The unfolding debt crisis threatens IDA’s support for 75 low-income countries, without replenishment of grant resources.
International Development Association (IDA)
IFI governance
G20 press conference analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Concrete actions fail to materialise despite strong Brazilian push
In the absence of a G20 Communiqué or Chair statement, Brazilian minister of finance, head of the central bank and other senior officials took questions at a short press conference, with discussion focused on the impact of continued restrictive US monetary policy on the global debt and development finance and the need for more responsive and better capitalised MDBs.
IFI governance
V20 communiqué analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Climate vulnerable countries issue call to action, as net-negative flows result in ‘millions in, billions out’ amid growing debt burdens
V20 members are expected to pay $904.7 billion in debt service between 2022-2030, as debt, lack of financing and low projected growth hampers prospects for green economic transformation.
IFI governance
G24 communiqué analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Calls for reform, not protectionism
The Spring 2024 G24 communiqué puts pressure on the BWIs to use their influence where it’s needed, including calls to suspend and review surcharges, offer the biggest ever IDA replenishment, suppot the UN Tax Convention, and avoid protectionist policies.
IFI governance
Spring Meetings 2024 Wrap Up: Despite mounting crises, persistent lack of political will to match rhetoric with action remains
Urgent BWIs reforms remain hostage to lack of political will in Global North as the G20 failed to deliver on important issues within a fragmented geopolitical situation.
IFI governance
Development Committee chair’s statement analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Bank shareholder division hinders reforms required to address global challenges
Despite the Development Committee advocating for increased international cooperation, persistent geopolitical fragmentation constrains the much-needed reforms essential for addressing 21st-century challenges.
IFI governance
Spring Meetings 2024 Preamble: Bretton Woods Institutions continue to sleepwalk through crises as 80th anniversary of Bretton Woods Conference approaches
At a time when transformative changes on governance and development financing are required, the World Bank and IMF have instead opted for a slimmed down Spring Meetings schedule.
IFI governance
IDA21: Moving beyond a focus on ‘historic’ replenishment
Calls for a ‘historic’ IDA21 replenishment risk diverting attention from the policy framework necessary for IDA to support countries to break their dependence on development finance and undertake the ecologically sustainable and just economic transformation long sought by their populations.
Other news
Banga calls energy access a ‘human right’ as he announces World Bank will provide access for 250 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030
Explicit mention of human rights obligations has long been a taboo subject at the World Bank.
Significant IDA21 replenishment required as need for concessional finance grows
Rich countries need to agree to an ambitious IDA21 replenishment to address compounding economic and liquidity crises, causing high levels of debt distress in low-income countries.
IFI governance
Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum panel 19 April titled, "Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about soci0-economic transformation?"
IFI governance
Navigating Africa’s debt conundrum amid multiple crisis: Looking beyond the G20 Common Framework
Notes from the Civil Society Policy From on 13 April titled "Navigating Africa’s debt conundrum amid multiple crisis: Looking beyond the G20 Common Framework."
A different ‘evolution roadmap’: Havana conference calls for changes in world order hierarchy
As IMF and World Bank tinker at margins, 50 policymakers, diplomats and academics from over 26 countries issue Havana Declaration calling for an assertion of Southern power and the building of a new "planetary bloc".
IFI governance
Greening whole economies? Unpacking World Bank plans for Paris alignment by July 2023
Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum event on 14 October titled "Greening whole economies? Unpacking World Bank plans for Paris alignment by July 2023."
The Bretton Woods Project welcomes new gender project staff
BWP is pleased to welcome Friederike Strub as our Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Lead and Amy McShane as Gender Project Officer.
Social services
Global Day of Action against the IMF and World Bank rejects corporate recovery agenda
Civil society day of action rejects corporate agenda and greenwashing in World Bank and IMF Covid-19 recovery.