


Evaluation finds that IMF misleads the public about its role in Africa

A report released by the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the IMF criticises the role of the IMF in managing aid inflows to Sub-Saharan Africa, but fails to address more fundamental questions about the Fund’s role in low-income countries.

2 April 2007

IFI governance


La respuesta no está solamente en el crecimiento: Evaluación llama la atención

En diciembre del 2006, el organismo de evaluación del Banco Mundial publicó un informe mostrando que las estrategias de crecimiento no habían hecho lo suficiente para ayudar a las personas viviendo en la pobreza, y que el Banco había fallado al no evaluar bien los impactos de distribución de sus recomendaciones políticas.

19 February 2007

IFI governance


Growth alone is not the answer: evaluation chides World Bank

In early December the World Bank’s evaluation body released a report which found that the Bank’s growth strategies have not done enough to help the poor, and that the Bank has failed to sufficiently assess the distributional impacts of its policy recommendations.

31 January 2007

IFI governance


Knowledge Bank-rupted: Evaluation says key World Bank research ‘not remotely reliable’

An evaluation by a panel of self-described ‘academic superstars’ has cast doubt over the independence and reliability of World Bank research.

31 January 2007

IFI governance


"Insatisfactorio" el manejo del Banco de los Estados frágiles

En septiembre de 2006 el Grupo Independiente de Evaluación (IEG, sigla en inglés) publicó su revisión sobre el apoyo del Banco Mundial a los 'Estados frágiles'.

15 December 2006



Growth commission latest

The workplan of the Bank's independent commission on growth has now been clarified.

23 November 2006

IFI governance


Bank’s handling of fragile states “unsatisfactory”

In September the Independent Evaluation Group released its review of World Bank support to 'fragile states'.

23 November 2006



Roundtable on aid effectiveness

Highlights of a roundtable on aid effectiveness with Sebastien Mallaby, Washington Post columnist, Steve Radelet, CGD, Saifur Rahman, Bangladeshi minister of finance, and Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, Ugandan central bank governor.

27 September 2005



Taken for granted? US Proposals to Reform the World Bank’s IDA Examined

US debt campaigners are siding with the Bush administration against European leaders and other NGOs over a key source of finance for the world’s 79 poorest countries. Discussions on the pros and cons of providing grants instead of loans through IDA appear deadlocked (March 2002).

25 March 2002 | Briefings



Assessing Assessing Aid

A discussion and critique of the main points in a prominent World Bank report on aid policy and conditionality - “Assessing Aid, What Works, What Doesn’t and Why”. The Bank’s report is very frank about the many failures of aid financing, but its proposals of targeting finance to good performing countries are controversial (1999).

15 January 1999 | Briefings