Calls for a ‘historic’ IDA21 replenishment risk diverting attention from the policy framework necessary for IDA to support countries to break their dependence on development finance and undertake the ecologically sustainable and just economic transformation long sought by their populations.
World Bank Group
The World Bank and climate finance: Success story or a new era of green ‘structural adjustment’?
This Inside the Institutions analyses the World Bank's climate finance, examining its impact on low- and middle-income countries' climate objectives.
Social services
Beyond the World Bank: The fight for universal social protection in the Global South
The World Bank Group promotes a model of social protection via poverty-targeted programmes that are error-strewn and can cause social unease, and set back progress towards universal social protection.
Another day, another IFC scandal
A Telegraph exposé unveils how a private hospital group in India which received £120 million in IFC investment since 2005 was running an illegal organ trading scheme, adding to a growing number of IFC-funded scandals.
Indonesia JETP's promotion of renewable energy privatisation opposed by unions and civil society
Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership bears the clear handprint of the World Bank’s private-sector led approach to power sectors in the Global South, creating opposition from unions and civil society.
World Bank land tenure approach contributes to displacement and food insecurity
The World Bank’s efforts to increase security of land tenure have largely amounted to a ‘formalisation’ of land property rights, which reinforce land inequalities and the disenfranchisement of rural peoples.
Opportunity lost: World Bank's Roadmap fails to chart path to better development outcomes
Civil society renews calls for an independent external evaluation of Bank policies ahead of Spring Meetings’ focus on the operationalisation of the Roadmap and a ‘historic’ IDA21 replenishment.
Gambling with the planet’s future? World Bank Development Policy Finance, ‘green’ conditionality, and the push for a private-led energy transition
BWP's review of energy sector conditionality in World Bank Development Policy Financing from fiscal years 2018 to 2023 reveals the Bank has followed a pattern of promoting neoliberal reforms in many countries' energy sectors, with climate action increasingly being viewed as the rationale for these changes.
Private Sector
World Bank embarks on pilot phase of Business Ready Project, disregarding civil society concerns
B-READY pilot 1 covering 51 countries is released, ignoring CSO concerns about the project’s flawed “private-sector first” agenda.
World Bank project fails to protect Tanzanian pastoralists from serious human rights abuses
New report by Oakland Institute shows World Bank failing to uphold human rights standards resulting in violent assaults and evictions of Tanzanian pastoralists.
World Bank makes developing countries wait on Loss and Damage Fund demands
Bank may not respond to asks until June, at the earliest, raising questions about timeline for fund’s operationalisation.
Social services
The World Bank's water privatisation agenda neglects fundamental human rights
World Bank's water privatisation agenda directly clashes with its poverty alleviation goals, disregarding water as a basic human right.