The new buzz word in the global architecture debate is PSI - Private Sector Involvement.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
IMF Reviews Crisis Conditionality
An IMF team has started a review of the conditions it applied to bail out South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Brazil.
IFI governance
Danger US Right wing will dominate reform agenda
The Meltzer Report has renewed fears that the debate on International Financial Institution (IFI) reform will be heavily skewed towards right-wing interests.
UN Finance for development conference
It has been agreed that a high level United Nations meeting on Finance for Development will be held in 2001 involving political decision-makers at least at the ministerial level.
IFI governance
Horst Köhler new IMF head
A vote by the IMF Board has confirmed Horst K
IFI governance
G8 to G30
Michel Camdessus, former IMF Managing Director, has proposed that the G8 should be expanded to the G30, to include all countries represented on the IMF and World Bank boards plus representatives from the IMF, WB and UN institutions.
IFI governance
IMF succession process “secretive and undemocratic”
More than 120 NGOs and academics in 38 countries demanded an end to the secretive and undemocratic process for appointing the IMF Managing Director.
Social services
Health Commission set up
The IMF and World Bank will participate in a commission of eminent economists chaired by Jeffrey Sachs on Macroeconomics and Health.
IFI governance
Treasury Committee supports UK transparency
The UK should be more transparent about the decisions it takes at the IMF recommends the UK’s Treasury Committee in its February 2000 report on the IMF.
Bank/Fund videos wanted
Friends of the Earth International, one of the main organisers of the NGO events surrounding the Annual meeting of the World Bank and IMF, this September in Prague, is organising a two day video festival, where documentaries related to IMF/World Bank activities will be shown for a wide audience, connected with debates and presentations.
IFI governance
Ahmed makes a surprise move to IMF
In a surprise move, which has raised further questions about overlap between the Bank and the IMF, Masood Ahmed, World Bank Vice President responsible for poverty reduction has been appointed Deputy Director of the IMF’s policy department.
African heads warn against new conditionality
African heads of state met in Libreville, Gabon in January to discuss the economic agenda for Africa in the new millennium.