


Gambling with the planet’s future? World Bank Development Policy Finance, ‘green’ conditionality, and the push for a private-led energy transition

BWP's review of energy sector conditionality in World Bank Development Policy Financing from fiscal years 2018 to 2023 reveals the Bank has followed a pattern of promoting neoliberal reforms in many countries' energy sectors, with climate action increasingly being viewed as the rationale for these changes.

9 April 2024 | Briefings

Private Sector


Financialisation, human rights and the Bretton Woods Institutions: An introduction for civil society organisations

New BWP's report examines the role of the BWIs in driving financialisation in the Global South and perpetuating neocolonial global imbalances of wealth and power, paying particular attention to its gendered consequences.

4 April 2024 | Reports



The IMF and Gender Equality: A Compendium of Feminist Macroeconomic Critiques

The Bretton Woods Project published an edited volume on the gendered impacts of some of the most commonly-prescribed macroeconomic policies of the IMF, covering tax, expenditure and labour policies.

27 September 2017 | Briefings



Development finance institutions and responsible corporate tax behaviour

Report finds Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are not doing enough to eliminate the risk of public money being complicit in tax avoidance schemes.

10 November 2016 | Reports



IMF policy in the MENA region: Lessons unlearnt

New report reveals IMF policy in the MENA region has remained unchanged after the 2011 Arab uprising, despite its rhetoric for change towards inclusive growth.

18 December 2015 | Reports

Private Sector


New report shows IFC FI investments cause human rights abuses around the world

New evidence from Oxfam, the Bretton Woods Project and other NGOs reveals the impact of IFC investments in financial intermediaries on global human rights.

2 April 2015 | Reports

Private Sector


Factsheet: World Bank’s IFC and private finance for development

This factsheet explains how the International Finance Corporation (IFC) operates, how development impact is measured, and the latest trends in investments by sector, region and instrument.

14 July 2014 | Reports

Private Sector


Follow the money

New Bretton Woods Project report reveals World Bank Group channelling crucial development resources to banks instead of directly investing in pro-poor projects.

10 April 2014 | Reports

IFI governance


The future of global economic governance and the IMF

In December 2013, the German Development Institute, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Bretton Woods Project, in collaboration with the G-24, hosted a high-level workshop in Berlin to foster an open exchange on the profound changes in the global economy and the implications for global economic governance and its constituent institutions and members.

10 March 2014 | Reports



Working paper: The private sector and climate change adaptation

This paper looks at PPCR projects implemented under the World Bank's private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, highlighting important questions concerning the design, implementation and operation of projects financed from public climate funds using private sector actors. In summary, the analysis suggests that the integration of private sector projects into national planning processes and strategies is crucial.

24 April 2013 | Briefings



'Leveraging' private sector finance

The notion that public investments should be used to 'leverage' additional investments from private actors is increasingly used in a variety of development finance forums, including aid, development finance, agriculture and, in particular, climate finance. The World Bank has become one of the leading proponents of this concept, though nowhere has it spelled out clearly what it means by 'leverage' or how it should be measured.

18 April 2012 | Reports