Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

Social services


IEO finds IMF follows "nebulous standard" on social protection engagement

IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office published evaluation on IMF and social protection and found that the IMF’s targeting approach does not ‘mesh well’ with UN’s human-rights-based approach.

27 September 2017
The Coalition for Human and Rights and Development and #RaiseTheMic protested outside the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC April 2016. Credit: International Accountability Project

IFI governance


The Bank and the IMF in 2016: year in review

The Bretton Woods Project's review of the most important developments at the World Bank and IMF in 2016.

17 February 2017



IEO request for input in future evaluations

The IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) is requesting input on topics for its future evaluations.

3 July 2017



Independent evaluation at the IMF: Role, recent work and future agenda

Notes from 2017 World Bank and IMF spring meetings session of IEO and its future work programme,

21 April 2017 | Minutes

IFI governance


Recommended resources on the World Bank and IMF 2016

The Bretton Woods Project's selection of the best books, reports and other resources on the World Bank and IMF from 2016.

2 February 2017 | Resource



IMF and World Bank’s Influence on Economic Policy Making in Developing Countries

Notes from a meeting at the IMF/World Bank CSO Forum at the 2016 Spring meetings, evaluating how well the World Bank and IMF have done on respecting the country ownership principle ten years after its international acceptance.

16 April 2016 | Minutes



IMF “rebuked” over role in Troika and its lending to Greece, Ireland and Portugal

IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office has found the Fund’s 2010/2011 Troika lending to Greece, Ireland and Portugal fell short in terms of surveillance, design, implementation and decision making, and described controversial decisions as appearing “rubber-stamped”.

23 September 2016

IFI governance


IMF governance: one step forward, one step back

Reform to the IMF’s voting shares shifts some power to emerging countries, but the institution’s leadership selection process remains opaque and undemocratic.

8 February 2016



Eye on the prize - the Greek debt sustainability question

Despite heated debates about the consequences of Syriza’s win in Greece and the IMF's stance on debt reduction, the question of debt sustainability remains central to the country’s economic future.

2 February 2015

IFI governance


Guide to the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office

Understanding the Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF, including how it works and how civil society can input into its evaluations.

2 February 2015 | Inside the institutions

IFI governance


IEO report criticises IMF policy recommendations

Independent Evaluation Office October report on the IMF's response to the financial and economic crisis criticises the Fund's recommended monetary and fiscal policy advice.

20 November 2014



IEO technical assistance review reveals outstanding issues

IEO update of a previous 2005 evaluation on IMF technical assistance reveals outstanding issues.

9 May 2014