World Bank Group

Private Sector


Confusion about WB private sector review

Government officials who negotiated contributions to the Bank’s IDA 12 lending window agreed with the Bank that “a clear private sector development strategy should be established for the World bank Group during the course of 1999 to guide the work of the IBRD, IDA, IFC and MIGA”.

15 March 1999

Social services


Indonesian safety nets condemned

The coordination, coverage and targetting of public works schemes in Indonesia, part of the Bank’s safety-net programme, has been poor, and resources have been diverted for other uses.

15 March 1999



Corporate lobbying at the Bank exposed

A recent article in the Legal Times alleges that there is significant corporate lobbying of the World Bank.

15 March 1999



Democracy and civil society rise up Bank’s agenda

At the end of February the World Bank and the Government of Korea hosted a conference entitled Democracy, Market Economy and Development.

15 March 1999



Exchange highlights continuing Bank resettlement problems in India

At the half-way mark of the Bank’s controversial Coal India Environmental and Social Mitigation project local groups have criticised aspects of resettlement implementation.

15 March 1999



Bank/Fund growth model questioned

Both ENDS and the Bretton Woods Project co-organised a roundtable meeting in early March to discuss the World Bank and IMF’s core economic models.

15 March 1999



Bank approach to social capital criticised

Ben Fine, Professor of Economics at SOAS, University of London, has produced a 30,000 word paper which reviews and severely critiques the World Bank’s approach to social capital.

15 March 1999

Private Sector


New IFC chief expresses need for new inspiration

Peter Woicke, new Executive Vice President of IFC (the World Bank’s private finance investment arm) told IFC magazine Impact why he left J.P. Morgan Securities after 29 years.

15 March 1999



Last ditch attempt to save Inspection Panel

On March 24 the World Bank Board will hold a special consultation session about likely changes to the Bank’s Independent Inspection Panel.

15 March 1999



Narmada dam construction restarts

Construction has restarted on the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) dam, Western India, after a decision by the Supreme Court.

15 March 1999

IFI governance


Bank participation in carbon fund in doubt

The World Bank may have failed to secure European financial support for the Prototype Carbon Fund, one of the controversial carbon-trading schemes devised to implement the Kyoto climate change protocol.

15 March 1999



Dams Commission workplan nears completion

The World Commission on Dams has nearly completed its workplan and selected consultants to lead work on the thematic reviews.

15 March 1999