The unfolding debt crisis threatens IDA’s support for 75 low-income countries, without replenishment of grant resources.
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Private Sector
What is the International Finance Corporation (IFC)?
This Inside the Institutions explores the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group’s private sector arm. It examines the function of the IFC as a development institution focused solely on private sector solutions to development and considers civil society critiques.
IFI governance
Spring Meetings 2024 Wrap Up: Despite mounting crises, persistent lack of political will to match rhetoric with action remains
Urgent BWIs reforms remain hostage to lack of political will in Global North as the G20 failed to deliver on important issues within a fragmented geopolitical situation.
IFI governance
Development Committee chair’s statement analysis Spring Meetings 2024: Bank shareholder division hinders reforms required to address global challenges
Despite the Development Committee advocating for increased international cooperation, persistent geopolitical fragmentation constrains the much-needed reforms essential for addressing 21st-century challenges.
IFI governance
Spring Meetings 2024 Preamble: Bretton Woods Institutions continue to sleepwalk through crises as 80th anniversary of Bretton Woods Conference approaches
At a time when transformative changes on governance and development financing are required, the World Bank and IMF have instead opted for a slimmed down Spring Meetings schedule.
IFI governance
IDA21: Moving beyond a focus on ‘historic’ replenishment
Calls for a ‘historic’ IDA21 replenishment risk diverting attention from the policy framework necessary for IDA to support countries to break their dependence on development finance and undertake the ecologically sustainable and just economic transformation long sought by their populations.
Another day, another IFC scandal
A Telegraph exposé unveils how a private hospital group in India which received £120 million in IFC investment since 2005 was running an illegal organ trading scheme, adding to a growing number of IFC-funded scandals.
World Bank land tenure approach contributes to displacement and food insecurity
The World Bank’s efforts to increase security of land tenure have largely amounted to a ‘formalisation’ of land property rights, which reinforce land inequalities and the disenfranchisement of rural peoples.
Other news
Banga calls energy access a ‘human right’ as he announces World Bank will provide access for 250 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030
Explicit mention of human rights obligations has long been a taboo subject at the World Bank.
IFC trade finance continues to invest in fossil fuels, with no board oversight
New research by Urgewald finds that the World Bank Group invested an estimated $3.7 billion in oil and gas developments in 2022 via trade financing.
IFI governance
Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about socio-economic transformation?
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum panel 19 April titled, "Beyond size in IDA21 replenishment: What about soci0-economic transformation?"
IFI governance
When exits and accountability collide: What happens when IFC exits projects mid-accountability process?
Notes from Civil Society Policy Forum on Thursday, 18 April titled, "When exits & accountability collide: What happens when IFC exits projects mid-accountability process?"
Civil society raises concerns of widespread IFC noncompliance with its own Performance Standards on greenhouse gas emissions
New analysis by Bank Climate Advocates of 300 projects found IFC failed to follow its own guidelines on ‘emissions quantification, alternatives analysis, mitigation, disclosure and affected communities impact assessment’.
A different ‘evolution roadmap’: Havana conference calls for changes in world order hierarchy
As IMF and World Bank tinker at margins, 50 policymakers, diplomats and academics from over 26 countries issue Havana Declaration calling for an assertion of Southern power and the building of a new "planetary bloc".
IFI governance
Implications of financial deepening for inequality and its impact on gender, poverty, and marginalization
Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum panel on 14 October 2022 titled "Implications of financial deepening for inequality and its impact on gender, poverty, and marginalization."
IFI governance
Greening whole economies? Unpacking World Bank plans for Paris alignment by July 2023
Notes from a Civil Society Policy Forum event on 14 October titled "Greening whole economies? Unpacking World Bank plans for Paris alignment by July 2023."