

How does the IMF operate?

The IMF was conceived primarily as a supervisory institution to promote international monetary cooperation and facilitate the growth of international trade. This is to be achieved through maintaining monetary exchange stability and assisting member countries who are experiencing balance of payments problems.

23 August 2005 | FAQ


What is the World Bank Group?

The World Bank Group is made up of five institutions, four of which were created after 1944, all sharing a similar mandate of reducing poverty and facilitating economic growth in developing countries. The original institution is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), often simply known as the World Bank. Other institutions have been added: the International Development Association (IDA); the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

23 August 2005 | FAQ



Highlights of meeting between Tom Scholar and UK NGOS

Highlights of meeting between Tom Scholar and UK NGOS

28 June 2005 | Minutes

IFI governance


The executive boards of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (archive)

contribution from Tom Scholar, UK executive director to the World Bank and IMF

13 June 2005 | Inside the institutions



UK NGO meeting with executive director Tom Scholar: uncorrected highlights 4 April 2005

Minutes of Spring meeting with Tom Scholar and UK NGOs in London

28 April 2005 | Minutes

IFI governance


Workshop on parliamentary scrutiny

Parliamentarians from eight countries present the international parliamentarians' petition to the Bank and Fund

22 April 2005 | Minutes

Social services


IMF in low-income countries

Chaired by Mark Plant, head of PDR The spring meetings were quiet on this issue…

22 April 2005 | Resource



IFC consultation with civil society on the safeguard review

Highlights of the IFC consultation with civil society on its revision of the WBG environmental and social safeguards

22 April 2005 | Minutes



EIR Update: highlights of civil society meeting with World Bank Group

Civil society meeting with the World Bank Group on the Extractive Industries Review update

21 April 2005 | Minutes

IFI governance


The World Bank board of executive directors (archive)

A summary of the structure and workings of the World Bank Group's board of executive directors.

10 April 2005 | Inside the institutions



IMF and World Bank emergency response

The role of the IMF and World Bank in responding to emergencies and coordinating with relief efforts.

26 January 2005 | Inside the institutions



UK NGO meeting with Executive Director Tom Scholar

Uncorrected highlights of a 14 December meeting between UK NGOs and UK Executive Director to the World Bank and IMF, Tom Scholar.

16 December 2004 | Minutes