A report by the IMF’s evaluation arm faulted the Fund’s overuse of structural conditionality and partially blamed donors for the problem, but civil society critics of conditionality are not satisfied with the scope of the report or the changes accepted by the Fund.
UK report on its activities at the World Bank
In late November, the UK released its third report on its relationship with the World Bank, disappointing in the coverage and depth of its analysis.
Less carrot, more stick please
As negotiations close over donations to the World Bank's financing arm for low income countries, civil society groups have expressed disappointment over the failure to make progress on conditionality, debt sustainability, allocation or impact assessment.
More Bank 'aid for trade'
Heads of the IFIs were in Geneva in November for a WTO conference to take stock of its aid for trade taskforce.
More IMF staffing to deal with poor countries?
In mid-October the IMF board considered the next in a series of policy papers defining the Fund’s role in low-income countries, but the board was divided on whether the institution should commit more resources (meaning staff time) to work in poor countries
Macroeconomic aspects of aid scaling up and the role of the Fund
Highlights of a 21 October discussion on the macroeconomics of aid scaling up at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.
Wage bill ceilings, fiscal and monetary policies and absorbing aid inflows - updates and next steps
Highlights of a 20 October discussion on the the IMF's fiscal and monetary policy advice and conditionality for low-income countries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.
Seminar on the new aid architecture in health: the way forward
Highlights of a seminar on the new aid architecture in health as part of the Programme of Seminars on 19 October at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.
Programme conditions, project safeguards: Quo vadis World Bank?
This briefing clarifies the landscape of programme conditions and project safeguards and what it implies for a move towards responsible lending standards.
IFI governance
Questioning the IFC's impact "without embarrassment"
In August, the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) released its evaluation of the development results of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), finding that of the 627 projects surveyed, 59 per cent are claimed to have achieved a high development rating.