategy. The new strategy ducks the key issue of how the IFC can use its leverage to improve companies’ social and environmental peformance. (February 1998)
The ABC of the PRSP
An introduction to the new Bank and Fund Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.
WB/IMF roles
Blind Leading The Blind: Capital Account Liberalisation And The Role Of The IMF
In the light of the financial crisis in South East Asia and the traumur this brought to many people’s lives in the region it was anticipated that the executive directors of the international monetary fund would discuss a proposal to extend the IMF’s articles of agreement so that it can pursue capital account liberalisation in member countries.
Preface: “Drowning By Numbers”
This paper considers whether private sector flows is an effective alternative to development assistance. It examines the implications of increased private sector inflows in terms of the potential to create unsustainable debt burdens and to tie the hands of policy makers to a limited set of policies critical for foreign investors but potentially detrimental to the domestic economy.
The power of World Bank knowledge
For the enormous power and global reach the World Bank has today, relatively little formal debate exists on one critical aspect of its practices - the production of knowledge.
The power of World Bank knowledge
By Michael Goldman * For the enormous power and global reach the World Bank has…
World Bank and IMF: Dilemmas and Opportunities
Are the World Bank and IMF now taking environmental and social issues seriously?
Questioning the World Bank/IMF Growth Model
Questioning the Growth Model was a meeting organised jointly by the Bretton Woods Project and…