Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)



Country ownership of PRSPs is restricted to “officialdom”

The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office recent review of the poverty reduction strategy paper concedes to shortcomings in the design of the initiative.

21 September 2004

IFI governance


IMF’s “role put into question”: Argentina crisis evaluation

The IMF's Independent Evalution Office has found that the Argentine crisis has done sizeable damage to the Fund's reputation: associating it with inappropriate policies, creating a perception that it lacked even-handedness in dealing with member countries, and putting its role in signalling sound policy environments into question.

21 September 2004

IFI governance


IMF evaluation unit prepares work programme

The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office is seeking input on its 2004-2005 work programme before 22 December.

24 November 2003



IMF’s response to crisis “inadequate”

A new report by the IMF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) highlights mistakes in the handling of three major financial crises in the late 1990s (Indonesia, Korea and Brazil).

12 September 2003



IMF transparency still lagging on crucial issues

The Executive Board of the IMF met to discuss a revision of its procedures towards more transparency. While the IMF assimilates transparency efforts in the past few years to a ‘revolution’, critics point to major shortcomings hampering public scrutiny of IMF operations

21 July 2003



The World Bank, the IMF and “results”: increasing dominance in development policy lending

The World Bank and IMF are making an audacious grab to consolidate their roles as judge and jury of countries’ policies with a plan to conduct “regular reporting on the implementation of the policies and actions for achieving the MDGs and related development outcomes”.

1 April 2003 | At Issue



South Asian PRSP processes slated

Civil society groups in Bangladesh and Pakistan have rejected the PRSP process in their countries. They complain about flawed participation and persistent IMF and World Bank influence on the content of the documents.

28 January 2003



IMF evaluation office: too technocratic ?

Correspondence between the IEO and the Bretton Woods Project following the publication of its first report

26 November 2002 | Letters

WB/IMF roles


New IMF evaluation report

The IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office has completed its first study.

17 September 2002

IFI governance


IMF evaluator clarifies position

Following the article in Bretton Woods Update 26 on the announcement by the IMF Evaluation Office of its work programme, its Director sent a letter clarifying his position.

25 March 2002

IFI governance


Letter from head of IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office

Response to IMF Evaluation Office Announces Programme, article in Bretton Woods Update 26.

25 March 2002 | Letters



Latest developments: World Bank Extractive Industries Review

NGOs’ concerns have been taken into consideration by the Eminent Person, Dr.

4 February 2002