


The IFCs lessons of experience & the Chad-Cameroon oil and pipeline project

In September 2006 the IFC published its first issue of a new publication entitled Lessons of Experience. However, the IFC's lessons drawn from the external compliance monitoring group in the Chad-Cameroon project read more like a tool to market the concept of external monitors to IFC clients than lessons meant to design a more effective role for the external monitor in improving implementation of social and environmental commitments.

23 November 2006 | Briefings



World Bank corruption fight drags on

The World Bank's anti-corruption framework was the subject of one of the most bruising Development Committee debates in memory at the annual meetings. Further challenges for the Bank include the impact of a rapid rise in Chinese lending to developing countries on anti-corruption efforts, and debt campaigners use of the corruption issue to highlight creditor responsibility for 'illegitimate lending'.

23 November 2006



German firm debarred over Lesotho fraud

In November, the Bank debarred German engineering firm Lahmeyer International over bribery convictions in the Lesotho Highlands Water project.

23 November 2006



Global Transparency Initiative (GTI) - regional launch

This is a summary of the Global Transparency Initiative (GTI) regional launch held at Westminster on the 2nd of November 2006.

15 November 2006 | Minutes



Highlights of UK NGO meeting with Paul Wolfowitz

Highlights from a UK NGO meeting held with Paul Wolfowitz, head of the World Bank, in London on 13 November 2006. Issues covered include: the Bank's anti-corruption framework; financing 'fragile' states; conditionality; debt; and the extractive industry, energy infrastructure and climate change

15 November 2006 | Minutes

IFI governance


Highlights of Hilary Benn meeting with UK NGOs

Highlights of semi-annual meeting between UK Secretary of State for International Development and UK NGOs. Topics covered include CSO access to annual meetings, conditionality, anti-corruption, odious debt, clean energy, education in LICUS, bank internal governance, IFC safeguards

26 October 2006 | Minutes

IFI governance


Highlights of Tom Scholar meeting with UK NGOs

Highlights of quarterly meeting between UK executive director to the World Bank and IMF and UK NGOs. Topics covered include CSO access to annual meetings, IMF strategic review, conditionality, anti-corruption and education.

26 September 2006 | Minutes



Time to listen to Lesotho! - The World Bank and its new anti-corruption agenda

Comment piece by Hennie Van Vuuren on corruption and bribery in the Bank-supported Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme

11 September 2006 | Guest comment



Bank anti-corruption framework: "A lot of rhetoric and arm-waving"?

Amidst a storm of controversy about the causes and solutions to corruption, the World Bank has announced a corruption amnesty and released an anti-corruption framework. The issue is high on the global development agenda, as the Bank pulls project finance in Indonesia and Cambodia, and the fiasco continues over oil revenues in Chad.

11 September 2006



Evaluation echoes civil society critique of World Bank-IMF debt relief efforts

An evaluation of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative by the Bank's Independent Evaluation Group released in April begs the question what next for debt relief efforts.

19 June 2006