Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

IFI governance


IEO publishes draft issues papers on IMF advice, learning systems

Over the summer the Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF released draft issues papers for two forthcoming evaluations.

14 September 2011

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF spring meetings 2011

Analysis of governance reforms and other decisions made at the 2011 World Bank and IMF spring meetings

15 April 2011

IFI governance


'Groupthink' IMF slammed for mistakes before crisis

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) found major IMF lapses in judgement before the financial crisis, including the promotion of "light-touch regulation", casting doubt on the Fund's ability to contribute to taming global finance.

17 February 2011

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2010

Analysis, news, and about the events inside and around the World bank/IMF annual meetings 2009. This page is being updated regularly.

12 October 2010

IFI governance


IEO invites input on IMF evaluation topics

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the IMF issued a list of possible topics for future evaluations of the IMF and invited input from civil society and external stakeholders.

30 September 2010

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF spring meetings 2010

Analysis of governance reforms and other decisions made at the 2010 World Bank and IMF spring meetings

26 April 2010

IFI governance


Schwartz takes over as IEO director

In January, Mexican Moises Schwartz of Mexico took over the position of director of the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO).

12 February 2010



IMF still failing to connect with member countries

An independent evaluation of the IMF's dealings with its member countries shows a startling amount of displeasure with the Fund's work in rich and poor countries alike. The IMF board failed to come up with a credible action plan to deal with the problems.

12 February 2010

IFI governance


The IMF and protectionist trade policies: What does the record of the past 15 years tell us?

Seminar on the IEo evluation of IMF trade policy advice in Istanbul, 2 October 2009.

9 October 2009 | Minutes

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2009

Analysis, news, and about the events inside and around the World bank/IMF annual meetings 2009. This page is being updated regularly.

4 October 2009

IFI governance


Evaluation: IMF trade policy advice biased

An evaluation by the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office finds that the IMF's trade policy work between 1996 and 2007 had patchy effectiveness, was "not evenhanded" and has "diminished credibility of IMF independence".

10 July 2009

IFI governance


World Bank-IMF spring meetings 2009

This page will be updated regularly with the latest news from the 2009 World Bank and IMF spring meetings

26 April 2009