European Investment Bank (EIB)

IFI governance


Only 22% of info requests fulfilled

A new study released in October by the Global Transparency Initiative undermines IFI claims to increased transparency.

23 November 2006



Time to listen to Lesotho! - The World Bank and its new anti-corruption agenda

Comment piece by Hennie Van Vuuren on corruption and bribery in the Bank-supported Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme

11 September 2006 | Guest comment



The Bank and Fund: do civil society groups in the Arab region realise what’s going on?

Comment by the Arab NGO Network for Development on the need for civil society in the region to take a more active role in monitoring the work of the IFIs.

21 November 2005 | Guest comment

IFI governance


Transparency charter for IFIs

The Global Transparency Initiative will be holding a three-month consultation starting 28 September, on a draft charter of transparency principles which the international financial institutions should uphold.

12 September 2005



Slow progress on World Bank’s oil, gas and mining commitments

Update on the World Bank Group’s progress on the management response to the Extractive Industries Review. Problems relating to the BTC pipeline on its inauguration. Summary of the book The risks we run, on political risk insurance and the mining industry.

13 June 2005



Board approves Nam Theun 2 dam in Lao PDR

Bank approves support for Nam Theun 2 dam in Lao PDR despite controversy and strength of international opposition

1 April 2005



IFIwatchnet in your region … and in video!

IFIwatchnet has established regional animators and will soon add multimedia resources.

27 July 2004

IFI governance


The politics of multilateral institutions

A new book by two researchers at the University of Oslo describes the structure and decision-making processes of multilateral institutions.

26 May 2003