BWP's collection of recommended reports, briefings, CSO letters and other resources published on the World Bank and the IMF in the past year .
What is the World Bank & IMF debt sustainability framework for low-income countries?
This Inside the Institutions examines the joint World Bank and IMF Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF) for low-income countries (LICs) and evaluates its impact on LICs’ ability to maintain fiscal space for development and climate goals.
Private Sector
What is the International Finance Corporation (IFC)?
This Inside the Institutions explores the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group’s private sector arm. It examines the function of the IFC as a development institution focused solely on private sector solutions to development and considers civil society critiques.
The World Bank and climate finance: Success story or a new era of green ‘structural adjustment’?
This Inside the Institutions analyses the World Bank's climate finance, examining its impact on low- and middle-income countries' climate objectives.
Bretton Woods Project Annual Report 2023
In 2023, BWP continued its work as a watchdog of the World Bank and the IMF, supporting and amplifying the voices of critical civil society groups to capitalise on calls for substantive change, with a focus on four advocacy areas: Gender equality and macroeconomics, the environment, governance reform and accountability, and financialisation and human rights.
Recommended Resources on the World Bank and the IMF 2023
As every year, BWP published its collection of reports, briefings, CSO letters and other resources with a critical angle published in the past year on the World Bank and the IMF.
(CLOSED) Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Project Lead
BWP is seeking a Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Project Lead to manage BWP’s ongoing GEM Project and lead BWP’s work on gender equality and women’s rights.
What is the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust?
This Inside the Institutions looks at IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST) reflecting on concerns about its eligibility criteria, quota limit, and 'green conditions'.
Other news
Strengthening governance of development policy finance: Improving transparency, accountability, stakeholder engagement, and Paris alignment
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 24 October 2024 titled "Strengthening governance of development policy finance: Improving transparency, accountability, stakeholder engagement, and Paris alignment".
IFI governance
Arab voices for sustainable development financing: rights-based approaches to addressing the debt tax-climate crises
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 24th October 2024 titled "Arab Voices for Sustainable Development Financing: Rights-Based Approaches to Addressing the Debt Tax-Climate Crises".
IFI governance
Evidence based analysis of the implementation of anti IFFs policies in Africa- Lessons from the policy tracker project
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum on 23 October titled "Evidence based analysis of the implementation of Anti IFFs policies in Africa- Lessons from the policy tracker project".
IFI governance
Taxing the super-rich, a step closer
Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum SPF on 22 October 22 titled "Taxing the super-rich, a step closer".
IFI governance
Problematising the Bank’s reliance on financial inclusion, from the gender strategy to the corporate scorecard
Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 22 October titled "Problematising the Bank’s Reliance on Financial Inclusion, from the Gender Strategy to the Corporate Scorecard".
IFI governance
Adequate disclosure, public review, and consultation for environmental and social impacts before World Bank Group financing decisions
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 19 April 2024 titled, "Adequate disclosure, public review, and consultation for environmental and social impacts before World Bank Group financing decisions".
Tara Povey joins the Bretton Woods Project as new Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Project Lead
Tara will continue the work of the gender team in advocacy targeting the IMF and the World Bank.
IFI governance
Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum panel 19 April titled, "Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?"