


Beware the big, bland wolf: The first year of Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank

What has most surprised World Bank watchers is how little Paul Wolfowitz has changed the institution he took over one year ago. On Africa, infrastructure, and debt relief, he has stayed the course - for better or worse - set by his predecessor James Wolfensohn.

5 June 2006



El Banco Mundial arranca la corrupción: ¿Tocará las raíces?

Una serie de suspensiones de préstamos e investigaciones internas tiene a todos en el Banco Mundial hablando sobre la corrupción. A pesar de las movidas de alto perfil del Presidente Paul Wolfowitz, las raáces de la corrupción: funcionarios oficiales mal pagados, la aceptación del soborno por los grandes negocios, y el dinero sucio, continúan sin ser solucionadas.

4 May 2006



Debt, conditionality and corruption: Civil society strategy session

Highlights of a 20 April civil society strategy session in Washington on debt, conditionality and corruption.

28 April 2006 | Minutes



The World Bank weeds out corruption: Will it touch the roots?

A series of loan suspensions and internal investigations has everyone at the World Bank talking about corruption; despite high-profile moves by president Paul Wolfowitz, the root causes of corruption - underpaid civil servants, an acceptance of bribery by big business, and dirty money - remain largely unaddressed.

8 April 2006



Bank freezes pipeline funds to Chad

Bank freezes Chad's funds following government violation of agreement with Bank over the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline

20 January 2006 | Resource



World Bank anti-corruption: discourse versus practice

A new report from corruption watchdog Transparency International indicates that despite improved efforts by the World Bank on corruption ahead of other regional development banks, there is still a striking inconsistency between the discourse and practice of the Bank. A new US anti-corruption bill and an oil revenue agreement with Chad are the latest tests.

21 November 2005



Infrastructure update: Wolfowitz "watching for arrogance"

Highlights of a Bank-CSO meeting where Kathy Sierra, Bank vice-president for infrastructure, struck a conciliatory tone, saying that the Bank "intended to learn the lessons of the past".

27 September 2005



G8 cancellation of World Bank, IMF debt: "step forward"

Finance ministers of the world's richest countries agreed to write off $40 to $55 billion of debts owed to the World Bank, IMF and African Development Bank. Statements on aid effectiveness and trade in the final communiqu

13 June 2005

IFI governance


Bank research: no improvement in governance

World Bank researchers Kaufmann and Kraay have released the latest edition of their governance indicators, finding no improvement in global governance.

13 June 2005



Fugitive in five-star hotel, IMF foots bill

The IMF is paying the luxury hotel bill of a former employee now facing corruption charges, according to the Argentine daily Clarin.

22 November 2004