An introduction to the new Bank and Fund Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.
WB/IMF roles
Blind Leading The Blind: Capital Account Liberalisation And The Role Of The IMF
In the light of the financial crisis in South East Asia and the traumur this brought to many people’s lives in the region it was anticipated that the executive directors of the international monetary fund would discuss a proposal to extend the IMF’s articles of agreement so that it can pursue capital account liberalisation in member countries.
Preface: “Drowning By Numbers”
This paper considers whether private sector flows is an effective alternative to development assistance. It examines the implications of increased private sector inflows in terms of the potential to create unsustainable debt burdens and to tie the hands of policy makers to a limited set of policies critical for foreign investors but potentially detrimental to the domestic economy.
WB/IMF roles
Policing the Policemen - the case for an independent evaluation mechanism for the IMF
Briefing outlining the case for an independent evaluation unit for the IMF and setting out the outlines the principles on which it should function (1998).
Drowning By Numbers - Executive Summary
This paper considers whether private sector flows is an effective alternative to development assistance. It examines the implications of increased private sector inflows in terms of the potential to create unsustainable debt burdens and to tie the hands of policy makers to a limited set of policies critical for foreign investors but potentially detrimental to the domestic economy.
WB/IMF roles
Partnerships For Development: A New World Bank Approach
The World Bank has produced a discussion paper, Partnership for Development: Proposed Actions for the World Bank, which presents a strategy for building ownership into the development process, developing partnerships between donors to fund government designed programmes and to make more effective use of aid resources (1998).
IFI governance
The State in a Changing World
Critical analysis of the Bank’s 1997 World Development Report, The Role of the State. Written by Nicholas Hildyard, commissioned by the Bretton Woods Project
Private Sector
The World Bank and the Private Sector
Explains and examines the World Bank Group’s approach to supporting private investment in developing countries through privatisation, guarantees and lending. Outlines critical perspectives on whether the Bank’s strategy will lead to poverty reduction and sustainable development (March 1997).
Bank pilot in Bolivia fails to create “clear, structured space” for CSOs
The World Bank’s pilot of its Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) in Bolivia, reflects both scepticism and a complete lack of involvement. How did this state of affairs come about? And are the prospects for the CDF really as bleak as this might suggest?
IFI governance
The World Bank And The State: A Recipe For Change?
Bretton Woods Project-commissioned riposte to the World Bank’s World Development Report, The State in a Changing World. (March 1998).
The power of World Bank knowledge
For the enormous power and global reach the World Bank has today, relatively little formal debate exists on one critical aspect of its practices - the production of knowledge.
The power of World Bank knowledge
By Michael Goldman * For the enormous power and global reach the World Bank has…