World Bank Group

IFI governance


Senior Bank environment post kept after NGO letter

A joint NGO letter recently helped prevent a plan by World Bank Managing Directors to axe the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (ESSD).

15 September 1998

IFI governance


New analysis of how to change the Bank

MIT Press has just published a fascinating analysis of efforts to change the World Bank.

15 September 1998



Mining conference

A World Bank conference this July in Padang, Papua New Guinea, discussed “mining and the community in South-East Asia” but many NGOs known to represent mine-affected people were not invited.

15 September 1998

IFI governance


Oxfam Guide examines participation

An Oxfam publication by Tricia Feeney provides a very useful analysis of approaches to participation in development projects.

15 September 1998



Experts criticise Chad-Cameroon Oil Plans

Critical findings from a World Bank environmental team have set back the planned approval of World Bank support for the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline.

15 September 1998



NGO approach debated

In March the Bank Board discussed the Bank’s approach to NGOs.

15 April 1998



Faith meets finance

In February World Bank President James Wolfensohn met the leaders of nine religious faiths to discuss views on development.

15 April 1998



CAS analysis improves, but still limited

The quality of Bank country assistance strategies (CASs) has improved in the last two years, concludes a recent Bank review.

15 April 1998

IFI governance


Bank reform: what’s new?

In April the Bank’s Board discussed a progress report on the Strategic Compact: Wolfensohn’s reform package agreed one year ago.

15 April 1998

IFI governance


Adjusting the SPA

Donor procedures and aid coordination have improved and resource flows to Sub-Saharan African countries increased under the Special Programme of Assistance for Africa (SPA), according to a recent report.

15 April 1998



South Africa dam claim

The World Bank’s Inspection Panel has received a complaint from residents of Alexandra township, Johannesburg, about “Phase 1B” of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), which involves diverting water from the mountains of Lesotho to South Africa’s industrial heartland.

15 April 1998



Are the 2015 targets realistic?

A new World Bank paper asks whether and how the international development targets (formerly known as “DAC targets”) for reducing poverty and improving social and environmental indicators might be achieved.

15 April 1998