This year's Reality of Aid report focuses on Governance and Human Rights in International Cooperation. It was produced by a global network of civil society organizations from both the north and south. The report calls for all actors in the global aid regime to entrench the discourse of human rights in international cooperation.
IFC/civil society discussion on proposed update of environmental and social safeguard policies
This meeting, which had been set up by the IFC, was attended by World Bank and IFC staff, private sector consultants and law firms, and a small number of NGO representatives. However, it was boycotted by a large group of non-governmental organisations. A representative of the group outlined reasons for the group's decision not to participate at the meeting in a formal statement, signed by 24 civil society representatives.
IFI governance
Grants or Loans? The Full Debate
The session considered the arguments surrounding the provision of grants or loans by IDA. It considered the recent call by President Bush for the World Bank and other development banks to provide more of their funds to the poorest countries as grants, in recognition of the pivotal role that grants play in providing prudent financing for pressing development needs.
Report Back on the Extractive Industries Review Process and next steps for Implementation
The aim of the meeting was to discuss the final version of the World Bank Management Report to the EIR, and consider what implications this will now have for project implementation and lending in recipient countries.
IFI governance
Bretton Woods Institutions should “start a new life”: Chinese central bank governor
A panel was held with southern country officials to discuss the democratic deficit at the World Bank and IMF.
IFI governance
CSO meeting with European Executive Directors
Note from meeting in Washington between European IFI network and European EDs as part of the civil society programme of the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings 04.
Gender in post-conflict reconstruction: The World Bank track record
A panel discussion on the World Bank's gender work on conflict prevention and reconstruction
IFI governance
Information disclosure at the World Bank Group
Currently both the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) - the Bank's private sector lending arm - are revising their information disclosure policies
IFI governance
The World Bank’s project cycle explained
The World Bank's public-lending institutions (IDA and IBRD) lend about US$ 15-20 billion annually to 100 countries to Projects ranging from infrastructure, education, health and government financial management.
Bretton Woods Project annual report 2003
This report is available on-line as a PDF only. If you need it in another…
BWP seeks new Coordinator
Alex Wilks is leaving his position as Coordinator of the Bretton Woods Project. In June…
IFI governance
The World Bank and civil society
A brief look at the history of World Bank-CSO relations, who's who in the World Bank for civil society actors and some future steps planned by the Bank.