Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

IFI governance


IMF multilateral surveillance lacks focus

The Independent Evaluation Office report on the Fund's multilateral surveillance concluded that the Fund's activities lacked focus and did not pay enough attention to analysing cross-border spillovers.

19 June 2006

IFI governance


IEO evaluation of the role of the IMF in the determination of the external financing envelope

Uncorrected highlights of a 21 April 2006 workshop hosted by the Independent Evaluation Office on their evaluation of the role of the IMF in the determination of the external financing envelope in sub-Saharan Africa.

8 May 2006 | Minutes



Evaluation of IMF finance assessments

The Independent Evaluation Office report on the Financial Sector Assessment Program describes the programme as a "distinct improvement" in the Fund's ability to conduct financial sector surveillance.

8 April 2006



UK reports on World Bank and IMF: More work to do

The UK's Department for International Development and Treasury released in late March annual reports on their relationship with the World Bank and the IMF respectively.

8 April 2006

IFI governance


IEO on IMF in Jordan: “moderately successful”

The Independent Evaluation Office has said that the IMF's role in Jordan in the period 1989 - 2004 was "moderately successful".

23 January 2006

IFI governance


IEO to evaluate Fund restrictions on African budgets

The IEO has released a draft issues paper for a planned evaluation of the Fund's role in determining aid resources in sub-Saharan Africa.

23 January 2006

IFI governance


The IMF to evaluate its role in determining aid resources to African countries

The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office is undertaking a timely review of the Fund's role in determining aid resources in sub-Saharan Africa, examining the Fund's policy advice and programme design in these countries and its impact.

20 December 2005

IFI governance


Uncorrected highlights of a meeting with Tom Bernes, Director, Independent Evaluation Office

Highlights of a meeting between the new head of the Independent Evaluation Office, Thomas Bernes, and UK NGOs.

8 December 2005 | Minutes

IFI governance


IEO new head, new work programme

In June, the IEO appointed a new head and finalised its work programme for fiscal year 2006.

12 September 2005



IMF, Bank reviews of financial sector reform

A flurry of reviews of the BWIs work in financial sector reform kicked off in March with the Fund's board review of the joint Bank-Fund financial sector assessment programme.

13 June 2005



Country ownership of PRSPs is restricted to “officialdom”

The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office recent review of the poverty reduction strategy paper concedes to shortcomings in the design of the initiative.

21 September 2004

IFI governance


IMF’s “role put into question”: Argentina crisis evaluation

The IMF's Independent Evalution Office has found that the Argentine crisis has done sizeable damage to the Fund's reputation: associating it with inappropriate policies, creating a perception that it lacked even-handedness in dealing with member countries, and putting its role in signalling sound policy environments into question.

21 September 2004