A letter to all World Bank governors calling for reforms to the selection process for a new World Bank president signed by over 50 civil society groups
IFI governance
Open letter to all Governors of the International Monetary Fund
Because of the resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn as IMF Managing Director, we are writing to urge you to push for the selection of the best candidate through an open, merit-based, transparent process, and the public support of the majority of the IMF membership, including developing countries.
IFI governance
UK NGO letter on IMF governance reform
We are writing to raise our concerns about the limited nature of the quota reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) currently under discussion, and to urge you to push for more meaningful changes to IMF governance.
Letter to the Prime Minister urging him to radically rewrite global financial rules
This letter was sent to Gordon Brown, prior to the 15 November summit, by a UK coalition of 24 of the most influential trade unions, development charities, environmental groups and religious leaders. It urges on him to put people and the environment at the heart of the international economic system and push key economic and institutional reforms.
IFI governance
Civil society letter on IMF review of lending instruments, facilities, and policies
A letter to IMF EDs and finance ministers about the need to rethink the IMF's role in low-income countries and end the PRGF. It is a global sign-on letter.
IFI governance
Response from Prime Minister Tony Blair to letter on Wolfowitz appointment
10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA 15 April 2005 From the Private Secretary Dear Mr…
IFI governance
Letter to UK Prime Minister from NGOs regarding Wolfowitz's nomination
Letter from UK NGOs to Tony Blair regarding the nomination of Wolfowitz for President of the World Bank
IMF evaluation office: too technocratic ?
Correspondence between the IEO and the Bretton Woods Project following the publication of its first report
Letter to IMF evaluation office on its work programme 2003/2004
Letter to IMF evaluation office on its work programme 2003/2004
IFI governance
Letter from head of IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office
Response to IMF Evaluation Office Announces Programme, article in Bretton Woods Update 26.
WB/IMF roles
Letter operating framework and work programme of the IEO
Letter operating framework and work programme of the IEO
Response UK Treasury - CAL
Road Maps For Capital Account Liberalisation - Response UK Treasury