As the CAO publishes its assessment report of its investigation into allegations of human rights violations by IFC-funded APPL, Tata Tea's parent company in Assam new evidence emerges of the IFC's failings.
IFC fails to act on human rights abuses in Honduras
IFC accountability mechanism formally links World Bank client to human rights abuses on palm oil project in Honduras, and highlights systemic problems with IFC procedures.
CSO response to the CAO investigation into IFC investment in Corporación Dinant, Honduras
An international statement, signed by 70 organisations, in response to the publication in mid January of a CAO audit and the IFC response and action plan related to IFC investment in Corporación Dinant, Honduras.
Social services
Palestinian NGOs reject Red Sea-Dead Sea canal
In the wake of the April publication of the World Bank funded feasibility study of the Red Sea – Dead Sea canal, a coalition of 19 Palestinian organisations and three experts have rejected the plan and described the participation process as a “mockery”.
IFC financed tea plantation investigated over human rights violations
An in-depth investigation is currently being taken out by the CAO into human rights violations on IFC financed Tata tea plantations.
World Bank push for agribusiness in Africa
A World Bank report on land governance has been criticised by NGOs. Meanwhile the Bank pushed ahead with the Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture initiative despite civil society concerns.
Civil society meeting with Stewart James, UK Alternate Executive Director to the World Bank
Minutes of CSO meeting with Stewart James, UK Alternate Executive Director to the World Bank, 15 July 2013
Private Sector
IFC financed 'land grabs' in Cambodia, Laos and Honduras exposed
While the World Bank's leadership is further embracing private equity funds, the IFC's investment in financial intermediaries is again hitting the headlines over allegations of 'land grabs' in South East Asia and lack of respect for indigenous people's rights in Honduras.
World Bank moves on 'land grabs'
In April World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said that the Bank shares the concerns "about the risks associated with large-scale land acquisitions" and that "additional efforts must be made to build capacity and safeguards related to land rights".
Thai CSOs walk out of FCPF process
In mid April four independent advisers to the UN urged that all of the World Bank's activities should be included in the Bank's safeguards review to ensure consistency with international human rights standards.