Other International Financial Institutions


Protests against Bank meeting in India

On 17 January 150 people were arrested in Bhopal while marching against World Bank and Asian Development Bank policies.

6 February 2001



Mexican NGOs demand transparency

In November Mexican civil society networks greeted incoming president, Vincente Fox, with a letter calling for greater transparency and accountability in the country’s decision making processes.

12 December 2000

IFI governance


US Roles In Bank Examined

A new book sets out current issues in multilateral development bank reform and the way that the US pushes its interests in the institutions.

14 June 2000



Ecuador crisis leads to indigenous peoples’ uprising

In January, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), and other social movements led an uprising in protest at the worsening economic situation which resulted in the resignation of the president, Jamil Mahuad.

15 April 2000



WB-IMF orthodoxy rivalled by Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), led by its new head Masaru Yoshitomi, has mounted an attack on the IMF’s use of conventional policies for dealing with the crisis in Asia and plans to hold meetings and seminars to challenge the IMF’s approach at the Bank/Fund annual meetings.

15 September 1999



Bolivia-Brazil Pipeline

The details of ensuring implementation of World Bank operational policies are explored in a recent report from the Bank Information Center.

15 June 1999



Brazilians protest spending cuts

Brazilian NGOs, trade unions, students and opposition parties protested outside the World Bank’s office in Brasilia against the government’s agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Bank’s decision to suspend loans to two state governments.

15 March 1999