Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

IFI governance


IEO report criticises IMF policy recommendations

Independent Evaluation Office October report on the IMF's response to the financial and economic crisis criticises the Fund's recommended monetary and fiscal policy advice.

20 November 2014



IEO technical assistance review reveals outstanding issues

IEO update of a previous 2005 evaluation on IMF technical assistance reveals outstanding issues.

9 May 2014

IFI governance


IEO announces new evaluation on IMF crisis response

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) announces new evaluation on the IMF's response to the global financial crisis

2 December 2013

IFI governance


All you need to know: World Bank-IMF spring meetings 2013

The 2013 spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF will take place from 18 to 20 April in Washington, DC. You will be able find links below to analysis of the communiqu

22 April 2013

IFI governance


IEO: IMF reform implementation "not working well"

The second external evaluation of the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), discussed by the IMF board end March, evaluated how well the IEO has met its institutional mandate since 2006.

3 April 2013



Bretton Woods Project submission to IEO evaluation

We are very pleased to see the IEO continue its excellent work reaching out to stakeholders, external parties and shareholders, while both considering its work programme and conducting evaluations. This is a vital component of the IEO’s approach that ensures well-informed and well-considered analysis.

30 October 2012 | Letters

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2012

Analysis, news, and about the events inside and around the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2012. This page is being updated regularly.

16 October 2012

IFI governance


External panel to review IMF's Independent Evaluation Office

In August, the IMF executive board appointed an external panel to review the work of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), the body that assesses the work of the IMF.

2 October 2012

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF spring meetings 2012

Analysis of the 2012 World Bank and IMF spring meetings and related events, including the selection of new World Bank president Jim Yong Kim.

20 April 2012


IMF's "trusted advisor" role to be scrutinised

The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) has released an issues paper describing how it will assess whether the IMF has strengthened its 'trusted advisor' role since 2005.

21 November 2011

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2011

Analysis, news, and about the events inside and around the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2011. This page is being updated regularly.

26 September 2011



Evaluations suggest IMF, World Bank research ideologically driven

A report by the IMF’s arms-length evaluation body, the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), suggests that Fund research does not allow room for alternative perspectives, while academics attack the World Bank for pursuing ideologically driven research agendas.

14 September 2011