


World Bank debarred software provider

In December 2008 the World Bank declared that it had debarred Satyam Computer Services for providing "improper benefits to bank staff".

16 February 2009



Combating tax flight: ending evasion and reducing avoidance

Norway, Germany, IMF, WOrld Bank and experts discuss tackling tax evasion and capital flight.

11 October 2008 | Minutes



The World Bank and water privatisation: public money down the drain

Though the World Bank may be changing its formerly dogmatic approach to full privatisation of the water sector, key cases in Tanzania, Armenia, Zambia and India highlight that the Bank may not be learning quickly enough and that the poor may be left both without improved water and paying for botched privatisations.

26 September 2008

IFI governance


Evaluation faults Bank's 'same old formula' for public sector reforms

In May, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) released its evaluation of Bank support for public sector reform, giving high marks for looking after the books, but failing grades for reforming the civil service and rooting out corruption.

17 June 2008



World Bank and procurement: Development tool or TNC sop?

A new study on the Bank's push for procurement reform suggests that a narrow focus on value for money may undermine the ability of governments to use procurement as a tool for development; meanwhile US and European corporate lobbyists continue to pressure the Bank to go slow on the use of developing countries' own procurement systems.

1 April 2008

IFI governance


Zoellick and corruption: A new approach?

World Bank president Robert Zoellick's handling of corruption in India and changes to the anti-corruption unit, signal a different approach to the problem from predecessor Paul Wolfowitz.

1 February 2008



Townhall meeting and reception with World Bank and IMF presidents and civil society representatives

Highlights of an 18 October 'town hall' meeting between WB-IMF heads and CSOs.

23 October 2007 | Minutes



Bank takes on illicit flows

Together with the UN, the Bank has backed the Stolen Asset Recovery initiative to recoup the assets stolen from developing countries, estimated at up to $1.6 billion per year.

5 October 2007



What steps will the World Bank take to combat corruption?

With the release of an action plan for tackling corruption and an independent review of the anti-corruption unit, the issue remains high on the World Bank's agenda.

5 October 2007



London consultation on the implementation plan of the World Bank's Governance and Anti-Corruption (G

Highlights of a consultation on the implementation plan of the World Bank's Governance and Anti-Corruption strategy, held in London 19 September 2007.

20 September 2007 | Minutes