Compliance mechanisms



IFC oil field in Kazakhstan flouts disclosure, safeguards policies

Summary of environmental health problems and human rights violations related to the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field

10 April 2005



Bank facilitates illegal logging in Cambodia

According to NGOs, the World Bank has facilitated illegal logging in Cambodia, violating its own operational policies in the process.

10 April 2005



Chad-Cameroon pipeline: Corruption and double standards

The Bank’s claim that the Chad-Cameroon oil and pipeline project proves that petro-dollars can benefit the poor is undermined by the claims of local communities and NGOs who cite numerous examples of violations of social and environmental safeguards.

15 November 2004



Coal India: Bank Board demands minimal action

The World Bank Board has responded to a critical findings of its own Inspection Panel, but has done little to remedy the situation of the local people who have suffered.

8 September 2003



IFC project on Bushmen’s land

Most of the Bushmen of a Kalahari reserve in Botswana have been evicted to make way for exploitation of diamonds. Now the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is funding further exploration.

26 May 2003



Citizen complaint mechanisms in the World Bank Group

A brief outline of the workings of the Inspection Panel and the Compliance Adviser Ombudsman, the two principal complaint mechanisms of the World Bank.

25 May 2003 | Inside the institutions



Argentinian groups challenge IMF pressure on utility prices

Members of Argentine civil society organisations, Jimena Garrote and Ezequiel Nino, discuss a complaint filed with the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), denouncing the pressure exerted by IMF representatives in negotiations with the Argentine government.

1 April 2003



Panel claim in Ecuador

The Prodeminca mining project in Ecuador, officially called the Ecuadorian Mining and Environment Technical Assistance Project, involves a loan for $14 million that was approved in 1994.

15 April 2000



Brazil land reform Panel request denied

The second Inspection Panel claim on the pilot phase of the Brazilian land reform project, commonly known as Cedula da Terra, was denied for reasons of eligibility of the requesters.

15 April 2000



Board approves Inspection Panel changes

In late April, after a contentious internal review, the World Bank Board approved changes to its Inspection Panel, the forum for citizen complaints about Bank-financed projects that harm people and the environment.

15 June 1999