
IFI governance


Gambling with our lives: Global emergencies expose consequences of decades of IMF and World Bank policies

Market-led policy approaches increasingly used to deal with both climate and health emergencies are failing to protect those most vulnerable.

14 December 2020 | At Issue



Repairing harm caused: What could a reparations approach mean for the IMF and World Bank?

It is time for the IMF and World Bank to understand their own responsibility and decolonise their approach.

6 October 2020 | At Issue



Ease of Doing Business – what does it conceal?

As India has risen in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business rankings, it has seen other key development indicators slip.

12 December 2019 | At Issue



Keeping the IMF accountable to women's rights and gender equality at the national level

New IMF gender guidance opportunity for civil society to keep its staff to account.

18 November 2019 | Briefings



Bretton Woods at 75

BWP publishes essay series reflecting on the legacy of 75 years of IMF and World Bank policies and power.

14 October 2019 | Briefings



The World Bank and gender equality: Development Policy Financing

This briefing analyses the World Bank's Development Policy Financing from a critical gender perspective.

15 August 2019 | Briefings

IFI governance


The Bretton Woods Institutions and the second crisis of multilateralism

At 75, the World Bank and IMF face a crisis of multilateralism in no small part of their own making as failed economic policies have resulted in skepticism of the international order they helped to create.

30 July 2019 | At Issue
The wind park near the village of Bulgarevo,Bulgaria.



Low-carbon infrastructure, sustainable finance, and people-focused development

This briefing emphasises the interdependence between the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement, in terms of ensuring that all new infrastructure is climate resilient and aligned with the low- or zero-carbon pathways required to avert catastrophic climate change – which would render achieving the SDGs impossible.

18 July 2019 | Briefings



The highest bidder takes it all: The World Bank's new scheme to privatise land in the Global South

World Bank Enabling the Business of Agriculture rankings prescribe land privatisation at the expense of family farmers, pastoralists, and Indigenous Peoples.

4 April 2019 | At Issue



Debt and gender equality: How debt-servicing conditions harm women in Africa

As debt crises across the African continent continue to soar, concerns are raised about the gendered impact of debt-servicing conditions imposed by international financial institutions.

4 April 2019 | At Issue

Social services


Gender-Just Macroeconomics II

BWP's Gender and Macroeconomics project launches a booklet on Gender-Just Macroeconomics; the World Bank’s privatisation push

11 March 2019 | Briefings



The IMF and Gender Equality: Operationalising Change

Latest IMF guidance on gender issues raises more questions than answers as it opens the door to impact assessments and alternative macro policies.

18 February 2019 | Briefings