Rich countries agree to provide a paltry $300 billion in public finance by 2035 including funds channelled through MDBs, as Small Island States and Least Developed Countries stage walkout.

Rich countries agree to provide a paltry $300 billion in public finance by 2035 including funds channelled through MDBs, as Small Island States and Least Developed Countries stage walkout.
Amid escalating transition minerals mining, the expected 2025 review of IFC’s Performance Standards must result in a new approach.
The success of the World Bank Evolution Roadmap will depend on developed countries' willingness to bridge the gap with developing countries by increasing Global South decision-making power and committing to a capital increase.
Despite continued public rhetoric about importance of civil society engagement, Bank is yet to commit to holding a public consultation period on its Paris alignment approach.
World Bank and other MDBs fail to sign on to general declaration as multilateral leadership on solutions to climate, debt and inequality crises remains inadequate.
New energy policy sees European Investment Bank end support for unabated coal, oil and gas from 2021.
Move comes after concerted civil society campaign calling for ‘fossil-free EIB’.
A June petition signed by more than 120,000 people called on IFIs, “to immediately stop funding for projects that are located in protected areas.”
152 CSOs call demand World Bank halt its aggressive support of PPPs, publicaly recognise their significant risks.
Co-financing arrangements and increased World Bank-AIIB cooperation on mega-infrastructure projects represent a dangerous global trend that threatens human rights and locks in a failed development model.
The World Bank has announced funding for the controversial Southern Gas Corridor, while exiting two other high profile but problematic megaprojects, Inga 3 in Democratic Republic of Congo and Simandou in Guinea.
Report finds Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are not doing enough to eliminate the risk of public money being complicit in tax avoidance schemes.